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* [[A Protagonist Shall Lead Them]]: Argrath.
* [[All Myths Are True]]: All ''Gloranthan'' myths are literally true, even utterly contradictory myths of different cultures. Changing a myth (by going on a Hero Quest to the world of the gods) can ''retroactively change reality''.
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: The deities of the Celestial Court personify the Runes, which basically are the building blocks of the cosmos.
* [[Assimilation Plot]]: The Empire of Wyrmfriends wanted everybody (mortals, gods, you name it) to embrace their draconic nature (because according to them everybody has a draconic nature waiting to emerge, whether they agree with them or not). It worked like an enormous pyramidal scheme based on the goal of creating a messianic True Dragon.
** Later, the Lunar Empire also wants everybody to worship their Goddess, so that the world can be one in All again. And damn are they succeeding. According to King of Sartar the Goddess would be eventually defeated, but [[In-Universe|many believe]] [[He's Just Hiding|she probablyShe is just hiding]].
* [[Bad Moon Rising]]: The Red Moon rose, and her Empire wants you [[Assimilation Plot|to worship her]].
* [[Barbarian Tribe]]: The Orlanthi.
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* [[Lunacy]]: In addition to the standard Earth, Air, Fire and Water elementals, Glorantha also has Darkness and Moon elementals. Moon Elementals cause temporary insanity by touch.
* [[Mad God]]: Ragnaglar of the Unholy Trio.
* [[Mind Screw]]: There are lots of mutually exclusive mythologies, and all of them are true because reality before Time started was fluid. And sometimes (the Sunstop, which temporarily broke Time, being the main example) it can still be. And traveling to the reality before Time started, which still exists as a separate plane, can potentially retcon reality after Time started. That's without taking into account the [[Unreliable Narrator|Unreliable Narrators]]. Needless to say, all of this can be ''just a little'' confusing.
* [[Mythopoeia]]: The biggest one in Tabletop Games.
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Ducktorate]]: Beware, beware the Deadly Ducks of Death!
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* [[Our Monsters Are Different]]: You can even play intelligent ducks, called Durulzi in ''RuneQuest''. (It has its advantages: small size, high Dexterity, and hardly anyone notices a Duck — perfect for a thief/rogue or a mage. And you know what? They have their own island empire in the far East.)
** [[All Trolls Are Different]]: Among other things, they're matriarchial, cannibalistic, and [[Extreme Omnivore]]s.
** [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: True Dragons are beings of unfathomable power, and human beings can become dragons if they follow Draconic Mysticism. The Empire of Wyrmfriends wantswanted to [[Assimilation Plot|assimilate everybody into being dragons]].
** [[Our Elves Are Better]]: They're kind-of dryads, or [[Plant Aliens]].
** [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same]]: Massively averted. Dwarves are made into one of several castes, very different from each other. And they are not Viking-like, they are instead living tools dedicated to repairing the once-perfect World Machine.
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* [[Top God]]: Many pantheons have one, but Sedenya, Yelm and Orlanth are the most important. Arachne Solara can be seen as a [[God of Gods|Goddess of Gods]].
* [[Trickster Archetype]]: Several.
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Lots. Many texts are written from an In-Universe point of view, and even if All Myths Are True in Glorantha falsehoods and inaccuracies still exist and creep in.
* [[War God]]: Several.
* [[Weird Moon]]: Glorantha has never had a conventional Earthlike moon. The Blue Moon is tiny and rarely visible save as a streak of light, whereas the Red Moon is of recent vintage, ripped from the middle of Dara Happa, and hovers in place over the Lunar Empire, revolving to show a red side and a black side. It is said that a White Moon may rise someday.
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