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** Baron Heinrich Zemo is the leader of the Masters of Evil and has harbored a grudge against Captain America ever since he foiled his plans in World War II. Zemo relinquished control of HYDRA upon hearing of his return in the 21st century and vowed revenge against Captain America. Zemo infiltrated Avengers Mansion to steal a sample of his blood to help cure his exposure to Virus X. Upon being recruited by the Enchantress to form the Masters of Evil, Zemo quickly established himself as the team leader despite not having any superpowers. He led the Masters of Evil into a break-in of Avengers Mansion, managing to easily incapacitate most of the team. When the Enchantress unveiled her scheme to use the Norn Stones to lead the armies of the Nine Realms to conquer Earth, Zemo anticipated her eventual betrayal. After holding his own against Thor in a duel, Zemo placed a mind-control collar on the Enchantress in an attempt to control the approaching armies for himself. When she came seeking for her revenge, Zemo allied with the Avengers to take her out and kept a Norn Stone as insurance in case they failed. A massive opportunist, Zemo exploits the strengths and weaknesses of both his allies and enemies.
** Kang the Conqueror hails from the 41st century and uses his advanced tech and knowledge to conquer worlds for his own. Upon learning Captain America's actions will eventually lead to the destruction of humanity, Kang traveled back in time to kill him before that could happen. After his lover Princess Ravonna was nearly erased by a rift in time, Kang vowed to conquer the past and use his armies to protect the Earth from any potential threat. He transported the Avengers to the future to show them what their actions will cause and led an invasion after he failed to gain their cooperation. Kang conquered three-quarters of the planet before the Avengers could sneak into his warship, the Damocles. Kang was apprehended, but later escaped to bring his armies back to the past after transporting the Avengers outside of the time stream. With a cunning intellect and tech that gave even Tony Stark pause, Kang is among the most threatening opponents the Avengers have ever faced.
** The second season features the machinations of the Skrull Captain America, who really utilizes people's trust in Cap well in order to further the Skrulls' plot for Earth. Preying on the Avengers' trust in the real Cap to keep them under surveillance without Iron Man to get in the way of plans, as well as dealing with the Hulk by having him voluntarily revert to Bruce Banner and letting Gen. Ross's Hulkbuster units detain him are two instances of this star-spangled phony's magnificence in bastardry.
** Queen Veranke is the ruler of the Skrull Empire and mastermind behind the Secret Invasion of Earth. After the destruction of the Skrull homeworld, Veranke lead her people to Earth based upon an ancient prophecy. She arranged for her forces to infiltrate strategic locations on the planet using their shape-shifting abilities. The Skrulls sneaked into various government, superhero, and criminal institutions, and sent the people they replaced to a prison ship far off-world. Vernanke disguised herself as Mockingbird and found herself among Nick Fury's confidants in his hunt for the Skrulls. She able to divert attention from her spy within the Avengers by convincing Fury that Hawkeye was the Skrull instead of Captain America. With the Avengers torn apart due their mistrust in one another, Veranke launched her invasion and attempted to convince humanity to surrender using the Skrull disguised as Captain America. When that failed, she used her spies hidden within AIM to activate a satellite array to try and wipe out every human being on the planet. Managing to keep humanity in the dark until it was too late, Queen Veranke is a master of subterfuge and deception.
* ''[[Avengers Assemble]]'': Loki is once again a master at manipulating people into doing what he wants. During his introduction, Loki helped the Avengers separate Doctor Doom from the Destroyer armor, only to betray them and try to use it for himself. He later instigated a fight between Thor and the Hulk, and offered them to Hela in exchange for her Horn; allowing Loki to steal her entire army. When he was taken prisoner to Valhalla, Loki tricked Thor into setting him free and preyed on his insecurities to make him unworthy to wield Mjolnir. In "Secret Wars", Loki reformed the Cabal from behind the scenes and had them scatter the Avengers across time and space. With the Avengers gone, Loki conquered the planet with the Casket of Ancient Winters and threatened to destroy the Earth should his rule be opposed. After being betrayed by the Beyonder, Loki pretended to help the Avengers and rebuilt the Bifrost to fix the damage the Beyonder caused. Upon being given the Eye of Agamotto by Doctor Strange, Loki betrayed the Avengers and stole Odin's powers to become the most powerful magic-user in the universe. A cunning opportunist, Loki stopped at nothing in his quest for ultimate power.
