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* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: The film features a stellar soundtrack by Stewart Copeland of ''The Police''.
* [[Downer Ending]]: At least, the book.
* [[The Dreaded]]: The Motorcycle boy is this to all the gangs and for good reason. While Rusty James beat Biff Wilcox to submission, both gangs backing the two up stop immediately. Both scared about what he might do. Even Rusty stops wailing on BillBiff at the sight of him. The only one not, being BillBiff Wilcox, but he had the excuse of being hopped up on pills and not seeing him initially. The second BillBiff sees Motorcycle Boy, [[Oh Crap|realizing he just]] [[Too Dumb To Live|slashed Rusty James]] [[Big Brother Instinct|in front of him]], [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|he tries to run for it]]. Only for Motorcycle boy to chase him down and let his [[Meaningful Name|Motorcycle]] loose on him. Before that, it was Motorcycle Boy that started the treaty banning gang wars, which many have listened to, despite his 2 month absence.
* [[Emo Teen]]: Rusty James, and his brother to an extent.
* [[Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory]]: The Motorcycle Boy is Jesus. Consider the final moments of the film, when {{spoiler|he [[Heroic Sacrifice|sacrifices]] himself}} allowing his brother to escape to California, and far away from the unnamed town. Or should I say limbo?
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* [[Suicide by Cop]]: Somewhat. {{spoiler|The Motorcycle Boy.}}
* [[Tear Jerker]]
* [[Tranquil Fury]]: The scariest trait of Motorcycle Boy. When he returns from his two month absence to see Rusty James, Biff Wilcox and their respective gangs in a rumble, he never raises his voice when announcing himself. [[Dissonant Serenity|Nor does he even look mad]]. Yet, it's clear by the looks on the Gangs faces, that they are in big trouble for violating his treaty. Meaning that's how he always looks even when he's pissed. Even when Biff Wilcox slashes Rusty James, his face never changes, but he still pursues and destroys Biff with his Motorcycle.
{{Quote|'''Motorcycle Boy:''' What is this. Another glorious battle for the kingdom?}}
* [[The Film of the Book]]: Not ''as'' faithful as the film of [[The Outsiders]], but stunningly adapted nonetheless.
* [[Wangst]]
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