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Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Characters: Difference between revisions

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*[[For Happiness]]: Vows to protect LINK VRAINS so the orphanage children can continue to smile.
*[[Foil]]:To Blue Angel. While in the Hanoi arc Blue Angel realized she wants to duel for others and not just herself, Go comes to the conclusion it is ok to duel for himself and not others. In addition, while Blue Angel is grateful to Playmaker for saving her and doesn't appear bothered by being overshadowed, Go deeply resents it and will stop at nothing to beat Playmaker for the sake of his pride.
*[[Fallen Hero]]:In Season 1 he's a hero of Link Vrains, in season 2 his resentment and pride lead to him becoming a villain and bounty hunter.
*[[Full-Body Disguise]]:
**Disguises himself as a Knight of Hanoi to lure Playmaker into Dueling him.
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*[[Human Sacrifice]]:Disintegrates and gets absorbed by the Tower of Hanoi after he is defeated by Revolver.
*[[Humble Hero]]: As a result of his orphaned upbringing. Subverted later, when his Pride and resentment towards being second best to Playmaker leads to his FaceHeelTurn.
*[[Heroic Build]]:As a hero he is the biggest and must muscular person in the cast. After his [[Face Heel Turn]] and [[Training from Hell]] he becomes [[Lean And Mean]].
*[[It's All About Me]]:Boasts that he is King of Link VRAINS, and is not happy with the fact that Playmaker has become widely discussed after protecting Link VRAINS from a Knight of Hanoi.
*[[It's All My Fault]]:Blames himself for being unable to stop Makoto from becoming an Another victim.
*[[It's Personal]]: Cares not for the whole bounty hunting thing, as all he cares about is taking down Playmaker so that he can restore his reputation as the number one Duelist in LINK VRAINS.
*[[Kick the Dog]]:After defeating Earth, he makes it clear to Playmaker and Blue Girl that he doesn't care that Earth wasn't an enemy and that they were once comrades, power and beating Playmaker is the only thing that matters to him. Later made worse when he cruelly doesn't care as Earth is dissected piece by piece.
*[[Lean and Mean]]: After his [[Training From Hell]], Go has become disturbingly gaunt and thin.
*[[Manly Tears]]:Subverted, but he is moved regardless when the orphanage children continue to acknowledge him as the champion of Link VRAINS even after losing to Playmaker.
*[[Motive Rant]]:GO throws a big hissy fit all because he's not number one, playing the victim card and views himself as nothing but a stepping stone for Playmaker, and thus vows to take him down to not only become number one again, but also so everyone will appreciate him.
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*[[Revenge]]:Vows to get back at Dr. Genome for turning Makoto into an Another victim.
*[[Reforged Into a Minion]]: Not literally, but discussed by Soulburner. Lampshaded by Soulburner, who labels GO as a lap dog working for SOL Technologies; or rather, a Sore Loser incapable of anything but venting his frustrations.
*[[Start of Darkness]]: Since the beginning of the second season, he abandons his reputation as a Charisma Duelist and enlists as a BountyHunter all so he can get back at Playmaker and reclaim his right as the number one Duelist of LINK VRAINS. It only gets worse when he's seen pursuing Earth, and later uncloaks himself after Playmaker finds them both, revealing his dull, yet intimidating expression (which Akira speculates Queen is responsible for).
*[[Shout Out]]:He's one giant homage to ProfessionalWrestling. His Gouki monsters are wrestling-themed anthropomorphic animals, Go himself looks like a wrestler, his debut episodes include a lot of references to wrestling, and his story (orphan who got into dueling to support himself, donates his winnings to the same orphanage and is a hero to the kids there) is straight from a wrestler's [[Kayfabe]] backstory while also echoing the real life charity work they do.
*[[Sore Loser]]: Since the conclusion of the Tower of Hanoi incident, he's really sore over the fact that he's no longer number one in LINK VRAINS, and thus discards his reputation as a Charisma Duelist and becomes a BountyHunter, all so he could get back at Playmaker.
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* [[Curtains Match the Window]]:She has light brown hair and eyes
* [[Clothing Damage]]:After her loss to Spectre her skirt becomes tattered.
* [[Conflict Ball]]: In Episode 55 and 56, after Playmaker and Soulburner refuse her offer for her and Akira to help them due to SOL Technologies involvement in the Lost Incident, she gets pissed off and demands they give Ai and Flame over so they can find the other Ignis's. Playmaker and Ghost Girl themselves are surprised at her behavior. Once she begins the duel she does return to being more civil.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]:Became this tempory when she was under the influence of Hanoi spell card and she came extremly close to defeat playmaker even if she lost
* [[Dangerously-Short Skirt]]:Its short as Kotori from zexal
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*[[Hired Guns]]:She's a mercenary duelist, hacker, and investigator that works for Akira, but also takes jobs for others in SOL Technology.
*[[Human Sacrifice]]:After losing to Revolver, Ghost Girl is converted into data and absorbed into Hanoi's seed, becoming the base power source for their tool to destroy VRAINS, the Tower of Hanoi. Whether or not there is the possibility of saving her is unknown.
*[[Hero Antagonist]]: Like Akira and Aoi, while she doesn't become a Bounty Hunter against Playmaker, she still works against him and Soulburner due to a worry if the Ignis would be enemies of humanity. She drops this in episode 76 after learning what SOL did to Earth where she now supports Playmaker for co-existence.
*[[I Owe You My Life[[: Due to Playmaker's actions back during the Tower of Hanoi incident, Ghost Girl refuses to become a bounty hunter.
