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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Difference between revisions

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* [[Continuity Nod]]: During a ceremony, Zelda makes references to others Links' lives:
{{Quote|Whether [[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword|skyward bound]], [[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|adrift in time]], or steeped in the [[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|embers of twilight]], the sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the hero...}}
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: A rare case of a video game where this is subvertedaverted. Link cannot survive the superheated air in the [[Lethal Lava Land|Eldin]] area without magical protection (either potions or special armor) and any combustible items he carries burn quickly. The closer he is to the source of the heat, the more protection he needs. The in-game thermometer [[Readings Are Off the Scale|can't even measure the temperature there]] and just reads “{{color|red|Error}}”.
** Bomb Arrows will blow up in Link's face if he tries to use them there.
* [[Cool Sword]]: The Master Sword, of course, but there are others, like the [https://zelda.wikia.com/wiki/Ancient_Bladesaw Ancient Bladesaw]. It's [[Chainsaw Good| a ''freakin' chainsaw'']] that Link uses like a sword!
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* [[Disguised in Drag]]: In order to do ''anything'' in Gerudo Town, Link has to dress as a woman, wearing something that looks like a harem girl outfit; he's clearly embarrassed the first time he does it. Oddly, ''several'' Gerudo catch on fast to this disguise - including Princess Riju and her [[Number Two]] - but they still insist it's necessary.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Ganon does not even remotely resemble a human in this version. {{spoiler|His first battle form might be more of a [[Humanoid Abomination]] being a large bug-like [[Cyborg]] made out of Guardian parts and other Sheikah Tech, the only trace of the original Ganondorf being his red bearded face. It's revealed that he was trying to reconstruct a physical body before the battle, but all he managed was a half-rotting corpse. Ganon's final form has the title of "Hatred and Malice Incarnate", and truly fits this Trope, with Zelda stating Ganon has given up on trying to reincarnate. At least in the English version, that is. In the original Japanese version, he become this as a ''result'' of [[Gone Horribly Wrong| trying - and failing - to reincarnate himself]].}}
* [[Exposed to the Elements]]: Again, subvertedaverted. Link needs warm clothing or magic (or to be carrying a lit torch or have a flame weapon equipped) to survive blizzards and high altitudes, and the colder it is, the more protection he needs. Similarly, surviving the heat of Gerudo Desert during daytime requires cool clothing or magic (or to have an ice weapon equipped), and the hottest temperatures require twice the protection. Oddly, fireproof clothing and elixirs provide no protection from the desert heat.
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]: Zelda wears them, apparently only because it looks [[Rule of Cool|cool]].
* [[Flash of Pain]]: Not only does Link flash red while low on health (and when hit), his weapons and shields also do so (on the inventory screen) when close to breaking.
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** Talus are huge rock-monsters who yield lots of gems when destroyed.
** Kill enough mobs, and eventually silver versions of them will appear that, while harder, drop gemstones. In Master Mode, Gold varieties appear that are even tougher but drop more.
* [[Mook Maker]]: Pools of Malice spit out monsters out of their mouths when you approach.
* [[Morton's Fork]]: When you meet a traveler who is secretly a Yiga member, he or she asks Link a question, and the player has to give one out of two answers. Doesn't really matter, however, as both answers result in the Yiga attacking Link. In one case, the Yiga offers to sell Link his Mighty Bananas; if Link doesn't buy them all, the Yiga gets upset at Link for insulting his wares and attacks him. If Link ''does'' buy all 99 of them, the guy's a little happier, but still attacks Link.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: In a game that isn't that sexual, Urbosa walks around using a scarf as a skirt and using only small breastplates to cover her torso. Without mentioning the high heels.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: The evil Yiga Clan are decent fighters, but their obsession with bananas and over-the-top buffoon of a leader may lead you into thinking that they are just comical foes like the Bokoblins. {{spoiler| But then you learn about Dorian's backstory as a former Yiga Clan member. The Yiga Clan, in response to his defection, killed his wife and now threaten to kill his children if he does not give up information about Link and Kakariko Village. Even when he complies to their wishes, the clan members decide to execute him for outliving his usefulness, and would have succeeded if Link had not intervened. Despite their goofy demeanor, they are still a ruthless and murderous cult carrying out Ganon's will.}}
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Ganon, even more so than before. He's like a giant spider-demon [[Made of Evil| covered with black pus]] and a face that's [[Body Horror| a horribly deformed parody of Ganondorf's]]. Hard to mistake him this time for anything but evil.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Purah has the looks and the size of a preteen thanks to an experiment [[Gone Horribly Right]].
* [[Orange-Blue Contrast]]: Sheikah Towers glow orange until Link activates them with his Sheikah Slate, then they turn blue. Shrines have three states: All orange to start with; then when opened by Link's Sheikah Slate, the base turns blue while the tip stays orange; finally, the tip turns blue when completed.
* [[Overly Long Gag]]: Sidon swings his arm, smile, and his teeth shine. From the time you first meet him until Link has to go inside Vah Ruta, he probably already did that 12 times.


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