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Tactics Ogre/Characters: Difference between revisions

(Bringing some update to it, by hand. Just a hint: You guys need to add some missing tropes. Really.)
(17 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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== Main Cast ==
=== Denam Pavel (Denim Powell)/Denam {{spoiler|Morne}}/(Denim {{spoiler|Mown}}[[File:Denam 5794.jpg|frame]]) ===
[[File:Denam 5794.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|"There is blood on my hands, how long till it lies on my heart?"}}
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* [[The Fettered]]: Played straight in the Chaotic route {{spoiler|when Denam rejects the Duke’s offer to rejoin him. Otherwise, accepting it causes this trope to be subverted}}.
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]:
** Denam can make this reputation for himself on the LawLawful Routeroute, {{spoiler|as he can participate on killing 5,000 citizens in Balmamusa and ''earn'' the nickname of "Butcher of Golyat"}}.
** Lanselot Tartaros would never expect at his first face-to-face meeting with Denam that he would meet on that mere kid doing his Duke's errands ''his very equal'' in ability down the line.
* [[The Hero]]: His supporters refer to him as the Hero of Golyat. In contrast, he's labeled a butcher by those who vilify him.
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* [[Master Of All]]: In the remake, his Lord class becomes [[Game Breaker|horribly overpowered]]. He not only has the [[Dual Wield]] from the original; he gains access to ''every single spell in the game'' and '''''every command skill he masters in other classes'''''.
* [[Nice Guy]]: It sometimes leads him to being a [[Dogged Nice Guy]] to Catiua and Vyce on the Neutral and Chaotic routes.
* [[No Place Forfor Me There]]: {{spoiler|Denam leaves Valeria at the end, thinking [[These Hands Have Killed|he's killed so many people]] over the course of the Heim Conflict that his presence would only hinder his sister's new reign of peace over the islands. He goes to Xenobia at Lanselot's suggestion.}}.
* [[Not So Different]]: Used against Denam by Xaebos and Balxephon in the Lawful route.
** A more optimistic version of this trope can be used by Denam to recruit certain characters in the same route.
* [[Not So Stoic]]: Although Denam may come across as stoic and calm to some people (particularly Deneb), he does have his moments of being emotional from time to time. {{spoiler|Most notably when his father dies, where even in the first version of the game, there was a portrait for Denim crying just for that one scene. Then in the second version, the portrait of him crying is even more detailed}}.
* [[These Hands Have Killed]]: While killing Galgastani troops never seemed to bother Denam, he immediately invokes this trope {{spoiler|right after slaughtering the civilians of Balmamusa or killing his own compatriots to hold off the massacre}}.
** {{spoiler|This is also what causes Denam to [[Walking The Earth|go to Xenobia at Lanselot's suggestion]]: his killcount leads him to think [[No Place Forfor Me There|his presence and fame would harm Catiua's newly-installed peaceful reign]].}}.
* [[Think Nothing of It]]: Be fully assured that Denam's not in this for fame, fortune or power. He only wants the war to end and that's it.
* [[Time Travel]]: The Chariot mechanic in the remake is heavily implied to be an ability of his, to the point that not only he can alter the course of a battle, he can also ''access different timelines'' and, as shown in CODA, {{spoiler|''fix certain events''}}.
* [[Underdogs Never Lose]]: No one expected a mere resistance fighter to ascend that high on the food chain, did they?
* [[Walking the Earth]]: {{spoiler|In the ending where Catiua becomes Queen of Valeria, he goes to Xenobia where Lanselot originally came from.}}.
* [[We Cannot Go on Without You]]: If he dies/loses all his lives, it's game over.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]:
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* [[Young and in Charge]]: Though it initially starts off as a publicity stunt to draw in new recruits, Denam along with his friends are made official knights after rescuing the leader of the Resistance. Many NPCs comment on how Denam looks far too young to be in charge as well. {{spoiler|He eventually comes to lead the Resistance after Ronwey (and anyone else with the reputation and rank to lead) ends up dead}}.
