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Ham and Cheese/Quotes: Difference between revisions

Added a quote about Brian Blessed's performance in Dr. Who's 'Mindwarp' from the Sixth Doctor's Trial of a Timelord Season
m (Mass update links)
(Added a quote about Brian Blessed's performance in Dr. Who's 'Mindwarp' from the Sixth Doctor's Trial of a Timelord Season)
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{{quote|"The one thing I ''do'' like about [[Sequelitis|the sequels]] is just how much fun [[Hugo Weaving]] seems to be having with the character. It's like he realized how poor the scripts were, and decided to make the best out of a bad situation."|[[Bad Movie Beatdown|Film Brain]] on [[The Matrix|Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions]].}}
{{quote|"Brian Blessed pretty much singlehandedly made “Mindwarp” watchable for me, not in spite of but because of his scenery-chewing. He’s a respected Shakespearian actor, and you can really tell that he knows he’s slumming it here. But he’s also been in his share of schlock, like the 1980 Flash Gordon movie, and he knows that when you’re given a role as inherently hammy as Yrcanos, there’s no point in turning down the volume. If the story and the dialogue are going to be this bad, at least the actors should be having fun with it."|'''Christopher Bahn on The AV Club''', discussing the second portion of Doctor Who's Trial of a Time Lord story, Mindwarp}}
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