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** Also, in the end of the first album, the Frank's gang after {{spoiler|accidentally drinking the poison. They end up with a big case of diarrhea}}.
** Morty's face expresses this perfectly in the fourth album when {{spoiler|Frank shoots and scores the winning goal}}.
** [[Ill Girl|Henrietta]] has one when she realizes she has to sit with [[The Pig Pen|Billy]].
** Frank does a nice one, seen [https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p130x130/1959261_10202441295010466_711215417_n.jpg?oh=b6eda4fec4478ba4909af2ba8910e839&oe=54F84BE4&__gda__=1420623189_0a72bb50f9ecb4dafd4b2d2d3e0c0306 here]{{Dead link}}.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Guillotine trying to help Piruja in conquering Victor (with underhanded methods, but still), shows her [[Hidden Heart of Gold]] behind her bitchiness.
** Victor gets a huge one at the end of the second album, by joining Frank, Lupo and Piruja in confronting Miss Hit and save everyone. Considering he has spent the entire album being a prickly coward, and how lowly he thinks about the people in Villa Susto, this surprisingly selfless act may be the greatest example of this trope in the comic.
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