* In the ''[[Guardians of the Galaxy]]'' animated series, Loki is the suave and cunning God of Mischief, and the Arc Villain of the Asgard War arc. Amidst rising tensions between Asgard and Spartax, Loki manipulates the Guardians into exposing Emperor J'Son for stealing the Cosmic Seed from Asgard years ago. In reality, Loki had stolen the Seed back from J'Son, intending to start a war between Asgard and Spartax. When Thor goes to war, Loki hijacks the Destroyer Armor and tries to eliminate his brother which would leave him Asgard's wartime leader and sole heir to the throne. Although exposed by the Guardians, Loki "redeems" himself by aiding in stopping Thanos from invading Asgard. Later imprisoned for unknown crimes, Loki forms an Enemy Mine with the Guardians when Asgard was invaded by symbiotes, only to later betray them and attempts to send the symbiotes to Midgard instead. Thwarted and captured, Loki uses a binding spell he had casted on Star-Lord earlier, influencing him to request Loki be pardoned once again. A smooth-talker and opportunist, Loki always weasels his way out of any situation, claiming to be acting for what's best for Asgard.
** Nighthawk is the leader and self-described "architect" of the Squadron Supreme. After destroying his home world when they refused to accept their rule, Nighthawk traveled to Earth and infiltrated the ranks of SHIELD. He tried to recruit Sam into his ranks and stole contingency plans he made that detailed how to defeat the Avengers, using them to great effect. Nighthawk later assembled his old team and used the Reality Stone to create a world where they were respected heroes, while the Avengers were despised supervillains. Afterwards, Nighthawk separated the Avengers and rigged their tower to teleport New York into another dimension. When Sam released the built-up energy, it was funneled into the Citadel and revived Nuke just as Nighthawk planned. The Avengers were forced to fake their deaths, and Nighthawk led the Squadron Supreme to conquer the entire world in their absence. Prepared for every possibility, Nighthawk knows how to manipulate his opponents to play right into his hands.
** N'Jadaka is the leader of the Shadow Council in the ''Black Panther's Quest'' season. Believing that T'Challa was a weak and pampered ruler, N'Jadaka sought to overthrow him by finding the Crown of Wakanda. Taking advantage of his position as Wakanda's ambassador, N'Jadaka launched an attack on Atlantis that increased hostilities between the two nations. Expanding the Shadow Council's reach to various aspects of Wakandan society, N'Jadaka hacked into the palace's security system and made them vulnerable to attack. Now calling himself Killmonger, he had Princess Zanda infiltrate the Avengers by replacing Black Widow Killmonger planned with Zanda to sabotage the peace talks with Atlantis with another attack. He convinced T'Challa to save him from Atlantean imprisonment by telling where Natasha was and took the opportunity to break out and free Bask while he was away. Once Bask became Queen of Wakanda, Killmonger served as her advisor and was ready to betray her when once he realized he couldn't manipulate her. Always one step ahead, N'Jadaka proved he was the most dangerous foe T'Challa ever faced.
* In the ''[[Guardians of the Galaxy]]'' animated series, Loki, isever the suave and cunning God of Mischief, andis the [[Arc Villain]] of the Asgard War arc. Amidst rising tensions between Asgard and Spartax, Loki manipulates the Guardians into exposing Emperor J'Son for stealing the Cosmic Seed from Asgard years ago. In reality, Loki had stolen the Seed back from J'Son, intending to start a war between Asgard and Spartax. When Thor goes to war, Loki hijacks the Destroyer Armor and tries to eliminate his brother which would leave him Asgard's wartime leader and sole heir to the throne. Although exposed by the Guardians, Loki "redeems" himself by aiding in stopping Thanos from invading Asgard. Later imprisoned for unknown crimes, Loki forms an Enemy Mine with the Guardians when Asgard was invaded by symbiotes, only to later betray them and attempts to send the symbiotes to Midgard instead. Thwarted and captured, Loki uses a binding spell he had casted on Star-Lord earlier, influencing him to request Loki be pardoned once again. A smooth-talker and opportunist, Loki always weasels his way out of any situation, claiming to be acting for what's best for Asgard.
* Discord from the opening episode of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' season 2. He's as old as-possibly older than-both Luna and Celestia and the Avatar of Disharmony that ruled Equestria in an endless maelstrom of anarchy and madness and led to the discovery of the Elements of Harmony; yet he's also one of the [[Large Ham|Largest Hams]] available, while still being incredibly sneaky and evil. By the end of the first episode, he's played ''everyone'' for fools ''without even trying'', all the while enjoying every second and relishing in the mayhem and suffering he causes. It helps greatly that he is both [[Word of God|apparently inspired by]] and shares actors with another magnificent bastard, [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Q.]]
** Queen Chrysalis is a more straightforward example. She shapeshifts into the exact lookalike of Princess Cadence in order to marry then bump off Prince Shining Armour so that she can rule Equestria. She's also an [[Emotion Eater]] who possesses the ability to gain power from other people's love. When her true identity is exposed she reveals her [[Xanatos Gambit]]: using the power she's gained from Shining Armour's love to [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|defeat Celestia]] and take Equestria by force.
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