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The Karate Kid/Characters: Difference between revisions

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'''Miyagi:''' Don't know. Never been attacked by a tree. }}
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]
* [[Friend to All Children|Friend to All Children and Teenagers]]: Miyagi seems to get along more with kids and teenagers than he does with adults. He tries to become a mentor for Daniel and later Julie and is [[Papa Wolf|very protective of them]]. During the typhoon in part two, he and Daniel help rescue kids caught up in the storm. While he's fought them off before, it can also be extended to the original members of Cobra Kai. When Johnny gets strangled by Kreese, Miyagi demands him to let Johnny go. Tommy, in a [[OOC Is Serious Business|surprising move]] to his [[Hot-Blooded|usual self]], agrees with Miyagi, calmly trying to beg Kreese to let Johnny go. When assigning Julie to Babysit, [[The Gadfly|he tells the kids ahead of time]] to bombard Julie with toy balls and projectiles in an effort to [[Trickster Mentor|secretly train her.]] [[Up to Eleven|Even going so far as adding more toys]] to the house to [[Troll|mess with Julie.]]
* [[Martial Pacifist]]
* [[Nice Guy]] His coolness aside, he is a genuine nice guy who tries to help people out whenever he can. [[Beware the Nice Ones|Though make no mistake, you try to hurt someone he cares about and he'll kick your ass.]]
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