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You Know What They Say About X...: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|'''Barats:''' You know what they say about men with big feet?
'''Car Insurance Agent:''' (sigh)... ''[[Genre Savvy|they have large penises?]]''
'''Barats:''' [[Call Back|They're great drivers.]] [[Subverted Trope|Nice try though,]] ''[[Wrong Genre Savvy|pervert!]]''|'''[[Barats and Bereta]],''' "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtEp5yc-g3A&ob=av3e Auto Insurance]"}}
|'''[[Barats and Bereta]],''' "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}FtEp5yc-g3A&ob{{=}}av3e Auto Insurance]"}}
A phrase often used to disparage X, where X is a group with a number of negative stereotypes associated with them. For example, "You know what they say about Jews", "You know what they say about black women", and so on. Can also apply to Sci-fi or fantasy settings, either as [[Fantastic Racism]] or as a spoof; i.e. "You know what they say about orcs", "You know what they say about vampires," "You know what they say about [[Star Trek|Klingons]]." Often foreshadows a visit to a [[Planet of Hats]].
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== Advertising ==
* In 2010 or so, the United States corn refiners' lobby was running an [http://www.sweetsurprise.com/ ad campaign promoting high-fructose corn syrup], including TV spots like [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVsgXPt564Q this one]:
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