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Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* Episode 68:Ai gets to meet two of his fellow Ignis again. Windy and the Light Ignis who he named Lightning. Too bad Windy and Lightning became so jaded by humanity that they not only want to rule over them, but terminate them. They try to get Ai to their side, but when he refuses out of his friendship with humans such as Yusaku and Shoichi. They capture him and Playmaker and try to rewrite his data to force him to join their side. Just think about it you finally get to see your friends after a really long time, but when they do they have changed in the worst way possible and pretty much try to kill you to ensure you would stay with them.
*Episode 69:Revolver is back and he's still out for vengeance against the Ignis. Playmaker and Ai are still trapped and all they can do is watch the duel between Revolver and Windy who both barely have the moral high ground over each other. It's clear it doesn't matter which side wins since they are still trapped and they probably need to fight against either the Ignis or the Knights of Hanoi when they're freed. All they can do now is wait for Soulburner and Flame to come and save them. It's also clear that because of the Knights of Hanoi that a peaceful solution for everyone is losing possibility and causes Ignis's opinion of mankind to even worsen. This situation is quite depressing for Playmaker, Ai and the audience.
*70: While Windy did deserve it. It still a bit sad to see him desperately calling out to Lightning to save him when he gets impaled, but he just keeps standing there and watches what happens and only helps at the last moment.
*72: Ai pretty much tears up at seeing Windy's shoddily made Cyberse World on fire, because while it's not his real home. It still looks a lot like it and reminds him of the fact it's destroyed.
*75: Earth's death. After he is captured by GO on behalf of SOL Technologies, they waste no time dissecting Earth bit by bit until he is completely terminated. Earth, who is normally calm, cool, and collected, started panicking and begging for them to stop because he has free will and is alive, but his pleas are coldly disregarded. Aqua, Flame, and Ai all sense Earth's death, while Spectre also sheds a single tear, uncertain of what it is he felt.
**From Earth's perspective, he just lost a duel against a human out for him and Aqua and was captured as a result. Earth ends up Strapped to an Operating Table as SOL Technologies scientists take him apart for his data, causing him to slowly lose his memories of Aqua. Realizing what is happening to him, Earth desperately begs for them to stop while Queen and Akira look on with Queen looking at him with a triumphant smile on her face while Akira has a clear look of horror and guilt on his face.
{{quote|Earth, after his right wrist was cut off: panicking “Stop! I have free will! I’m alive!”}}
**While Akira knows that Earth has free will and can only look away in guilt, Queen is indifferent about Earth's protests because he is an AI and SOL Technologies's main source of profit; why should she care? **Even worse is that Aoi and Emma witness the entire thing and are horrified at Earth's treatment and suffering.
**Akira's reaction may not only come from how cruel Earth's death was and that he was indirectly responsible for it, but it could also come from the fact this could have happened to Ai if he won his duel against Playmaker back in #18-20. He only tried to get Ai from him so that he could live a normal life without the need for vengeance, but now he realizes this would end the life of another living sentient being.
**Notice how SOL referred to the dismantling of Earth as a dissection. Dissection is a term that is only used for things that are 1) dead or 2) non-living; technically, since Earth is an Ignis—a living being with free will—the correct term would be vivisection. That means SOL does not consider the Ignis to be alive even if they have free will and can think for themselves.
**It's also sad to see how much Go has fallen. He went from a proud prideful Charisma Duelist to the lapdog of SOL Technologies, because of his inability to move on from his rivalry against Playmaker. And with the Ai implant inside of him, he literally became a shell of his former self. Worse is that when he captures Earth. The first thing that Playmaker does is plead to him to let Earth go since he isn't an enemy and that Go and him fought together as allies. Go replies that he doesn't care about that causing Playmaker to realize how much he has fallen.
Playmaker after Go left with Earth: "Go Onizuka, you..."
*76: It's revealed that Earth truly is dead according to Ryoken and that he can't be restored from his leftover data just like Ai since his entire source code was rewritten into something SOL Technologies could understand. Ai doesn't take this news very well and was in denial about it until he realizes what the weird feeling he and Flame had actually was. Ai falls down and cries about his friends demise unable to believe humans would do something so horrible and heartless to his friend and even says he's starting to hate humans too.
**It's also revealed that Aqua's Origin is a girl named Miyu whom Aoi befriended as a kid after her and Akira's parents died. The reason we haven't seen her is, because their friendship was forced to end after Aoi took the blame for the loss of the ring of Miyu's mother so that Miyu wouldn't get into trouble. This caused Miyu's mother to forbid Miyu from interacting with Aoi again.
**Miyu is currently in a coma thanks to a virus Lightning put in her and Aqua can't heal her from it. Even worse is that she was likely a normal girl who had to experience the Lost Incident/Hanoi Project and after getting past that, she's still haunted by her past just like the other victims of the incident.
**Miyu is a Lost Incident victim, meaning she was kidnapped a while after her parting ways with Aoi. Since her memories of Aoi are very strong, she most likely clung onto her friendship and memories of Aoi as she experienced six months of torture and starvation.
**Not to mention, she most likely felt very guilty for what had happened with the ring, so she most likely coped with trauma and guilt for the next ten years of her life.
**It is unknown how many years have passed since Kengo (Blood Shepherd's real name) and his mother had gotten into a car accident, but the first scene after the opening shows Kengo by his mother's bedside, showing that after many years, his mother is still in a coma and paralyzed.
*77: Kengo's father left him and his mother, choosing work over family. Next time Kengo saw his father, he was working part-time at a delivery service and saw him by coincidence; his father never returned to his old family and remarried another woman and had a daughter with her.
**Miyu's time in captivity is shown.
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