=== Catiua Pavel (Kachua Powell) {{spoiler|Versalia Oberyth (Bersalia Overis)}}[[File:Catiua 5734.jpg|frame]] ===
[[File:Catiua 5734.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|"Promise you’ll never leave your sister."}}
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* [[Annoying Younger Sibling|Annoying Older Sibling]]: It's telling that Denam has problems putting up with her attitude for a portion of the game.
* [[Badass Preacher]]: Catiua's exclusive starting class Priest is one of the few classes that can use offensive divine magic.
* [[Badass Princess]]: {{spoiler|Her Princess class is comparable to both advanced magic users and advanced fighters.}}.
* [[Barrier Maiden]]: {{spoiler|Her very ''existence'' can open a Chaos Gate under the Hanging Gardens and the Palace of the Dead. Why is that? It's because King Dorgalua thought she was dead; he tried to do an [[Orphean Rescue]] and locked the door to the Underworld with her as the key because that would be both his way out, and a way to stop other things to get out. The fact that she wasn't dead ]][[Gone Horribly Wrong|made things infinitesimally worse for him]].}}.
* [[Beauty Equals Goodness]]: Partially subverted by Catiua who doesn't seem to care much about anything other than Denam and herself. She comes to grow out of this by the end.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Vyce chastises her for sweet-talking the Xenobians into helping them out. In the first version of the game, he even shouts at her, "What a bitch!!".
* [[Black Magic|Black Mage]]: Catiua's final class allows her to make full use of every elemental magic available (including the powerful draconic spells). The remake didn't change much of this.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: Heavily implied on Catiua's part in the first version of the game, but made less-emotional and more passive-aggressive in the second version. In general, her motivation for {{spoiler|doing all that crazy stuff like betraying Denam and joining the Dark Knights}} is linked to her wanting to be with him.
* [[Cry Cute]]: {{spoiler|If Denam succeeds at talking her out of her [[Face-Heel Turn]], complete with running make-up and falling to her knees. She's been your haughty, possessive older sister for the whole game and then she just suddenly becomes a vulnerable little girl who regrets what she has done and begs his brother's forgiveness.}}.
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: In the Chaos route, when Xapan kidnaps her at Rhime. This condition only lasts for a few missions though.
* {{spoiler|[[Despair Event Horizon]]: Once she thinks that Denam has abandoned her in favor of pursuing revolution, she becomes desperate and ends up joining the Dark Knights. If you run the wrong dialogue after fighting Tartaros in Barnicia, [[Driven to Suicide|she will stab herself in front of Denam]].}}.
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: {{[[Joking Mode|Not everyone can handle the burden of being an important character in a Yasumi Matsuno game}}]]. Jokes aside, {{spoiler|if you choose the wrong dialogue in Barnicia, Catiua will kill herself due to crossing a [[Despair Event Horizon]] and Denam's [[Poor Communication Kills|lack of communication]].}}.
* [[Evil Makeover]]: {{spoiler|During her time with the Dark Knights, she dons a new black outfit, puts on a darker shade of lip color, and changes to an evil version of her original class.}}.
* [[Face-Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|After leaving Denam's party in Chapter 3, she's coaxed by Tartaros into joining the Dark Knights when he tells her of [[Heroic Bastard|her true heritage]].}}.
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Some of the promo artworks depict Catiua holding a sword, but her in-game class forces her to wield staves and cudgels instead.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: How to {{spoiler|stop her from committing suicide, as well as keeping her out of the preceding battle against Lanselot Tartaros in Barnicia Castle, which also involves a dialogue choice with Mreuva on Banhamoba Shrine after you rescue him. While she would only join the battle if you went neutral (due to difference on circumstances surrounding her fight with Denam between the SNES and [[PS 1]] versions), it's possible for her to join the battle under ''any'' circumstance}}.
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* [[White Magic|White Mage]]: The first one accessible to you, but only as a guest member. In the remake, you can bring her back to that class.
