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== Anime &and Manga ==
* ''[[Haruhi Suzumiya]]'': There is a space battle scene fitting this trope. [[Justified]] in that it's a virtual battle in a computer game programmed by Japanese high-school students, who would be expected to have learned everything they know about military combat from movies and TV shows.
* ''[[Captain Harlock]]'': Bonus points for the hero's ship looking like a mash-up of a submarine, battlecruiser and galleon.
* ''[[Space Battleship Yamato]]'' featured this trope aplenty, especially in the big battle at the edge of the solar system in the very first episode, which was ''very'' obviously inspired by World War II naval engagements. Of course, it's hard to imagine making the [[Space Is an Ocean]] trope any more explicit than this show did...
== Film ==