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You can find more art and info at Mad's [[Deviant ART]] account [http://mynameismad.deviantart.com/ here] and at her [[Tumblr]] [http://mynameismad.tumblr.com/ here].
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* [[B-Side Comics]]: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130106234404/http://www.mangamagazine.net/manga-and-comics/SAKANA-Sundays/detail-page/473 SAKANA Sundays] is a collection of various lighthearted short stories that don't interfere with the main storyline.
* [[Backstory Horror]]: A lot of the comic's [[Tear Jerker|heartwrenching moments]] involve this trope.
* [[Bastard Boyfriend]]: {{spoiler|Arata Tasaki}} is pretty much a [[Deconstructed Trope|walking middle finger]] to this archetype, {{spoiler|specifically the [[Boys Love]] variant.}} His abuse is in no way [[Romanticized Abuse|romanticized]], but shown as the nightmarishly traumatic event it really is to {{spoiler|Yuudai}}. As such, instead of being seen as [[Draco in Leather Pants|a wholesome man swooned over by many fangirls]], he's instead a [[Unsexy Sadist|repulsive bastard]] [[Hate Sink|hated by the characters, the readers and even the author herself.]]
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: The reason [[Jerkass|Yuudai]] defends [[Nice Guy|Taisei]] when a woman insults him. He has been nice and friendly to him even when he was been abrasive. {{spoiler|It's no surprising he ends up having a crush on him.}}
** Hell, it could be argued this trope applies to him in general, considering he started to warm up to Jiro {{spoiler|after he defended him from his abusive ex.}}
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Taro and {{spoiler|Mori}} just ''exude'' this. [[Word of God|Mad]] even [https://78.media.tumblr.com/6e5734ad2ec6d1fdc4e163ce16921c7c/tumblr_o2kc0rSgPB1tgibs8o1_640.jpg lampshades it].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't ever try to do something bad to Jiro. Taro WILL hurt you.
** Oh, and for those concerned, don't ever mention in front of [[The Unfavourite|Yuudai]] that Jiro is the better register worker.
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* [[Betty and Veronica]]: {{spoiler|A rare gay example, with [[Nice Guy|Taisei]] (Betty) and [[Jerkass|Arata]] (Veronica) for [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Yuudai]]. This is played around a bit, as Arata is the abusive old acquaitance while Taisei is the seeming "unattainable beauty". Regardless, Taisei wins by a landslide, but Arata isn't one of those who give up easily...}}
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Taro is very much a [[Nice Guy]], but don't ''ever'' piss him off, much less messing with his [[Big Brother Instinct|little brother]]. It will be the last thing you'll do.
** Not that Jiro is absent from this trope as well, as he doesn't even need to use violence to scare the crap out of people. Just ask {{spoiler|Arata and Yuudai.}}
** Cashier Girl/{{spoiler|Chie}}. A sweet, perfectly likable young lady who can wreck your shit in less than a minute. Same for her BFF Sango.
* [[Bi the Way]]: Shigeru and, as of late, {{spoiler|Taisei}}.
* [[Big Bad Ensemble]]: [[Loan Shark|Ryoji Nishimura]] and {{spoiler|[[BastardDark Is BoyfriendEvil|Arata Tasaki]]}}.
* [[Big Beautiful Woman]]: Sango, who is also [[The Cutie]].
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]/[[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: Taro is a pretty [[Cool Big Bro]], and cares a lot for his little brother, always there to help him out. He ''threatens Yuudai with a knife'' when he's about to say something bad about Jiro {{spoiler|(and later punches Yuudai in the face when Yuudai's seemed to do that again)}} and is always concerned that Jiro may be hurt. This also applies to the time when Taro was a [[Delinquents|delinquent]], but then it was taken to rather hilarious extremes:
{{quote|'''Taro:''' [[Crowning Moment of Funny|DATE MY BROTHER OR I'LL THROW YOU DOWN THE STAIRS!!!]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Comedic Sociopathy|And in the end, he really did it.]]}}
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** [[In The Blood|Jiro himself]] shows this towards Taisei, treating him as his [[Heterosexual Life Partners|surrogate brother]]. {{spoiler|He [[Tranquil Fury|chillingly]] tells Yuudai that [[If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...|he can't, in no uncertain terms, hurt Taisei in any way, shape or form]].}}
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: [[Opposites Attract|Taisei and Yuudai]], surprisingly enough, turn out to have a lot of things in common, as stated by Jiro.
