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** Interestingly enough, the one main trait of a [[Magnificent Bastard]] that Doom subverts is a lack of pettiness. Doom's main purpose in life is his [[Disproportionate Retribution|completely]] [[Minor Injury Overreaction|petty]] [[Green-Eyed Monster|jealous]] [[Arch Enemy|grudge]] against Reed Richards; he just pursues it in such a grand-scale, [[Memetic Badass|badass]] and [[Large Ham|hammy]] manner that he appears to be the epitome of this trope. Ditto for Lex Luthor.
* The Kingpin, also part of the [[Marvel Comics|Marvel Universe]], until the "Last Rites" storyline. He was a major enemy of both [[Daredevil]] and [[Spider-Man]], yet for the most part avoided being shut down by either and when they do succeed in bringing him down, he always find a way to climb back to the top.
* Under Kevin Smith's pen in the story arc ''Guardian Devil'', Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, is presented as a genius, theatrical puppet master seeking to cement himself in history as a "legitimate" supervillain after a career of being nothing more than a B-lister. Upon being diagnosed with cancer, Mysterio makes it his mission to drive the hero Daredevil to insanity, playing on the man's religious faith by using a combination of manipulation, disguises, and hallucinogenic drugs to make him believe a baby under his care is the Antichrist and needs to be killed. Convincing Daredevil's lover Karen Page she has AIDS, framing his best friend Foggy Nelson for murder, and hiring Bullseye to kidnap the baby and kill anyone in his path (leading to Page's death in Daredevil's arms), Mysterio locks the child in a chamber that will soon suffocate her if Daredevil doesn't go along with the villain's devised 'final act' of his grand plan. In the end, upon realizing he hasn't broken Daredevil, Mysterio gives him the baby back and proceeds to blow his own brains out in a final act of defiance towards both the hero and his own cancer, refusing to be taken down by anyone but his own hand. Despite his otherwise goofy or ineffectual outings, Mysterio here is a brilliant strategist, excellent manipulator, and holds all the charm that a [[Large Ham]] skilled in film and theater would possesses.
* Baron Helmut Zemo, heir to the deplorable Heinrich Zemo, eventually rejects his father's fascist ideology. One of captain America's greatest enemies, Zemo led a near perfect defeat of The Avengers in the Siege arc, ending by engaging Captain America himself and coming close to victory. Constantly returning with daring new schemes, Zemo even kidnapped abused and neglected children to give them a loving home with himself and his wife, and later formed the Thunderbolts as heroes specifically to give them cover for more villainous activities. Eventually deciding to save the world by conquering it, Zemo returns time and time again, sometimes as a deadly enemy and other times ready to defeat more evil villains than he himself, proclaiming he could never harm a world he works so hard to save.
* [[Sub-Mariner|Namor]], the Marvel king of Atlantis and on again off again super villain can pull this off on occasion. Like when he joined the heroic "Illuminati" of Iron Man and Mr.Fantastic, and the villainous Illuminati of Doom and Norman Osborn immediately after.
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