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Traveling At the Speed of Plot: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Exalted]]'' uses this ''literally'' when you enter [[Reality Is Out to Lunch|the Wyld]]; as it's the domain of [[The Fair Folk]], progress between points is not measured in hours or miles, but rather by where you are in a particular story.
* The ''[[Pathfinder]]'' Adventure Path ''Jade Regent'' has the players travel by caravan for most of the plot since {{spoiler|the players are escorting an artifact that blocks teleportation}}. There are rules for the players upgrading (or bad luck lowering) the speed of the caravan, but the actual adventure literally gives travel times and states such changes to speed don't matter! The one point speed matters is a short term race. The caravan rules are generally considered poorly conceived and can be cut entirely with minimal issues.
* Averted by the ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' module ''Red Hand of Doom''. The titular army's march is given an explicit laid out timetable and the party can delay it by destroying bridges or creating other impairments. The module isn't a direct race (the players are a small, likely mounted, group and the Hand is large and primarily made up of heavy infantry so it moves far slower) but a challenge to destroy as much of their support as possible before they arrive at their destination.
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