=== Vyce Bozeck (Vice Bozeg)[[File:Vyse 247.jpg|frame]] ===
[[File:Vyse 247.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|"I have no love of war. But I'd sooner die on my feet than on my knees."}}
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* [[Abusive Parents]]: His father was a drunkard who beat him.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Heroes]]: {{spoiler|In the Lawful route, where he helps Denam defeat Leonar}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]: {{spoiler|In the Chaotic route, thanks to Nybeth}}.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: His entire personality changes to either Heroic or Sadistic; whichever is the opposite of the decision Denam make at the end of the first chapter.
* {{spoiler|[[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: {{spoiler|In the Chaotic and Neutral routes}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Cutscene Power to the Max]]: {{spoiler|He fatally wounds Ravness with a single crossbow shot. Typical crossbows available in Chapter 1 generally do not mortally wound much of anything in one shot}}.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: Becomes one in the Chaotic route, even having Zapan/Xapan as [[The Dragon]].
* [[Duel Boss]]: In the Chaotic route.
* [[Evil Makeover]]: In the Chaotic and Neutral routes, in addition to getting a sadistic look on his face, his hair also inexplicably becomes more evil. He is often referred to as "Sadistic Vyce" in this form. In the PSP version, his appearance changes even more drastically, making him look like some kind of beast or demon.
** In the second version of the game, this is ''inverted'' on the LawLawful route where he suddenly sticks his head up in a heroic way, and his chin becomes more well-defined.
* {{spoiler|[[Expy]]: {{spoiler|In the second version of the game, he becomes this to Algus/Argath in the Chaotic route}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|In the Chaotic and Neutral routes}}.
* [[Foil]]: Mainly to Denam, though he contrasts in some ways to Leonar as well.
* [[Freudian Excuse]]/[[Green-Eyed Monster]]: He brought this up in Chaotic Routeroute when he fought Denam. "You... you '''vex''' me!"
* {{spoiler|[[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: {{spoiler|Both for the same character! His scars represent good in the Law route but evil in the Chaotic and Neutral routes}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: {{spoiler|In the Lawful route}}.
* [[Ranger]]: His unique class.
* [[Rival Turned Evil]]: In the Chaotic and Neutral routes.
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]: {{spoiler|He kills Duke Ronwey in the Neutral route, knowing full well that he will be cut down as soon as he does so}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|In the Chaotic route, he tries to play Ronwey, Brantyn and the Lodissians to gain power, but ends up as the fall-guy for a plot gone wrong and is hanged}}.
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: {{spoiler|He does this to Xapan. Later in the Chaotic route, this happens to ''him''}}.
== The Walister Resistance ==
=== Duke Juda Ronwey (Judah Ronway) ===
The leader of the Walister Resistance. After the onset of war, he led the beleaguered Walister people in their resistance of the Galgastani. The Duke was held prisoner in his own castle at Almorica until his rescue.
* [[Bad Boss]]: Especially in the Lawful route, in which he tries to micromanage the war.
* [[Fatal Flaw]]: In all three routes, it's his politicking that ends up being his undoing.
** {{spoiler|On the Lawful route, his excessive focus to land a decisive rout to the (numerically superior) enemy in a pitched battle reveals his lack of skill and necessitates his removal}}.
** {{spoiler|On the Neutral route, his hounding of Vyce, who he sees as a maverick, and his capture of Loslorien diplomats, whom he antagonizes as a foreign influence, leads to his assassination}}.
** {{spoiler|On the Chaotic route, he places all his faith on Vyce, a man with an increasing bloodlust, solely because of his perceived loyalty and value as a cultural symbol for the Walister, and gets assassinated by him in a trap set up by both him and Brantyn}}.
* [[For Want of a Nail]]:
** Denam's decision at Balmamusa has a big effect on Ronwey's later attitude: if Denam obeys him, the massacre goes as planned and Denam becomes his "champion"; this gives him the overconfidence that brings out his [[Fatal Flaw]] and causes his quick downfall. If Denam disobeys, the massacre still succeeds, but knowing that he has a fierce opposition in Denam makes him more cautious, and in turn this allows him to defeat Balbatos.