** An even better example would be Taro and "Angry Lady"/{{spoiler|Mori}}. {{spoiler|Both [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid|were sweet kids in their youths]], suffered [[Freudian Excuse|severe trauma]] that led them to their trademark [[Hair-Trigger Temper|anger issues]], and both are incredibly loyal and protective with their loved ones, [[Big Brother Instinct|especially their younger siblings]], and will kick ass if someone messes with them.}} While they're frequently [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|at odds with each other]], there's quite the [[Ship Tease]], hereby this trope.
* [[Black Bead Eyes]]: A lot of the characters have these, unless they are shocked.
** Subverted with Taisei, whose eyes naturally have a crazed expression about them. It's the reason for his [[Blinding Bangs]]; he doesn't like to put people off.
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: Taisei has these, but sometimes [[Peek-a-Bangs|you can see one eye]] or both.
* [[Bloody Hilarious]]: [[Running Gag|In many]] of the comic strips featuring Taro in his job as a butcher, he cuts fish with such a vigor that the [[High-Pressure Blood|blood splatters all over the place.]] [[Sakana/Funny|And it ALWAYS leads to hilarious situations]].
* [[Broken Bird]]: Yuudai and Angry Lady/{{spoiler|Mori}}.
* [[Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl]]: [[Genki Guy|Taisei]] and [[Grumpy Bear|Yuudai]] could be the ultimate example of this trope.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Despite being the silly, adorable, [[Horrible Judge of Character|naive]] man that he is, Taisei also is the assistent director for a pretty big company and is probably the smartest man of the cast.
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* [[Comically Missing the Point]]: Taisei is a master in this.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Ren Sakana treats his nephews like his favorite sons, and even gives them the afternoon off so Taro can keep an eye on Jiro while he goes on a date. [[Parental Substitute|There's a reason for this]].
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: Taro and the angry lady {{spoiler|aka Mori.}} So far, she was pissed off and [[Disguised in Drag|mistook him for a woman]], and he didn't care much about her because [[Big Brother Instinct|he had his mind on how well Jiro is doing on his date]]. We have yet to see what comes out of it, but the author mentioned something along the lines that she's going to be a bigger character. {{spoiler|Indeed, she turns out to be Chie/Cashier Girl's older sister, and Taro's possible [[Love Interest]].}}
* [[Cringe Comedy]]
* [[Cuddle Bug]]: A character trait of Taisei, who is rather prone to cuddling with anything within arms reach.
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* [[Date Peepers]]: Taisei, Taro and Yuudai do this when Jiro is finally on a date.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Yuudai has his moments. He is understandably confused when this and his general [[Jerkass|brashness]] [[Sarcasm Blind|doesn't]] work on Taisei.
* [[Death Glare]]: [[No Name Given|The]] [[Fan Nickname|angry looking lady from the train]] that Taro [[Crash Into Hello|runs into]].
* [[Ditzy Genius]]: Taisei is incredibly smart. He's also incredibly silly.
* [[Domestic Abuse]]: A dead serious example. {{spoiler|Yuudai suffered this at the hands of his ex-boyfriend.}}
* [[Double In-Law Marriage]]: Hinted at. Jiro and Cashier Girl/{{spoiler|Chie}} are pretty much an [[Official Couple]], but there's the implication their older siblings Taro and Angry Lady/{{spoiler|Mori}} are going to get involved with each other (in a [[Belligerent Sexual Tension|rockier way]], but still). The fact they're [[Birds of a Feather]] also helps.
* [[Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)|Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)]]: Subverted. {{spoiler|While Chie decking Jiro as a child is [[Played for Laughs]], at no point the abuse is justifiable, as it left Jiro with serious issues and Chie herself is ashamed of her past behavior and tries to make up for it.}}
* [[Dramedy]]: Despite its description as a "[[Slice of Life]] [[Romantic Comedy]]", the webcomic tackles serious issues, mostly concerning some of the characters' [[Dark and Troubled Past|Dark and Troubled Pasts]], as well as having [[Vile Villain, Saccharine Show|quite dark antagonists]] for a rom-com.
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** [[Disguised in Drag]]
* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Not "evil" by a long shot, but [[Tsunshun|Yuudai]] seems honestly confused why [[Nice Guy|Jiro]] would treat him kindly despite him treating him like shit, and the same happens when [[Love You and Everybody|Taisei]] is nothing but kind and sweet towards him. This is [[Played for Drama]], as it drives home [[Broken Bird|how much of a miserably broken person he really is]].
