Magical Girl Noir Quest: Difference between revisions

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* [[Colonel Kilgore]]: Kharn wanted a war. She thought it would be fun. Also add some history to the city that would be inevitably devastated in the crossfire. She didn’t want one enough to ask her boss. That is until felt she had a good reason too at least. At which point she was chomping at the bit (to be fair, once she had a reason, the war was the means, not the ends).
* [[Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are]]: ''Something'' hunts Midori and Madoka, or at least Madoka, while they are in a Witch Barrier together. While there are 2 potentially viable ways of fighting back, they each seem to have their own risk. Madoka fighting could bring down the barrier, which could hurt Homura. Summoning Tiny Pete might have Pete attack Madoka. So fighting is a last resort.
* [[Conservation of Ninjutsu]]: Kharn’s retinue was able to wipe out the 98 members of the 3rd officio without too much trouble. The last 2 members present put up more of a fight. Also there was the time Girl-A killed 21 EversorEversors.
* [[Deadly Euphemism]]: Giving a person a "vindicare makeover" seems to mean shooting that person, perhaps with additional constraints such as it being a headshot or in the face.
* [[Death Notification]]: Chiaki during her tenure as Warmaster personally signed letters that are sealed in black envelopes. On at least one occasion, she had a squad deliver them in person as disciplinary action.