** Likewise, the split between the Neutral/Chaotic routes has this: if Denam goes with Leonar and rejoins the Walister, Ronwey feels more at ease that he would resist the Loslorien, but if he doesn't, he feels insecure enough to decide to strike a bargain with the Dark Knights for an alliance.
* [[Jigsaw Plot]]: Just like [[For Want of a Nail]] above, Ronwey's role is malleable:
** Depending on the route, Ronwey can become a pathetic [[Bad Boss]] (Lawful), or an actually competent leader who manages to win his war against Balbatos (Chaotic).
** When the plot branches again on the Chaotic route, Ronwey can be either a [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] in full opposition of the Loslorien (Neutral), or tries to strike a bargain with the Dark Knights to take control of Southern Valeria (Chaotic).
* [[Not So Different]]: He at first pretends to be the "good" leader of the war, but the Balmamusa Massacre casts him in a much less flattering light, showing him to be little different from the other leaders.
=== Leonar Reci Rimon (Leonard Leci Limon) ===
A Walister who captains the Knights of Almorica. He serves as the right hand of Duke Ronwey, and is a vital member of the Resistance. His mother was killed by the Galgastani, which instilled in him a strong loyalty to the Walister.
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: {{spoiler|He's this to Arycelle as soon as she discovers the truth about the Balmamusa Massacre}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Came Back Wrong]]: {{spoiler|Courtesy of Nybeth, in all routes}}.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Leonar has few regrets about his actions in the war, {{spoiler|especially the Balmamusa Massacre}}.
<small>{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Leonar:''' [To Arycelle] Do you think we did not understand what it was we did? What it would mean? [[At Least I Admit It|It was a vile plot from the start]], but it had to be done. For our people - our future! Galgastan hunted us. We had no other card left to play. So I did it - did it gladly! And if I had it to do again, I would}}!}}</small>
* [[Implied Love Interest]]: It's all but confirmed he had an affair with Arycelle.
* [[Jigsaw Plot]]: Depending on what route you take, he either becomes a nice guy who tries to betray you at the end, is a nice guy regardless, or fights you anyways. Some considered it a letdown that he didn't join in Neutral, where he's always a nice guy.
* [[The Starscream]]: In the Lawful route, {{spoiler|where he suggests Denam to kill the Duke so he could become a pariah for the Walisters to rally on}}.
* [[Suicide by Cop]]:
* [[Suicide by Cop]]:* Implied in the Chaotic route {{spoiler|where it's revealed that he purposely put all the dark-hearted resistance members in the path of Denam, and admits that Denam was right after he is mortally wounded}}.
** Subverted in the Lawful route: {{spoiler|after being mortally wounded, he tells Denam to blame all the atrocities committed by Ronwey on him, so he becomes a villain and Denam becomes a hero for the Walister. He completes that his original plan was for Denam to die, but since ''he'' got the short end of the stick instead, it might as well help to unify the kingdom under Denam, who is capable enough to lead the Walister to freedom}}.
* [[You Killed My Father|You Killed My Mother]]: His main reason for hating Galgastani people.
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A new character added to the PSP version of the game. She is a Walister who serves with the Knights of Almorica and is a close confidant of Duke Ronwey, second only to Sir Leonar in rank. {{spoiler|She is the opposite of Leonar, always sticking with the side that refuses to take part in the massacre of Balmamusa}}.
* [[Braids of Action]]: Wears her long silver hair in two braids on the side of her head.
* {{spoiler|[[Cutscene Incompetence]]: {{spoiler|Despite her combat abilities, it takes a single crossbow bolt from Vyce to fatally wound her}}.
* [[Expy]]: She’s ''Tactics Ogre'''s answer to Agrias Oaks of ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' fame in almost every way.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: How do you recruit her?
** Looking her name up on any search engine will give you links to about a dozen different threads involving the very complicated steps the player must take to get her. {{spoiler|She's only accessible on the Lawful route: you'll have to go out of your way during Chapters 2 and 3 to Phorampa Wildwood to rescue her in different occasions after reading the Warren Report}}.
