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* Don't get me wrong, I love [[FUNimation]]'s [[Gag Dub]] of ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' and I [[Gushing About Shows You Like|gush at the dubbed accents of every nation, especially Germany who happens to be my favorite character]]. But one thing that pushed me into writing this entry is the dubbed short "Let's Play Soccer!" in episode 48. Basically, Germany is trying to read, but Italy continues to interrupt him by asking to play soccer. Then, Italy starts to bat Germany's hand between his own hands (to imitate a soccer ball) and suddenly makes a strange gesture. And what does Germany respond back in aggravation? He shouts at Italy, [[Dude, Not Funny|"Are you vanting me to gas you?!"]] [[Beat|Excuse me for a moment...]] the character Germany, as we all remember in the original Japanese ''Hetalia'' canon, [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|would! Never! Say! Such! Thing!]] Look, [[FUNimation]], aside from the fact that your dubbing/distribution company is based in a bigoted U.S. state -that is, y'know, Texas-, I praised you for replacing [[Four Kids Entertainment|4Kids']] horrible bowdlerized dub of ''[[One Piece]]'' with your accurate uncut dub and for giving me the hilarious gag dubs of ''[[Crayon Shin-chan]]'' and ''[[Sgt Frog]]''. But when you combined the character Germany with [[All Germans Are Nazis]] stereotypes, you're not only offending some several ''Hetalia'' fans who are probably Jewish but you're also destroying the reputation of Germany fans, including me. Thank god the [[Gag Dub]] script was toned down in later ''Hetalia'' dubbed episodes.
** You think that's bad? What about Germany's comment to South Italy earlier in episode 7? Basically, Romano (South Italy) is constantly trying to get Germany's goat. At one point he says that he's "got something for [Germany]". Germany's response? "Great. Vhat is it, another Jew?" Okay, wow. [[Dude, Not Funny|Just...wow.]] That...I don't even need to explain why that's offensive. I will give them points for historical accuracy (yes, [[Truth in Television|in real life Southern Italy did provide Nazi Germany with prisoners]]), but that doesn't excuse the offensiveness of the so-called "joke".
* AustinDR: So far, ''[[Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni]]'' has been good. The short stories were great and the characters Marie and Higanbana were interesting. However, the chapter involving Nonomiya is, in my opinion, the worst chapter. Why? Well, I explain from the beginning. A boy named Nonomiya is blamed for the destruction of school equipment in which a girl named Yoko inadvertently blamed him for. He spent his day trying to find the "truth" to who blamed him. When Higanbana refreshes his memory about Yoko, he decides to take vengeance. How? By taking stalker photos of her, that's how! He is shown to very much enjoy taking the photos of her. Soon, the entire school go against, and make her their play toy. Things get so bad that she [[Driven to Suicide|kills herself]] and her soul is eaten by the Principal Youkai. The DMoS in question is that if someone ever does you wrong, humiliate them, turn their friends and every else against him/her, and they would ultimately commit suicide. Though, he doesn't remember the guilt because the Principal erases his memory of the stalking. Still, this is so far the absolute worst chapter in the manga.
* As far as I'm a huge fan of ''[[Space Dandy]]'', episode 7 "A Race in Space is Dangerous, Baby" [[Fanon Discontinuity|never existed]]; {{spoiler|[[The Un-Reveal|we never found out who won the race]]}}. I understand that [[Gainax Ending]]s can always happen in every bizarre anime, but this one was just ridiculous!
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