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** Theon, who's a bit of an asshole, but also takes hideous amounts of shit from all sides.
** The fans that dislike Daenerys tend to see her as this. It's undeniable that her childhood and teenage years have not been nice, at all.
* [[Like You Would Really Do It]]: Sean Bean is all over the advertising, sitting on the iron throne as if anticipating events to come. He is by far the best known actor in the series, one of the noblest and most sympathetic characters, and by all appearances [[The Hero]]. When he is accused of treason and threatened with execution, no one is really fooled that he's in any danger; its all just a matter of what form [[The Cavalry]] will take. {{spoiler|Which, of course, is entirely the point. [[Anyone Can Die]], up to and including the top billed and most beloved characters, and now everyone knows it.}}
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]:
** Petyr Baelish, a.k.a. Littlefinger. At least in the first three seasons prior to getting hit by [[Villain Decay]] and [[Took a Level In Dumbass|Taking a Level In Dumbass]].
** Tywin Lannister was this full-stop back when he was around. Charles Dance's performance certainly helped.
** Tywin Lannister.
** {{spoiler|Mirri Maz Duur, the witch, who got her revenge on Khal Drogo for his men sacking her village and raping her. Unfortunately for her, she pulled her scheme a little too well, and Dany learned a bit about Equivilent Exchange in the process}}.
** The show adds several scenes in which Littlefinger and Varys are fully aware of their roles as the dueling Magnificent Bastards of Kings Landing, to a [[Friendly Enemy]] level.
** Tyrion Lannister. The little guy can bend almost anyone to his will.
** Xaro Xhoan Daxos, as of "A Man Without Honor." The man played everyone else in his entire storyline for chumps right from the start. Possibly subverted in that it gains him nothing in the end.
** MargaeryOlenna Tyrell has shown herself to be a Magnificent Bitch par excellence, and this extends to her [[Bastard Understudy]] granddaughter, Margaery Tyrell.
*** As of Season 4, so is {{spoiler|Sansa Stark!}}
* [[Memetic Badass]]:
** Khal Drogo. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=r31az37O1fI Jason himself] is of the opinion that Drogo would win in a fight with [[Conan the Barbarian]], one of literature's most famous memetic badasses, who he has also portrayed. Jason ended up playing Conan in the 2011 film.
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