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Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Characters: Difference between revisions

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*[[Hero Worshipper]]:Go Onizuka was his hero, his behavior and heroism in the Hanoi incident being what inspired him to come out again, and seeing him wallow in self-pity and be a bounty hunter upsets Soulburner, giving him a [[Broken Pedestal]].
*[[Hidden Depths]]: Takeru may appear cheerful and spirited now, but he wasn't always like that. He got upset when Flame called him out on having been a shut-in who could only fight his own demons and not fight enemies like Yusaku had. He used to describe himself and feeling empty and angry at everything, and that time stopped for him, only starting after learning about the heroes of VRAINS
*[[Ill Boy]]:It may not be noticeable at first, but he also has PTSD like Yusaku. This is shown when he gets caught by Blood Shepherd's trap, the shock of the trap causes him to have falshbacks to the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project.
*[[Keet]]:He seems to be this based on how he glomps Yusaku in the second opening.
*[[The Lancer]]: Quickly becomes this upon joining Cafe Nagi, doubling as Playmaker's Sidekick/Number Two.
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*[[Gonk]]: He doesn't look good
*[[Inadequate Inheritor]]:Brave Max quickly returns Cyberse Wizard to Playmaker, believing himself to be unworthy of carrying on Playmaker's legacy.
*[[I Just Want To Be Badass]]: Subverted. While he defeated a Knight of Hanoi not long after he entered LINK VRAINS for the first time, he ultimately considers himself unworthy of carrying on Playmaker's legacy, and quickly returns Cyberse Wizard to Playmaker after he arrives to confront Faust.
*[[Locked Out of the Loop]]:Is completely unaware that his classmates are Playmaker and Blue Angel resepctively
*[[Mr. Exposition]]: Explains to Yusaku and the audience about Another Syndrome, a recent phenomenon where people are forced into Link Vrains and subsequently gone into a coma. Unfortunately for him, Yusaku was already up-to-date with the information, meaning Naoki didn't have to explain it to him but already did for the viewer's convenience.
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* [[The Faceless]]: The top half of his real world identity's face is obscured.
*[[Foil]]: To [[Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V|Reiji]] He and Reiji are opposites to each other: the latter is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], leads the Lancers in an attempt to stop the Arc Area Project (which ultimately resulted with the resurrection of a Satanic Archetype [[Omnicidal Maniac]]), and is quite respectful towards Yuya, while the former is just as villainous as the likes of Marik and Placido, leads the Knights of Hanoi in his campaign to annihilate Link VRAINS, and is openly hostile to Yusaku.Furthermore, Reiji's goal is to stop his father's schemes, while Revolver's is to accomplish his father's dream.
* In the show he is surprising one for Blood Shepherd, of all people.
** Both of their parents they've loved very much were rendered comatose as a result of an incident involving AI; Revolver's father after trying to create the Ignis in order to make the world a better place, unlike Kengo's mother who ended up hospitalized due to an AI malfunctioning.
** Both of them detest AI, but wherein Ryoken is a KnightTemplar who despises any and all AI and tried to destroy the world's network just to ensure the 6 Ignis would never be a threat ([[HypocrisyNod never mind the fact that he uses the Cyberse type Topologic series of Link Monsters]]), Kengo is a BountyHunter who despises AI, but tacitly accepts that an AI that is under direct human control is still useful.
** For all his talk about his comrades being sacrificed for the Tower of Hanoi, it is Revolver himself who rendered them in such a state. Blood Shepherd blatantly used Akira and Ghost Girl as bait during a mission, but ultimately protected Ghost Girl when their target tried to retaliate.
** Even their parents, for that matter. Dr. Kogami is a scientist whose project to create AI that could solve any and every human problem ultimately resulted in the company that he worked for turning against him and using them to gain massive wealth. Kengo's mother is heavily implied to be a simple middle-class single parent near retirement.
** Both of them caused their parents' downfall unwittingly. When he was just eight, Ryoken secretly reported the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project to the police, which resulted in the six children that were kidnapped to be released, but ultimately got the attention of SOL's higher-ups who infected Dr. Kogami with a virus that resulted in him getting bed-ridden; Kengo's mother was rendered hospitalized after Kengo convinced her to use an AI-driven taxi.
** Both of them devoted their lives to their parents' well-being. Revolver spent his entire later childhood and most of his teenage years for the sake of making amends for his father's condition. Kengo was willing to give up on a chance for college just so he can take care of his mother.
** Revolver had roughly a thousand underlings, Kengo on the other hand either operates solo or in very small groups.
*[[Graceful Loser]]: Downplayed. While Revolver calmly accepts his defeat to Playmaker in their second Master Duel and agrees to stop the Tower of Hanoi, he warns Playmaker that the Ignis remain a threat to humanity, and vows to fulfill his destiny someday.
*[[Hypocrite]]:Despite his opinion on Link VRAINS allowing people to lie to each other, Revolver also uses an alias and has an avatar that makes it hard to really get behind what he is trying to accomplish.
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*[[Killed Mid-Sentence]]:Attempts to inform Playmaker that humanity's future will be in shambles thanks to the latter and the Ignis species, only to be purged before he could finish talking.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]:Multiple shades of purple.
*[[Pragmatic Villainy]]: Upon learning Playmaker and Soulburner's true identities, he immediately suggests attacking them in real life to steal their Ignises, but Revolver quickly puts a stop to that plan.
*[[Online Alias]]:Faust
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]:Multiple shades of purple.
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