* [[Half-Breed Discrimination]]: Due to being of mixed race between Walister and Galgastani, both ethnic groups have no trust on her.
* [[Knight In Shining Armor]]: One of the few characters able to access the White Knight class, formerly exclusive to Myrdin and Gildas.
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Magic Knight]]: She starts as a Valkyrie, and has the habit of chucking magic when fighting as a [[Guest Party Member]].
* [[Noble Fugitive]]: Ravness becomes a fine example of this trope in later chapters (provided if she’s still alive in each hostile encounter).
* [[Ship Tease]]: Her and ''Canopus''.
* [[To Be Lawful or Good]]: Her dilemma in the Lawful route, {{spoiler|due to rebelling against Ronwey after the Balmamusa Massacre}}.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Grade A with a pair of shorts and thigh-high stockings.
Line 157 ⟶ 180:
A Walister who fights for the Resistance and serves the Order of Philaha. He once cared for orphans at a church in Almorica, but it was razed to the ground by the Galgastani after war broke out, and he lost all that he held dear. He now devotes his life to seeking vengeance. He is friends with Leonar and Arycelle as well.
* [[Church Militant]]: A religious preacher at heart, always spreading the words of Philaha.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: His original name and physical appearance was clearly intended to be [[wikipedia:Donald Pleasance|Donald Pleasance]].
* [[Not So Different]]: During Denam's battle with Leonar at the end of the Chaos Route, Presance lobs this accusation at Leonar:
<small>{{quote|'''Donnalto:''' {{spoiler|And this gives excuse to murder our people [[False Flag Operation|as you did in Balmamusa]]? If the means you use are any judge, you are no different than Balbatos and Brantyn}}!}}</small>
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: The artbooks spell his name as "Donayld".
* [[Took a Level In Dumbass]]: In the PSP version, he tries to use Exorcism on a standing undead, and it doesn't work, saying that it had been fifteen years since he last fought undead and got rusty. Conveniently, [[Fridge Brilliance|fifteen years ago, his undead fighting tactic DID work]] because in the first version of the game, Exorcism could insta-kill standing undead. This also serves as a clue as to how Exorcism works in the PSP version.
Line 182 ⟶ 208:
=== Arycelle Dania (Aloser Danya) ===
Leonar's ex-girlfriend from Balmamusa, pissed off at the massacre. At first, she opposes Denam greatly. In the Lawful route, she is a complete bitch and gets killed for it when she and Vyce attacks Denam in Rhime {{spoiler|although not so much in the PSP version where she can avoid getting killed, sees the truth with Vyce and joins Denam's batallion along with him and the Holy Knights}}. In the Chaotic route, she mellows down and eventually learns the truth, now directing her anger to the right side.
* [[Archer Archetype]]: The best archer in the game, ''bar none''.
* [[The Archer]]
* [[Badass Nickname]]: Her epithet is "Thunder Maiden".
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: {{spoiler|Once she learns the truth about the Balmamusa Massacre, Leonar turns into this for her. Made worse by the fact she was his ''[[Star-Crossed Lovers|girlfriend]]''.}}
* [[Fail O'Suckyname]]: Her name in the original is A'''loser''' after all.
* [[Informed Ability]]: Said to have killed 600 men when you meet her.
** Somewhat justified as she is considered the best archer in the game, and one of the strongest characters overall.
* [[Red Baron]]: The PSP remake gives her the title "Thunder Maiden", and she's usually hailed as Walister's best archer ever.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: She is completely nonplussed about the Balmamusa Massacre, and the fact her brother was killed ''while already injured from working at the mines''.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: If Denam {{spoiler|rejoins the Duke and}} initiates the Neutral Route, Arycelle won't put up with this and leave the party. In the remake, this is instead changed to a ''very sharp'' drop in her Loyalty, meaning you'll have to find a quick mean to raise that Loyalty back to keep her in the party.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Given as she's the "Thunder Maiden", her affinity to Lightning is to be expected. It also helps that the best Bow [[Limit Break|Finisher]] is also Lightning-elemental.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Her [[Red Baron]] alias as the "Thunder Maiden" in the remake is a homage to [[Final Fantasy Tactics|"Thunder God" Cidolfus Orlandeau]], since both she and Orlandeau are [[Game Breaker|notoriously broken]] in the original versions of both games.