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: What would happen if we take [[Genki Guy|Taisei]] [[Nice Guy|Tachibana]]'s [[No Sense of Personal Space|most]] [[Fun Personified|notorious]] [[Perpetual Smiler|traits]] and put them in a [[Stalker with a Crush|much]] [[Knight of Cerebus|darker]] [[Faux Affably Evil|light]]? The answer is {{spoiler|[[Dissonant Serenity|Arata]] [[Bastard Boyfriend|Tasaki]].}} The fact {{spoiler|both guys [[Betty and Veronica|are interested in the same guy]]}} just makes this all the more apparent.
* [[The Fashionista]]: While Jiro is also interested in shoes or frequently goes shopping with Taisei, Taisei is primarily the one who loves fashion, all kinds of cool clothes and shopping. [[Irony|The bad thing is that he can't wear most of the clothes he likes due to his enormous height]].
* [[Fire-Forged Friends]]: One of the main plotlines is the main four becoming this.
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** Similarly, the aforementioned [[Orphan's Ordeal|event]] did a number on [[Blood Knight|Taro]]'s psyche, turning him from a sweet kid into a violent teenage delinquent (exacerbated by his [[Sibling Rivalry|cousin rivalry]] with [[Jerkass|Genji]]) who even drove away his beloved brother. He did [[Took a Level in Kindness|calm down]] in the present day, but it's clear the trauma is still there.
** As for Yuudai, he had a sad life already, what with his sick mom, distant dad, and poverty background; yet (as shown in the side story "Help Wanted") he still was relatively well-adjusted. {{spoiler|Him being subjected to an horrific [[Domestic Abuse|abusive relationship]] which only ended when said abuser hit him with a bottle and caused his scar}} was the event that turned him into a [[Tsunshun|perpetually angry and miserable young man]].
** "Angry Lady"/{{spoiler|Mori Yamamoto}} [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid|used to be a sweet lady]], but {{spoiler|having her longtime fiancé [[Your Cheating Heart|cheat on her]], causing a violent breakup of epic proportions}}, has embittered her into the [[Woman Scorned]] [[Broken Bird]] she is now.
** This is inverted with {{spoiler|Chie Yamamoto aka "Cashier Girl". She used to be an [[Enfant Terrible]] [[Loving Bully]] to Jiro as a kid, but when Jiro left town, Chie had a [[Heel Realization]], believing herself to be the cause of his departure ([[Orphan's Ordeal|she wasn't]]). Because of this, she grew up into a [[Nice Girl]] [[The Atoner|who wanted to make up to Jiro for the things she did]].}}
* [[The Gambling Addict]]: Genji, Jiro and Taro's cousin. He's first introduced hitting his father up for money to pay off his debts.
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* [[Grew a Spine]]: Jiro slowly but surely grows one. Look no further when he [[Tranquil Fury|very calmly]] {{spoiler|kicks Yuudai's abusive ex out}} or {{spoiler|quickly shuts Yuudai up when his pricklish behavior gets too much for him to tolerate.}}
* [[Grumpy Bear]]: Nothing but his [[Kindhearted Cat Lover|cat]] (and maybe Jiro being "devastated"...) seems to make Yuudai's day brighter. {{spoiler|At least until [[Genki Guy|Taisei]] comes along.}}
* [[Hate Sink]]: ItArata has one in the form ofTasaki. {{spoiler|Arata Tasaki, Yuudai's [[Domestic Abuse|abusive]] ex. Between harassing him via text messages, showing up to Yuudai's workplace unannounced and acting insulting to both Yuudai and Jiro, outing Yuudai in the process}}, it's clear he's designed to be hated. It says a lot when you have ''the freaking [[Yakuza]]'' as side antagonists, and they ''still'' come across as more likable than this guy.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: A defensive mechanism of Yuudai, and [[Jerkass Woobie|he has a pretty good reason for it]].
* [[Hates Everyone Equally]]: Yuudai [http://sakana.smackjeeves.com/comics/1033527/035/ claims] that he's this, but this is [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] since [[Tsundere|he]] [[Pet the Dog|adores]] [[Kindhearted Cat Lover|his cat]] and seems to get along at least a little bit better with Taro than with everyone else, and even eventually befriends [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis|Jiro]]. {{spoiler|To say nothing about his blossoming relationship with Taisei...}}
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* [[Japanese Delinquents]]: In his teens Taro was this, but [[All There in the Manual|in his childhood]] he [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]], [http://mynameismad.deviantart.com/art/YANKEE-PUNCHONETTA-159132607 apparently]. Now he's more like a [[Nice Guy]], though, [[Beware the Nice Ones|unless you get on his bad side.]]
