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(→‎M-O: Read the linked article. Trump was using his dislike of new putters as a metaphor for how he feels about gay marriage, he wasn't opposing it due to putters.)
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== G-I ==
* [[Gaslighting]]: see [[Reality Warper]] below.
** The Oxford English Dictionary placed "gaslighting" in the top words of 2018:, something The Washington Post credited Trump can(among acceptother creditsources) for ''that''.<ref>[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/16/toxic-is-oxford-dictionaries-word-year-gaslighting-techlash-are-among-runners-up/?utm_term=.eea3da958751 'Gaslighting' is a Word of the Year, 2018] ''washingtonpost.com''</ref>
{{quote|"The concept has also been applied to political contexts this year, with the term used extensively of President Donald Trump; his frequent assertions that the media are spreading ‘fake news’, and implications that his administration is the sole arbiter of truth, have led to Trump’s presidency of the United States being compared to an abusive relationship."<ref>[https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/word-of-the-year/shortlist-2018 OED shortlist, 2018] ''oxforddictionaries.com''</ref>}}
* [[Hidden in Plain Sight]]: [[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|Assuming Trump wasn't being sarcastic]] he asked Russia to hack his opponents' emails... live on TV... during a news conference.<ref>[https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-clinton-emails.html Trump Russia Clinton Emails] ''nytimes.com''</ref>
* [[Humiliation Conga]]: Trump was on the receiving end of this from [[Barack Obama]] at the end of April 2011. On Wednesday, after Trump jumped on the "birther" issue, Obama released the long sought after "long form birth certificate", making Trump look somewhat foolish (though Trump boasted about how proud he was of getting the certificate released; he probably still didn't believe it). On the Saturday, Trump was the subject of more roasting than the President at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. And finally, on the Sunday night, just to make a bad week worse for Trump, ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|Celebrity Apprentice]]'' [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|was interrupted]] for the news that Obama had ordered a successful raid and killing on Osama bin Laden.
** A documentary by [[Frontline]] has suggested that this was [[It's Personal|the moment]] that Trump decided to seriously run for President, in order to prove everyone wrong.


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