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People don’t usually consider Moe to be sympathetic.
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(People don’t usually consider Moe to be sympathetic.)
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** Cartoonist Bill Watterson has supported the ambiguity of Hobbes' existence by occasionally making strips which are difficult, but not quite impossible, to explain if Hobbes was not an independent and physical entity, by having him do such things as cut Calvin's hair, help him climb trees, and on one famous occasion, tie him to a chair. A popular third take on this paradox is the theory that Calvin is a [[Reality Warper]], and that the things he imagines really do happen, as long as no one else is looking.
** Calvin's general obliviousness to the world around him, intricate, vivid fantasies and general inability to comprehend the motivations of other people are all consistent with descriptions of autism.
** Dad and Mom: Are they good people trying to raise a "difficult" child in the best way they can? Or are they boarderline abusive/neglective parents, who have no patience at all with a six-year-old with undiagnosed autism?
* [[Base-Breaking Character]]: It’s possible to criticize Moe for making bullying look like fun, seeing as he doesn’t get repercussions for his behavior.
* [[Designated Villain|Designated Villains]]: Calvin's parents, Miss Wormwood, Susie, Rosalyn and MoeRosalyn all fall into this trope at different times, since they only react to Calvin's own shenanigans (exceptin forMoe’s Moecase, whohe will torment Calvin whether provoked or not). Even Bill Watterson himself feels sympathy for Miss Wormwood, whose staid, boring teaching style is just about the least effective way to get through to a kid like Calvin. As for Moe, Watterson writes the following in the Tenth Anniversary Book: "Moe is every jerk I've ever known. He's big, dumb, ugly, and cruel. I remember school being full of idiots like Moe. [[Funny Moments|I think they spawn on damp locker room floors]]."
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Watterson had no plans for Rosalyn beyond her initial story arc, but quickly realized the way she could completely intimidate Calvin, unlike any other character, offered a rich vein of material.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: For such a philosophical strip which often mocked the concept of meaningless aggression, ''Calvin and Hobbes'' fans can be some of the most hateful, cruel people on the internet. They consider Watterson a near-literal god, and any criticism of him or the strip will lead to a backlash of epic proportions.
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