Videogame Culture: Difference between revisions

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* [[Oddball in the Series]] <br />One game in the series which is the "odd man out" for whatever reason.
* [[Old Man Murray]] <br />A vastly influential critical video game website.
* [[Open Roleplaying Decay]] <br />As [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s get more players, the game eventually mutates into something the original members don't like.
* [[Pause Scumming]] <br />Abusing the pause button by pausing at a specific time or pausing repeatedly.
* [[PC vs. Console]] <br />Similar to the [[Console Wars]], this is the never-ending fight between PC gamers and console gamers.
* [[Pick Up Group]] <br />Where an [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] player broadcasts a request for other gamers to join him and form a party to go adventuring.
* [[Pinball Spinoff]] <br />When a company creates a pinball game based on a successful franchise.
* [[Player-Generated Economy]] <br />Where games have a trading system that the players develop.