* [[Jerkass]]: Yuudai certainly acts this way, but some panels indicate that it's actually just him being [[Despair Event Horizon|fed up with life]] and having no trust into people, because if someone (Read: [[Love You and Everybody|Taisei]]) would strip Yuudai out of all his layers of his [[Buffy-Speak|Jerkass-ness]], then it shows he is actually just a [[Shrinking Violet|shy]] and [[Broken Bird|very lonely]] person, making this more of a [[Jerkass Facade]].
** TheMori angry-lookingis ladyintroduced from the train isbeing mean to [[Nice Guy|Taisei]] of all people, which quickly earned her this status. Granted, she did have a bad day. {{spoiler|She turns out to be more of a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] later on, though.}}
** Yuki, the girl Jiro really wanted to date when he was young, who brushed his off [[Love Confession]] pretty rudely.
** The [[Yakuza]] Genji associates himself with, obviously enough. While [[Loan Shark|Ryoji]] tries to disguise it under a [[Faux Affably Evil|polite façade]], his [[Co-Dragons]] [[Obviously Evil|don't even attempt to hide]] their douchebaggery.
** {{spoiler|Arata Tasaki, Yuudai's abusive ex}}though, is the worst of them all, by [[Word of God|Mad]]'s admission no less.
* [[Jerkass Facade]]: Yuudai tries hard to be as cold and uncaring as possible, but it becomes clear to the characters and readers [[Hidden Heart of Gold|he is much kinder and awkward than he portrays himself]]. Jiro criticizes him for this.
* [[Jerkass Has a Point]]: True, [[Trickster Twins|Michio and Kento]]'s refusal to help Yuudai is quite harsh, but because Yuudai has been nothing but a [[Jerkass]] to them, only helping them out of pragmatism, they have absolutely no reason to return the favor. {{spoiler|When Yuudai tells them [[Nice Guy|Jiro]] is the one who needs help, [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|the twins wholeheartedly agree to the task]], as they genuinely like him for his kind behavior.}}
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** Taro is a mix of this and [[Nice Guy]], as he's a pleasant, friendly and loyal person who has [[Hair-Trigger Temper|rage]] [[Hot-Blooded|issues]] and is [[Ax Crazy|quite]] [[Blood Knight|insane]]. He played this much straighter as a teen, being cold and agressive yet caring for his baby brother.
** Also Genji, the cousin of the brothers, as he apologized (while Taro already left) to Taro after he tried to sponge off some money. Also, [[Word of God|Word of Mad]] is that Genji would love to not be a raging dickhole to his family, [[No Social Skills|but has no idea how not to be a raging dickhole to his family]].
** Angry Lady/{{spoiler|Mori}} was introduced as a cold and rude woman, but that is more because of personal issues, and she does care about her sister and friends deeply.
** Mura can be a dick to others (especially Yuudai), but is a softie with his family.
** [[Trickster Twins|Michio and Kento]] are [[Smug Smiler|smug]], [[Brutal Honesty|brutally honest]] [[Troll|Trolls]], but they can be nice and helpful to people they like.
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** Jan also qualifies, at least in his comfort zone.
* [[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: In the backstory, Jiro got rejected by a stuck-up bitch named Yuki. Cue [[Big Brother Instinct|Taro]] threatening and succeeding in [[Running Gag|throwing her down the stairs]]. You bet nobody bat an eye on that.
** In fact, this is pretty common with Taro. True, he has a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]] that can border on [[Ax Crazy]], but when said temper is provoked by things like [[Grumpy Bear|Yuudai]] [[Big Brother Instinct|bullying his brother]], [[Gonk|Genji]] [[Bullying a Dragon|deliberately provoking him]] and {{spoiler[[Ice Queen|Mori}}]] [[Jerkass|acting like a bitch for no good reason]]; it's hard to blame him.
** Much later, the Kusagawa twins throw Mura into a fish tank to get his hat, while Yuudai evilly watches. As mean-spirited as it is, [[Troll|Mura]] ''definitely'' had it coming.
** Deconstructed with the [[Yakuza]]'s bullying of [[Jerkass|Genji]]. Yes, Genji is a jackass who more often than not causes his own problems, but the shit the [[Yakuza]] put him through is [[Disproportionate Retribution|so disproportionate]] it actually makes him [[Jerkass Woobie|sympathetic]], as well as emphasizing the [[Yakuza]]'s [[Knight of Cerebus|ruthlessness]].
