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* Jon Del Arroz [http://delarroz.com/2018/07/26/tor-books-attacks-your-humble-hispanic-author/ in a post] on his troubles with Tor Books:
{{quote| Nothing scares these people more than a minority going off the reservation and speaking out against the inherent bigotry the SJWs have. They work so hard to hide it by relentlessly talking about how they’re “protecting” us and “helping marginalized” authors. When the truth is, their bigotry runs so deep that they almost always are patronizing us as if we are unable to handle ourselves. }}
* The push against Japanese games eventually stumbled into this. As summarized in ''Gamergate life'' [//www.kukuruyo.com/comic/gamergate-life-85/ #85] [[The Rant|rant]], linking the [//web.archive.org/web/1/heatst.com/tech/vice-journo-accuses-japanese-game-developers-of-orientalism/ Heat Street comment] on [//web.archive.org/web/1/www.vice.com/read/the-invisible-people-why-asians-need-to-be-better-represented-in-video-games-950 an article in Vice Gaming]:
{{quote| The website VICE released an article where they accuse videogames of being racist towards japanese people because they show stereotyped characters. Most of the games they mention in the article are japanese games, developed by japanese companies, wirten by japanese writers, and designed by japanese artists. }}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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