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Titan A.E./YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Author's Saving Throw]]: See [[Explosive Decompression]] in the main page.
* [[Awesome Music]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKlMOblghiQ The] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duE_pFsWWaA whole ] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcnF1ioaBr4 soundtrack].
* [[Complete Monster]]: Preed, a slimy Akrennian barely tolerated even by the others on-board the Valkyrie, makes a name for himself as a backstabbing snake as his true colors unfold throughout the novel. Contacted by Susquehana with the promise of monetary reward for finding the Titan, Preed and his compatriot Joseph Korso betray the other members of the Valkyrie to the Drej. Preed quickly establishes himself as the viler of the two between him and Korso, nearly shooting his way through an entire crowd of innocent colonists to get to Cale and Akima and displaying open, sadistic relish at the prospect of doing so. Once at the Titan itself, Preed turns his gun against Korso and reveals his intention to simply murder all of his former allies and sell out the Titan to the Drej, dooming any chance humanity has to repopulate — and then kicking back and watching as the Drej massacre everything in their path, comfortable with the death of almost all sapient life in the galaxy so long as he gets to stay alive.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Gune is undeniably loopy, but that apparently helps him a lot in his scientist/navigator duties.
{{quote|'''Cale''': I'll tell you a secret: This guy's nuts!
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