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]: With Leonar, responsible for the Balmamusa Massacre. The fact that she's in for the head of the one responsible for the event eventually puts her at odds with him.
* [[FailUnfortunate O'SuckynameNames]]: Her name in the original is A'''loser''' after all.
== The Kingdom of GalgastaniGalgastan ==
=== Hierophant Leundar Balbatos (Cardinal Rayunder Barbatos) ===
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In the first version of the game, he was explicitly stated to be carrying out ethnic cleansing, massacring any village that dared oppose him and turning others into concentration camps. Yes, that's right, the exact words "ethnic cleansing" and "concentration camp" were used just in case that wasn't clear. In the second version of the game, this is toned down and he instead engages in a "blood war" involving forced labor camps and much bloodshed.
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: HeHis ispopularity hatedwith by manythe Galgastani in allis routes''low''.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: In the Lawful route, {{spoiler|where he'd rather commit suicide than surrender to Denam}}.
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: In the first version of the game, he instituted Baramus as a ''concentration camp''. In the PSP version, he is instead a Soviet by any other name, as he institutes Balmamusa as a ''forced labor camp''. These are merely the biggest examples, as ten other concentration camps/forced labor camps similar to Baramus/Balmamusa are noted to have been established by him.
* [[Not So Different]]: While in the guillotine, he rants about how the same thing will probably happen to Ronwey. {{spoiler|He's absolutely right}}.
* [[Off with His Head]]: This happens to him in the Chaotic route when Ronwey brings him to justice.
* [[The Unfought]]: Either is executed by guillotine in the Chaotic route or commits suicide in the Lawful route.
=== Xaebos Ronsenbach (Zaebos Rozenbach) ===
A Galgastani who leads the Knights of Galgastan. He served directly under Balbatos, hunting down the Hierophant's enemies at home and suppressing the Walister. One of Chapter 3's main antagonists.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Balbatos/Barbatos.
* [[Dragon His Feet]]: He never quits, even after Balbatos is defeated.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Gives this to Denam on pretty much every route.
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=== Hektor Didarro (Didario) ===
A Galgastani who served his clan in battle. He was a knight of House Didarro, a family of note in Coritanae. They have served the Lord of Coritanae for many generations, and are fiercely loyal to the Kingdom of Galgastan. Hektor was to wed Moldova until she fell in battle at krysaroKrysaro. He was garrisoned at Brigantys Castle under High Commander Xaebos, but later set off for the Bahanna Highlands to aid Moldova's sister Cressida. He escorted Cressida to Brigantys Castle safely, but was then killed by Denam's unit. The necromancer Nybeth later resurrected him and Moldova, but they were defeated by Denam once more, setting their souls free at last.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: In the original, Hektor was just another generic leader for you to trample. In the remake, he gets a bigger role, being important to the developments of Chapter 3 in the Lawful and Chaotic routes.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: In the Lawful route.
* [[Badass Boast]]: The remake allows him to give the mother of them all in Chapter 3C:
<small>{{quote|'''Hektor:''' Now my love turns to vengeance, Denam of Golyat! I am Hektor Didarro, son of Briam, Knight of Galgastan. I thank the Father for bringing you before me this day, Denam of Golyat! On the souls of my destined wife and her mother, ''I swear you will not live to see another dawn!''}}</small>
* [[Batman Gambit]]: On the Lawful Route, Hektor finds the exit to his own dilemma in Denam; after realizing the Hero of Golyat is coming for Brigantys, he and his father set the scene up so that he fights to the death with Denam, while his father makes sure the Galgastani dissidents are safe. The extra? Jeunan tells Denam later that his father also planned to join him as soon as their safety was guaranteed, ''by commiting suicide''.
