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Warcraft/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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** Oh, it gets worse. Play the ''Starcraft II'' mission on Aiur and tell me that... ''thing'' in the screenshot doesn't look like the Overmind.
* The old Blood Plague Incident, where a glitch caused an area-specific plague to get out into the rest of the world, infecting and pretty much instantly killing lower levels. Some cities were quarantined, some players, reportedly, went into a [[Social Darwinist]] fervor and got infected themselves and spread the disease to low levels just [[For the Evulz]].
* If you've ever been to Hellfire Peninsula, you've probably seen a fel reaver. 70-foot demonic robots that stomp around and can be seen from halfway across the zone. If you happen to be in a position where you can't move when you see one, such as when you're eating, your only thought will be "please don't come this way, please don't come this way, please." Of course, there are also the occasions where you'll turn the camera to see one not too far away stomping directly at you. Of course since they walk a certain path, it'll probably turn before it reaches you. It should also be mentioned that they're level 70 elites, meaning that they're elite on top of being 7-10 levels above what most players in the area would be.
* Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula. An Alliance quest hub. Avoid going there at all costs if you're afraid of heights because it is a small asteroid floating in space over a pitch black and bottomless abyss.
** ''Canted slightly to one side so the ground is tilted.''
* The Dead Scar is incredibly disturbing, due to its location in the game. Especially to a low level blood elf, who might be unaware of Warcraft lore, traveling across a picturesque, calming landscape, only to suddenly see a hideous black slash of decay and death, populated by [[Body Horror|rotting cannibals]] and [[Was Once a Man|changed elves...]]
* The quest of Jitters in Duskwood. When you read his journal telling the story of what happened to Sven Yorgen's family. Turns out the Dark Riders came to their house to question them on the Scythe of Elune. They were actually looking for Jitters, since he was hiding out in their barn without their knowledge, but since the Riders didn't know this, assumed the people living there had it. The mother very calmly tries to negotiate the Riders away from her children so they'd kill her out in the woods and then hopefully just go do something else. They then use a mind-reading technique (which according to Jitters' account sounds to be ''very'' painful) and determine that Mrs. Yorgen was lying. The lead Rider then orders his men to slaughter the family. When the story gets to this part, Jitters simply says that if he were to describe exactly what happened, he would surely go completely insane. Sven himself, who was in Darkshire when this happened, comes back to find his family's mutilated corpses.
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