*[[Killed Mid-Sentence]]:Ghost Girl warns Playmaker of Revolver's unknown Trap card as she gets purged from LINK VRAINS entirely.
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Voiced by:Kenji Matsuda(Japanese)
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
*[[Affably Evil]]:On his third encounter with Playmaker, he adopts a less condescending tone when addressing both Playmaker and Ai.
*[[Artificial Human:]] In his third duel with Playmaker he claims that he is actually an advanced AI that was still in the prototype phase, and needed to duel Playmaker and Ai to finish his development. [[ Multiple Choice Past|anyone's guess if this is true or not.]]
*[[Deliberate Injury Gambit]]:Bohman will allow himself to take damage so that he can meet the prerequisite for activating his Skill, Marker's Portal, though at the same time, his LP need only be less than or equal to its original value of 4000, thus allowing him to activate it as he sees fit and making the need to take damage redundant, assuming his current LP doesn't exceed its original value.
*[[Fake Memories]]: Playmaker buys none of Bohman's claims that he is the real Yusaku, deducing that Bohman was imprinted with fake memories pertaining to his true identity.
*[[Grand Theft Me]]: In episode 57, Bohman claims Yusaku unintentionally did this to him during the Lost Incident. Apparently, Yusaku was a backup made from Bohman's memories and an accident switched their places. In the following episode, however, Playmaker completely dismisses Bohman's claims that he is the real Yusaku on the grounds that Bohman was imprinted with fake memories.
*[[The Gambler]]: Gains shades of this, of all things, in his third duel, with the debut of [[spoiler: Rousing Hydradrive Monarch, a Link 4 with a mass destruction effect based on dice rolls. Ai actually discusses this development being quite odd for an AI.
*[[Heal Thyself]]:His Property Spray Trap allows him to Tribute one of his Monsters and gain LP equal to its ATK.
*[[Hunk]]: Has a muscular build, boasts a six-pack, and sports fancy facial features.
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*[[Loophole Abuse]]: Bohman somehow manages to activate a Skill (which turns out to be Storm Access, of all things) during a Master Duel, even though they are generally present only in Speed Duels. Lampshaded by Playmaker.
Playmaker: It's possible to use a Skill during a Master Duel?
*[[Multiple Choice Past]: His past and motives change in every appearance. It's anyone guess which is true.
** In his first appearance he was an amnesiac duelist who fought to regain his memories for himself and his little brother Haru.
** In his second appearance he is the ''real'' Yusaku Fujiki who lost his body to the backup data that is currently the Yusaku/Playmaker we know.
** In his third appearance he claims to be a third generation AI created by Lightning who shall become the vessel for all the Ignis so that they would become one.
*[[The Magic Poker Equation]]: It's revealed during Playmaker and Bohman's Master Duel that Bohman, too, is capable of using Storm Access.
*[[It's Personal]]: After awakening with new memories, Bohman bears a personal vendetta against Playmaker, and vows to push him into a state of despair in a Master Duel.
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*[[Superior Successor]]: Intended to be this by Lightning since Bohman is actually the 3rd Generation AI, designed by him to be the one who unites the six Ignis together. He was incomplete without an origin however, requiring to duel Playmaker and Ai in order to obtain their duel data.]] Of course, since [[Multiple Choice Past|this is the third origin]] he's laid claim to there's no way of knowing if it's true.
*[[Spell My Name with an "S"]]:Is it "Bowman" or "Bohman"?
*[[Taking You With Me]]: Invoked in his third Duel against Playmaker. He forces a DRAW between him and Playmaker by banishing "Hydradrive Scabbard", halving the damage he takes from "Quantum Dragon's" attack, and inflicting the same amount of damage to his opponent.
*[[Your Soul Is Mine]]:A disguised Bohman sucks away Jin's soul and escapes into LINK VRAINS, leaving Jin an [[Empty Shell]].
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{{examples|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
*[[Cloudcuckoolander's Minder]]: More often than not she had to look after Ai so he didn't injure himself, much to Earth's annoyance.
*[[Dope Slap]]: Gave one to Ai so hard it sent him and Linkuriboh through the ground, leaving Impact Silhouettes for both of them.
*[[Girlish Pigtails]]: She has them on her head.
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{{examples|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
*[[Arc Villain]]: Quite likely, as he holds authority over both Haru and Bohman (in fact, they are expected to literally bow down when greeting him).
*[[At Least I Admit It]]: Downplayed. Lightning initially plays coy about whether or not he was directly responsible for the destruction of the Cyberse World, but after enough pressing from Ai and Flame, Lightning quickly relents and confesses that he was indeed responsible for destroying the Cyberse World.
*[[Big Bad]]: He leads the faction responsible for the destruction of the Cyberse World, and intends to not only create a new Cyberse World beyond human reach, but also rule over humanity from within.
*[[Evil Counterpart]]: Naturally he is this towards Ai.
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*[[The Leader]]: Ai considers him this, he's described as calm, cool and collected which fits the leader role.
*[[Light Is Not Good]]: Lightning is an Ignis based on the LIGHT attribute, and is up to no good as shown when he reveals his intentions to rule over humanity within a newly constructed Cyberse World that is beyond human reach.
*[[A Lighter Shade Of Black]]: By his own admission, he's not as cruel as Windy, who chose to eliminate his Lost Incident victim. He's still all too willing to enslave his own origin, Jin, instead.
*[[The Smart Guy]]: Ai also said he's too smart and because of that he can't understand him.
*[[The Man Behind the Man]]: He's the one responsible for manipulating Bohman's memories
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