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White's the only likely qualifier as of right now.
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(White's the only likely qualifier as of right now.)
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** There's also Lapis Lazuli. According to who you talk to, she's either a very sympathetic [[Anti-Villain]] who didn't mean to cause as much trouble as she did, or an incredibly selfish [[Jerkass]] for potentially endangering the world and attempting to drown two innocent children in her attempt to go home.
** People either love Onion for his creepy behavior and evil actions, while others loathe him for the same reasons. Depending on your point of view, his genuine desire to make friends with Steven may or may not offset his more selfish actions.
** Fans either loathe Lars for being a highly-unlikable [[Jerkass]], or love him for his rare moments of kindness and hints of [[Hidden Depths]] relating to his psyche. {{spoiler|After Seasons 4 and 5, with Lars receiving a great deal of [[Character Development]] and [[Took A Level In Badass]], he was [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]] ''big time'' for many of his detractors.}}
* [[Broken Base]]: Should male Gems be introduced to the show, or not? This is a question that has caused all sorts of fights among the fandom.
** Should Jasper be redeemed, or is she better as an evil psycho [[Blood Knight]]?
** The question of Greg being a better parent to Steven than the Gems is a highly contested topic in the fandom.
* [[Complete Monster]]: If anyone in the show comes even close to qualifying for this trope, it's {{spoiler|White Diamond, supreme ruler of the Gem Homeworld and leader of the Great Diamond Authority, an authoritarian tyrant who created Homeworld's broken system and set in motion all of the series' events. According to [[Word of God]], she is completely unfeeling, detached, psychopathic and even abusive, with even her own Pearl having been a victim of her wrath. It's on her behest that Homeworld goes around colonizing other planets, wiping out or enslaving the planet's native lifeforms, and marginalizes Gems to specific societal roles and functions with the threat of shattering any who'd step out of their place, and it was largely her power that caused the corruption of all the unprotected Gems on Earth when she'd attempted to have the planet destroyed. It's also highly likely she was ''aware'' that Pink Diamond had faked her own shattering but never told Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond, meaning that much of Yellow and Blue's actions afterwards might not have happened if not for White's callous indifference. Exhibiting a cold, cruel evilness far beyond that of the other Homeworld Gems, White's [[Lack of Empathy]] and capacity for breaking anyone or anything she touches [[Evil Counterpart|serves as a dark mirror]] to Pink/Rose/Steven's compassion and capacity for healing.}}
* [[Complete Monster]]:
** The hot-tempered and brutal galactic warlord Yellow Diamond is without a doubt ''the'' most evil character in the show. {{spoiler|She created the Cluster, a planet destroying superweapon by fusing the shards of millions of shattered Gems, leaving millions of broken minds trapped in a nightmarish existence that doubles as a particularly cruel way to destroy Earth. She's also been shown to be rather horrible to her minions as well, being cold and casual about losing Jasper ''at best'' and being thin-skinned enough to try to brutally murder Peridot over an insult at worst.}} And that's just her personal deeds, as a member of the Diamond Authority she's fully complicit in keeping a fascist, abusive caste system running and oversees a regime that strip-mines entire planets into lifeless husks.We do see some extremely minor but still present redeemable qualities to her showing that shes a subversion(albeit just barely)
** Aquamarine is a ruthless jerkass and absolutely loyal to homeworld. She was sent by homeworld with Topaz to collect the humans Steven listed. She does so with horrific sadism when fighting with the crystal gems. She decides to kill some of them using loophole abuse as yellow never said she wanted them alive. She continually makes narcissistic comments about herself, ignoring Topaz's role in the mission. She even treats the mere suggestion of having a Freudian excuse with absolute disgust. In a show that demonstrates even the worst people can have redeemable qualities, Aquamarine stands out as simply a monstrous prick.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: While Lapis Lazuli is a ''very'' sympathetic character, there are far too many fans who are willing to paint her as a pure-hearted angel who can do no wrong and ignore her more selfish and inexcusable actions such as stealing the world's oceans in order to get back home, almost drowning Steven and Connie when they posed absolutely no threat whatsoever to her, and almost killing Greg when he came to help.
