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Digital Devil Saga/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** The sound of the karma meter going up after battles, especially after getting a ton of Atma Points.
** The Demi-fiend's death scream in the first game (which, given ''Nocturne'', is the only time it's a good sound) and all the sounds Satan makes while dying in the second game, including his scream and the solar data leaking out before he explodes.
* [[Narm]]: Cielo's Jamaican accent. It was intended to emphasize the friendly, outgoing disposition of the character, but most people just found it a little too ridiculous.
* [[Rescued from the Scrappy Heap]]: {{spoiler|Sera and Cielo}}
* [[Scrappy Mechanic]] - Berserk Mode in 2, which happens during higher numbered Solar Noise phases. You can't use magic or items and everyone becomes a [[Glass Cannon]]. The only thing you can do is use physical attacks or wait a turn, resulting in ''Critical Or Death'' battles. Fleeing is also an option but Karma points get more than doubled if you win.
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