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Earthworm Jim (animation): Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptation Decay]]: In transition from the video game to the TV series, two villainous characters were lost: Major Mucus and Doc Duodenum for being an athropomorphic booger and an anthropomorphic body organ, repsectively. (For some reason Snott got to stay, though.) Evil the Cat's status as one of the [[Demon Lords and Archdevils]] is reduced to him simply being the ruler of a firey planet who wants to destroy the universe. They also put clothes on Peter Puppy who is a naked anthropomorphic in the game.
* [[Adorkable]]: Peter Puppy. So. Very. Much.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Most of the villains (despite their [[Card-Carrying Villain|card-carrying nature]]) possess this to an extent (Evil the Cat especially likes to balance [[Villains Out Shopping|movie nights and romantic affairs]] alongside [[For the Evulz|the torturing of minions and attempted complete and utter destruction of the universe]], for example).
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Peter is '''incredibly''' obsessed with Jim (to the point where after being separated from Jim in "''Sidekicked"'', he even performs "interpretive dance" in a dress just to show Snott how much he misses Jim) and also seems to be quite fond of cooking and cleaning for Jim and complaining about how "hideous" Jim's wallpaper is. He also wears an outfit that exposes his bare feet and partially makes him a [[Walking Shirtless Scene]].
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Peter Puppy is now Jim's right hand man.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Peter Puppy
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'''Guard 1:''' *picks up the phone* Hello, DNA lab? Whatever you guys are doing in there, ''cut it out!'' }}
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: And Jim wants Princess What's-Her-Name.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Peter has a hilariously over-the-top breakdown after Jim turns himself in to the police in ''Conqueror Worm''.
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]]
{{quote|'''Jim:''' EAT DIRT, EVERYBODY IN THE GENERAL VICINITY! *begins shooting wildly* [[Laughing Mad|AHAHA]][[Crazy Awesome|HAHAHA]][[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|HAHAHA!!!!]]}}
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* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: Princess What's Her Name.
* [[Running Gag]]: What is haggis ''made from'' again?
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Peter Puppy's '''ludicrously''' over-the-top reaction to Jim's wrongful imprisonment in ''Conqueror Worm''.
{{quote|'''Peter:''' I appreciate the fact that you're taking the time to discuss my feelings, [[Punny Name|Snott]]. How do I feel? Well, perhaps this little puppet play I've written will explain. (sticks two forks into the table) (waves salt shaker between the prongs of the forks) I am Earthworm Jim. Woe is me, for I am wrongfully imprisoned. (grabs mustard bottle) I am Peter. [[Department of Redundancy Department|Sad and unhappy]] [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe|am I]] [[Ambiguously Gay|without Jim]]. BOO HOO! BOO HOO HOO HOO!!! My life is without purpose. [[The Woobie|Emptiness wells up in my tortured soul.]] I'm going to...GOING TO...(squirts [[Unusual Euphemism|mustard]] all over the table) (grabs ketchup bottle) [[Unfortunate Name|I am Snott]]; [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|I also am indeed BLEAUGH!]] (squirts ketchup all over the table) (grabs the sugar and a jar of jelly) I'm just the sugar but I'm gonna barf too, and the [[Sanity Slippage|JELLY, JELLY BARF, JELLY BARF!!!]] (soaks his hands in the mixture and then ridiculously-theatrically displays them to the audience) [[Large Ham|BEHOLD the GOOEY SLOP of our SORROW! (smears the mixture all over his face with his hands) IT IS...SLOBBER...DAMMERUNG!!!]] ''[[Chewing the Scenery|THE TWILIGHT OF THE CONDIMENTS! WEEP FOR THEM, WEEP FOR THEIR SORROW-HO-HOHO-HOHH!!!]]'' (dunks his entire face into the mixture)
'''Snott:''' (unintelligible noises)
'''Peter:''' Yes, Snott; [[Captain Obvious|my delicate psyche '''has''' come horribly un'''glued!''']]}}
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: [[Averted]], in that Jim keeps insisting that Princess Whats-Her-Name is so '''[[Everyone Can See It|obviously]]''' his girlfriend... except nobody, not even '''''[[Oblivious to Love|the Princess]]''''' knows what he's talking about.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To, of all things, [[Dune]] and [[Pulp Fiction]].
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** Moreso in the fact that by alien standards Queen Slug-For-A-Butt is considered the pretty one while her sister Princess What's-Her-Name is considered hideously deformed. An unrelated episode featured the Princess being okay with being hit by a ray gun that turned her fat as "this look is very popular on her planet."
* [[Spinoff Babies]]: One of the mid-interval shorts was a trailer for ''Young Earthworm Jim''.
* [[Suddenly Shouting]]: Most-notably this example from ''Conqueror Worm'':
{{quote|'''Peter:''' I'm just the sugar but I'm gonna barf too, and the JELLY, JELLY BARF, JELLY BARF!!!}}
* [[Talking Animal]]: Jim, Peter Puppy
** Also practically everyone else in the entire series.


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