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]]: [[Hidden Depths|Yuudai]], who has a cat called [[Everything's Better with Princesses|Hime]] which he loves very much, and who is pretty much his only friend.
** Taisei likes them too! But then again, [[Friend to All Living Things|it's difficult to find something]] [[Gentle Giant|he]] [[Friend to All Living Things|doesn't like]].
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Both sides of the [[Big Bad Ensemble]] count. [[Loan Shark|Nishimura]] and his cronies downplay this a bit since they have some funny moments that add some levity. {{spoiler|Arata Tasaki}}, on the other hand, is played '''dead seriously''' at all times, being the walking personification of [[Nightmare Fuel]].
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: The identities of "Cashier Girl" (Chie Yamamoto), "Angry Lady" (Mori Yamamoto) and "This Guy" (Arata Tasaki) have entered this status thanks to fanworks and personal bios by the creator.
* [[Living Emotional Crutch]]: The Sakana brothers towards each other, [[Orphan's Ordeal|with good reason]].
** [[Cute Kitten|Hime]] is pretty much the main reason [[Broken Bird|Yuudai]] hasn't lost his mind completely.
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* [[Nice Guy]]: So many people, but Taisei outshines them all.
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: Taro, [[Blood Is the New Black|of]] [[Knife Nut|course]].
* [[No Name Given]]: Due to Jiro's shyness when it comes to girls, he hasn't got a chance to ask "cashier girl" for her name. This has developed into a [[Running Gag]] of sorts, since every time Jiro gets to talk to her, he always somehow fails to get her name. {{spoiler|Finally averted as of later chapters.}}
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: Taisei. The awkwardness level of it is especially high because he's so tall.
* [[Not So Different]]: Jiro and Taro, despite being a [[Sibling Yin-Yang]] [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]] pair, have a few common traits, most notably being [[Nice Guy|nice guys]] who are [[Big Brother Instinct|very protective]] of their loved ones and [[Tranquil Fury|can turn terrifying]] [[Beware the Nice Ones|if pushed too far]].
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Yuudai was trying to help Jiro on one occassion, but Taro saw Jiro's bruises and thought Yuudai hurt him. [[Big Brother Instinct|Chaos ensues]]. A bit justified considering Yuudai has been bullying Jiro until recently.
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]]. {{spoiler|After Jiro tries to ask "cashier girl" out on a date, but [[Cannot Spit It Out|is too nervous when talking to her to actually do so]], so he asks her for some change. Depressed, Jiro goes back with the change, but Taro notices a piece of paper with her phone number on it...}}
* [[Official Couple]]: Jiro and Cashier Girl/{{spoiler|Chie Yamamoto}}. {{spoiler|Taisei and Yuudai}} are on the way to become this as well.
* [[Oh Crap]]: Our three [[Date Peepers]] pull an epic one [http://sakana.smackjeeves.com/comics/1343981/122/ here].
** Jiro also does this pretty frequently. {{spoiler|[http://www.mangamagazine.net/read-manga/SAKANA-Chapter-7-Chapter-7/125/6/11 This is probably the best example] (beware, spoilers!)}}.
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* [[Plucky Girl]]: "Cashier Girl" sure has to be one when one of her jobs is training gigantic, feral-looking dogs for "companionship".
* [[Recurring Extra]]: A guy with a cap with the phrase [[Fun T-Shirt|"THIS GUY"]] on it shows up frequently in the background. He seems to be a [[Chekhov's Gunman]], because the artist revealed that he will have a bigger role in the future. {{spoiler|And boy, [[Bastard Boyfriend|what]] [[Domestic Abuser|a]] [[Smug Snake|role]] [[Knight of Cerebus|he has]]...}}
* [[Relative Error]]: Taro confuses {{spoiler|sisters Chie and Mori}} for a lesbian couple. {{spoiler|Mori}} is '''not''' amused.
* [[Rule 63]]: [http://mynameismad.tumblr.com/post/19486809384/what-if-a-genderbending-beam-came-and-shot-the-whole#notes With official art provided by Mad herself], please enjoy [http://mynameismad.tumblr.com/tagged/girlkana Girlkana].
* [[Running Gag]]: The brothers epically failing to get "cashier girl"'s name. {{spoiler|It's Chie,was byan theearly wayone.}}
** Taro being in awkward situations because of him being covered in blood or looking [[Ax Crazy]] due to his work as a butcher.
* [[Scenery Porn]]: There are some rather neat and detailed drawn shots of parks, Harajuku and, of course, the Tsukiji Fish Market.
