Missing Backblast: Difference between revisions

image markup, "fanfic"->"fan works"
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[[File:MissingBackblast.jpg|link=Super Robot Wars|rightframe]]
{{quote|''Recoilless rifles, aren't.''|'''Rule #2, Murphy's Law of Combat Operations'''}}
|'''Rule #2, Murphy's Law of Combat Operations'''}}
In the world of fiction, rocket-propelled weaponry create negligible, if any, backblast. The characters shown using such weapons are thus able to use rocket launchers with their backs to a wall or within an enclosed space; as if the rocket just levitates away instead of being accelerated by the thrust of a strong jet.
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* Subversion: Back when long-running furry anthology [[Furrlough]] was still military-themed, there was a one-page comic called ''Recoilless''. A pair of soldiers are retraicing their steps to find a missing rocket launcher and find it in the hands of an enemy squad, who are attempting to figure out how to use it. They load the gun and fire it, only to have the backblast kill the three soldiers standing behind the firing enemy soldier. The soldier's commander yells at him for apparently firing the gun wrong, and then has the soldier [[Too Dumb to Live|turn the rocket launcher around]]. Certain that they've now figured out how to fire their new toy, the enemy soldier's two commanding officers proudly step back to watch it fire... and are promptly blown up by the firing missile. The last remaining enemy soldier, seeing the carnage behind him, quietly sets the launcher down and sneaks away.
== [[FanficFan Works]] ==
* Averted in the [[Mass Effect]] fanfiction [[Interregnum]]. One of the stories Garrus tells Sidonis is about the time C-Sec investigated the murder of an elcor, blown out of a tower by a rocket launcher. As Garrus points out, however, "an elcor weighs an awful lot, and that means you need a big, big gun to launch one out of a window"... leaving only a handful of smoking remains of the killer behind.
* In ''[[Tiberium Wars]]'', the notes on the GDI Hammerhead mention that it had to be engineered to channel the backblast from missile launchers in order to have missile teams fire out of it - which also means that a Hammerhead gunship carrying a missile team that fires out of the compartments on board cannot have anyone else in the passenger compartment of the gunship. At several points in the story characters also have to make sure their backs are clear so they can fire missile launchers.