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* [[Complete Monster]]: [[From Nobody to Nightmare|Norman Bridewell]] is an intelligent but slimy and egotistic nerd whose unassuming exterior hides a petty, vicious psychopath who will stoop to any depth to benefit himself. Debuting in the "Blood Price" two-part series premiere, Norman summons a demon to bring him everything his heart desires. Informed that each time will require a [[Human Sacrifice|blood sacrifice]], Norman doesn't care, continually asking for more. Developing an [[Stalker with a Crush|obsessive desire]] for [[Perky Goth|Coreen Ferrel]], Norman orders the demon to make her boyfriend one its victims, and then for her to love him. Duped into believing [[Demon Lords and Archdevils|Astaroth will grant this wish]], Norman happily goes along with more sacrifices, even directly ordering the demon to murder a blonde woman who rejected him when he [[Evil isIs Petty|forcibly came onto her]]. His actions cause four people's deaths by having the demon beat them senseless, [[Slashed Throat|slit their throats]] and drain their blood. Needing a final sacrifice, Norman kidnaps Coreen and tries to personally kill Vicki. Defeated and sucked into Hell, he escapes in "Norman". Now granted demonic powers, Norman rips the throat out of the man who moved into his apartment, then the elderly Camille Stokes so that he could impersonate her and trick Vicki into leading him to the three mystic artifacts he needs to complete the ritual. Murdering Henry's old friend Maurice, Norman viciously attacks Henry and kidnaps Coreen to get them to bring him the last artifact. Once again he tries again to make Vicki the final sacrifice, despite now knowing the destruction that Astaroth's release will bring.
** [[Evil Matriarch|Lavena O'Connor]], from "Deadly Departed", is a [[Wicked Witch|wicked Irish sorceress]]. While her son Magnus was in his teens, she used her dark magic to corrupt him into a killing machine, so she could profit from him. Magnus grew up to become a freelance assassin, performing several hits under his mother's guidance to pay for her lifestyle and business, before finally being caught with a severed head in his car. Angered at her son's imprisonment, as it meant she could no longer control him, Lavena forced Magnus to perform a ritual that would bar his spirit from the afterlife and then to slit his wrists. Under her power once more, Lavena used Magnus's spirit to crush the hearts of the people who took him from her: first his defense attorney, then the prosecutor, and then the judge. When her younger son Sean was investigated by the police, Lavena [[Abusive Parents|cursed him]] causing his hands and feet to melt, leaving him crippled and in agony. A monstrous [[Control Freak]], Lavena died trying to use Magnus to kill her final target, Chief Alison Crowley the officer who had arrested Magnus.
** [[Sinister Minister|Monsignor Javier Mendoza]], from "Heart of Ice" and "Heart of Fire", is the former [[Torture Technician|Grand Inquisitor]] of [[The Spanish Inquisition]], notorious for "persuading" confessions out of victims. Imprisoning Henry in 1742, Mendoza tortured him for days on end, pushing him to the brink. Upon finding him gone and his devotee Maria had been turned into a vampire, he immediately drove a stake through her heart. Vowing to [[Vampire Hunter|purge the vampires]], Mendoza tortured the secrets out of a mystic before killing him, granting him "Iluminación del Sol", a weapon which upon attachment drives eight spikes around a vampire's heart, crippling them; as well as a ritual to extend his life. After over 250 years of hunting Vampires and draining their blood for the ritual, Mendoza arrived in Toronto. Having already captured Delphine Guillaume, whom Henry sired, he tortures her then, despite [[I Lied|promising to release her]], leaves her chained up so she burns to death upon daybreak. Mendoza murders a prostitute by draining her blood, framing Henry to manipulate Mike Celluci into believing Henry is dangerous. Tricking Mike into incapacitating him, Mendoza kidnaps and brutally tortures Henry, demanding Henry confess. When the broken Henry finally does so in an attempt to save Vicki, Mendoza refuses to accept his confession and traps her in an attempt to make the out-of-control Henry kill Vicki, just to further his suffering. Despite his claims of righteousness and devotion, Mendoza constantly proved himself to only be a sadistic, fanatical [[Tautological Templar|self-justifying hypocrite]].
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