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* [[Sibling Rivalry]]: Averted with his actual brother, but Taro has this with his cousin Genji. They were raised together, and they do not get along '''at all'''.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: The Sakana brothers, Jiro and Taro. Jiro is the meek, reserved and shy younger brother while Taro is the passionate, thrill-seeking, extroverted older brother.
** The Yamamoto sisters also fit this trope. {{spoiler|Chie/"Cashier Girl" is a perky [[Nice Girl]] {{spoiler|who used to be an [[Enfante Terrible]] in her youth}}, while Mori/"Angry Lady" is a bitter [[Ice Queen]] who was a much nicer child.}}
** Also [[Genki Guy|Taisei]] and his older brother [[The Quiet One|Genkei]]. Later subverted, as Genkei proves he's just as intelligent and excitable as his brother, even sharing his trademark laugh.
* [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]]: Jiro, in an attempt to eat on a cheap place in his date, accidentally goes to a place where ''[[Up to Eleven|everyone]]'' is this, which only furthers his embarrassment.
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: Cashier Girl/{{spoiler|Chie}} is very much interested in Jiro, who is a very awkward but sweet guy. Jiro is very muchclearly this as well, as he likes her for her [[Nice Girl]] personality {{spoiler|and is more than shocked when he discovers she used to be his former childhood bully.}} "Angry Lady"/{{spoiler|Mori}} is also this, considering {{spoiler|she dumped her ex-fiancé for cheating, and gets some [[Ship Tease]] with Taro, who (rage issues aside) is a [[Nice Guy]] like his brother.}}
** Same-sex example: After {{spoiler|Taisei}} shoves him with genuine kindness, {{spoiler|Yuudai}} finds himself attracted to him in less than a day. {{spoiler|This is due to his [[Dark and Troubled Past|sad backstory]], in which he was in a five-year long abusive relationship with a colossal [[Bastard Boyfriend]].}}
* [[The Stoic]]: Shigeru is a pretty calm and cool dude.
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* [[Tsundere]]: Yuudai is very ''tsun'' around his co-workers, and very ''dere'' [[Kindhearted Cat Lover|around his cat]]. The moments where he actually shows his kind side to them are rare indeed. [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|He is not a bad guy, though]].
** He is also [[Ho Yay|notably flustered]] whenever [[No Sense of Personal Space|Taisei]] invades Yuudai's normally well-protected comfort zone [[Love You and Everybody|just by being friendly]]. {{spoiler|No wonder he gained a crush on him.}}
* [[Tsunshun]]: Yuudai per [[Word of God]]. Also Genji and Angry Lady/{{spoiler|Mori}}.
* [[Turn the Other Cheek]]: Jiro does this to Yuudai, which makes him confused.
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]:
** Taro zig-zags this trope. He used to be a nice child, grew into a [[Japanese Delinquents|japanese delinquent]] in his teens due to heavy personal trauma, and he has mellowed out into a [[Nice Guy]] as an adult, albeit one [[Beware the Nice Ones|who can wreck shit if trifled with]].
** Played straight with Yuudai and "Angry Lady"/{{spoiler|Mori}}. Yuudai was still very quiet and antisocial, but nowhere near the angry mess he is now. "AngryAs for Lady"/{{spoiler|Mori}}'s, she has become her own antithesis over the years. Of course, [[Love Hurts|there's very good reasons]] [[Broken Bird|behind their changes in attitude]].
** Inverted completely with "Cashier Girl"/{{spoiler|Chie}}. {{spoiler|As a child, she was an [[Enfant Terrible]] who liked to [[The Bully|beat up]] [[Loving Bully|her crush]] (who is her later boyfriend Jiro).}} A far cry from the [[Nice Girl]] she is in the present.
** Absolutely averted with {{spoiler|Arata}}. He was a disgusting assholejackass [[Enfant Terrible|even as a child]] (though he obviously got worse as an adult).
** Also averted with Genji, who was a [[Bratty Half-Pint]] and it's clear [[Man Child|he didn't grow out of this phase]]. He's nowhere near as horrible as {{spoiler|Arata}}, though.
* [[Vile Villain, Saccharine Show]]: For a [[Slice of Life]] [[Romantic Comedy]], ''Sakana'' has genuinely dark antagonists in its [[Big Bad Ensemble]].
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Taro and Yuudai, due to the latter's prickly personality. Later on, Yuudai becomes this with his former [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]] Jiro (though "best buds" it's still a bit of a stretch).
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