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Unreliable Narrator: Difference between revisions

(M*A*S*H pothole)
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Oktober]]'', a collection of journal entries from each of the main characters. Now, obviously, journal entries aren't going to be entirely accurate, so sometimes minor discrepancies appear. Other times though...
* The [[SCP Foundation]] website is made up largely of documents. Given the nature of the Foundation, much of it is deliberate misinformation. Also, there tends to be a lot of stuff with black marker over it and a large amount of [DATA EXPUNGED].
** There was one instance however in which all of the blacked out sections and [DATA EXPUNGED] were removed, allowing the article to be read in its entirety. Let's just say that there is a ''very, very good reason'' for those edits.
** And there there are the SCP objects that can alter either the perception of the viewer or flat out reality, so even if the narrator tries to be reliable of faithful they simply miss on whatever is really happening.
* During The Third Night of ''[[The Tale of the Exile]],'' Gaven Morren (who tells the story from a first person POV) is dosed with a potent [[Mushroom Samba|hallucinogen]]. What follows is a trip into [[Daydream Surprise]], dream logic, and [[Schrödinger's Butterfly]], helped along by {{spoiler|a character actively lying to him about events to [[Dream Apocalypse|prevent herself from disappearing]].}}
* Rather common in [[The Slender Man Mythos]]. Examples on the wiki include [[Marble Hornets|J]] and [[Dreams in Darkness|Damien]] {{spoiler|in no small part thanks to his multiple personalities}}. A possible example (via [[Alternative Character Interpretation]]) would be {{spoiler|[[Seeking Truth|Zeke Strahm]], according to the final entry in the blog.}}
** A notable example in that the recent video of ''[[Tribe Twelve]]'' 'The Envelope', there is a piece of paper torn in half that says "unrel/ narra/". Noah may not be telling us everything...
** [[Paranoia Fuel]] especially comes into play with [http://ulrycdaretodie.blogspot.com/2010/09/first-post.html Dare 2 Die] where Ulryc {{spoiler|wasn't even narrating for most of the time}}.
* The Jobe stories of the [[Whateley Universe]]. Jobe Wilkins narrates his own stories, explaining how as a handsome, dynamic, brilliant, but misunderstood bio-deviser, he has to put up with all kinds of grief from everyone else. Even within his own stories he seems to be an Unreliable Narrator. Everyone else in all other Whateley stories sees Jobe as an egocentric, inconsiderate, unattractive [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]] who might be a little short on the 'heroic' part. Still, Jobe doesn't seem to lie about events, just put his own personal spin on interpreting them.
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* Strongbad in ''[[Homestar Runner]]'' is often a pathalogical liar. Sometimes narrating events ''that just happened'' as a complete fabrication. Probably most blatantly with how he narrates to us that he successfully popped Pom Pom with a pin. Seen [http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail108.html here].
* [http://herbaldrink.deviantart.com/art/Misadventures-of-Norma-193263881 This] metafiction story discusses it, in which the [[Lemony Narrator]] is snarked at as an Unreliable Narrator because they refuse to describe an entire days' worth of travel, resulting in a literal [[Plot Hole]].
== Western Animation ==
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