** Despite her incredibly unpleasant and violent attitude, there are ''plenty'' of fans who are willing to downplay Jasper's less than savory characteristics (Such as being willing to kill Steven before knowing that he had Rose Quartz's powers, her assaulting him while she could have easily hauled him onto the ship unharmed, and {{spoiler|forcing Lapis to fuse with her in a manner that's portrayed eerily similar to a domestic violence/rape scenario}}) in favor of painting Lapis into being far worse than she really is.
*** Just in general, Lapis and Jasper fans are really, ''really'' bad about demonizing the other. Neither are purely bad people, but they still have their faults that both camps are overly fond of exaggerating just how bad they really are.
** Despite Yellow Diamond being established as a cold, ruthless, petty tyrant who doesn't give two shits about the Gems who serve her and was nothing but dismissive and rude towards {{spoiler|Peridot}}, she slreadyalready has legions of fans unironically defending her as a [[Benevolent Boss]].
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Greg Universe, the self-proclaimed "Coolest dad this side of the Cosmos". Thanks to his easy-going and friendly nature as well as his willingness to go out of his way to be a great dad to Steven, is it any wonder that he's one of the best-loved characters in the series?
** {{spoiler|Ruby and Sapphire}} as well, since they're not just an ''adorable'' couple, but also because {{spoiler|their existence proved the widely-accepted theory about Garnet being a fusion.}}
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* [[Fan Dumb]]: Steven Universe is infamous for having what is considered to be one of the most hostile and intolerant fan dumbs of all time, thanks to numerous incidents such as when fans chased writer Matt Burnett off of Tumblr over a simple continuity error, threw a stink over the ''Uncle Grandpa'' crossover episode and harassed members of the show's staff, posting inflammatory reviews for a real life Keystone Hotel that could have seriously hurt business(to be fair that was just a joke by people who didny think through the consequences), and harassing fanartists who draw characters in different ways (Such as Rose Quartz with a more petite frame, Garnet as non-black) so badly that one such artist actually attempted suicide. This has led.to a very large group of fan haters who hate the whole fambse just ebcause of these people with is ironic given that the above mentioned suicide was by a member of the fan base.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: A very large amount of people have harrased members of the fanbase or refused to watch the show just because of the bad parts of the fan base theese people will also hypocritically say they "refuse the acknoledge other peoples ophinions.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: If there's anyone that's far beyond this, it's {{spoiler|Yellow Diamond, who is more than happy to obliterate the Earth and all life on it with the Cluster, an enormous abomination crafted from ''millions'' of shattered Gems who fought on the side of the rebellion, all over a petty grudge against Rose Quartz. And depending on how involved they were with {{spoiler|the Cluster's formation and all the horrific Mengele-esqe experiments that paved the way to its creation, White and Blue Diamond may already be beyond redemption as well.}}
** And depending on how involved they were with {{spoiler|the Cluster's formation and all the horrific Mengele-esqe experiments that paved the way to its creation, White and Blue Diamond may already be beyond redemption as well.}}
** Garnet felt that {{spoiler|Pearl}} crossed it in ''Cry For Help'' by {{spoiler|secretly repairing a communications hub Peridot was using to broadcast messages to the Homeworld so she could trick Garnet into fusing with her for a quick power trip.}} While {{spoiler|she DID end up forgiving Pearl, it took a good long while for it to happen.}}
* [[Narm]]: Jasper's introduction in ''The Return'' is meant to set her up as a brutal, sadistic, intimidating thug, though her intimidation factor takes a few blows thanks to the fact that in several awkwardly-drawn shots, her face ends up looking almost exactly like [[Toy Story (franchise)||Buzz Lightyear's]] due to her enormous chin. Thankfully, this problem has been rectified in later episodes.
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