* [[Came Back Wrong]]: {{spoiler|Nybeth brings him back as an undead along with his bethroted in the Chaotic route}}.
* [[Graceful Loser]]: In the Chaotic route, he acknowledges Denam as being ''far above his league'', but despite Denam's plead to solve this peacefully, [[Honor Before Reason|Hektor rather prefers to die for the Galgastani cause he swore for]].
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: It doesn't matter what Hektor believes in; he made an oath to Galgastan, and he's willing to ''meet his own end'' for it.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: In the Lawful route, this was the only way he could make sure Denam wasn't anything like Ronwey or Balbatos: ''[[Suicide by Cop|by clashing with him to the death]]''.
* [[Suicide by Cop]]: Part of his [[Batman Gambit]] on the Lawful route to ensure Balbatos' dissidents would live.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Hektor may have no love for Balbatos, but he's made his oath for Galgastan, one he feels compelled to respect to the bitter end.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Sees Denam as one in the Chaotic route.
=== Gildora (Zildor) ===
=== Jeunan Avertif (Jenounes Apatizer) ===
A former Galgastani riot squad. After being led to conduct a falsely-informed massacre at Vasque, he could no longer abide to Balbatos' orders and rebelled against him, but was imprisoned as a result. He will only join Denam during the third chapter of the Lawful route after getting rescued, if he sympathizes with Denam's words.
* [[The Atoner]]: Jeunan was responsible for the massacre of a village in Exeter Island, among some other events. He's horrified of the results, which motivated him to turn against the Hierophant.
* [[Birds of a Feather]]: On the Lawful route, since Denam also does the job of [[The Atoner]] for the Balmamusa Massacre, he decides to join him to repent for their sins together. On the Chaotic route, this doesn't happen, as Denam has ''nothing to atone for'' due to refusing to take part in it.
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: The remake changes his [[Weapon of Choice]] to a spear. He used swords in the original version.
* [[Dragon Knight]]: He's part of Galgastan's Wyrmslayer Squad, whose job was to hunt dragons, and his class is the Dragoon.
=== Ganpp Vochstein (Ganb Backstein) ===
A GalgastaniaGalgastani who once served his clan in battle. His coarse demeanor and haughty bearing rankle all those he meets, and he is not well-liked as a result. He has taken to avoiding contact with others, preferring the company of beasts. He has two pet gryphons named Obda and Berda.
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: Has a big balding topping his head, while being the best Beast Tamer on the game.
* [[Fluffy Tamer]]: He's never seen without his two gryphons.
* [[Gonk]]: Ganpp is said to be a complete barbarian, to the point ''his smell'' drives people away from him.
* [[Recurring Boss]]: Starting at the back half of Chapter 1, then a fight at Chapter 3, and finally a sidequest on Chapter 4 where you must keep him alive in order to get him to your party.
* [[Whip It Good]]: In the original, his [[Weapon of Choice]] are whips.
== The Kingdom of Bakram ==
Line 296 ⟶ 344:
* [[Hollywood Pudgy]]: That sprite of hers make her look fat, thus she's the subject of various fat jokes.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: She may look fine and normal, but you could go out of your way to make her miserable, which includes getting Folcurt killed before he could rescue her, or taking the Neutral route and let her see Cerya die. Or not recruiting Sherri and kill her...
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Is not heard of again in the Lawful Routeroute. {{spoiler|Not even during the scene when Cerya gets killed by the Dark Knights. Could've had an offscreen death though}}.
* [[Wide-Eyed Idealist]]: Unlike Cerya, she doesn't like staining her hands with blood to achieve her goal.
Line 447 ⟶ 495:
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad|I Hate You, Necromancer Dad]]: She has an extremely good reason to despise her dad, starting from toying with the souls of the dead, and then doing his work on Dievold...
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: {{spoiler|The body she is inhabiting actually belonged to Nybeth's deceased daughter, Amala. Oelias was Amala's mother who died along with her. In other words, she's Nybeth's wife}}.
=== Dievold Rane Obdilord (Debordes Obderhode) ===


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