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* [[Ghostbusters|The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man]] is actually listed as a Class 7 Projected Avatar of Gozer in Tobin's Spirit Guide in the video game. Whenever it enters a new plane of existence, Gozer is given a new form and [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock|Mode Locked]] into it, but it cannot be totally destroyed, only removed from the plane.
* The Maiar ([[Big Bad|Sauron]], [[The Mentor|Gandalf]], Saruman) residing in Middle-Earth in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' can create material bodies for themselves, but when these are destroyed they can normally just make a new one, given enough time. That Saruman and Sauron can't is partly a result of the psychological degeneration that comes with a fall from grace.
* Junior Warrant Oficcer Schrödinger from ''[[Hellsing]]''. His powers and name deriving from the [[wikipedia:Schrodinger's cat|though experiment]] designed by the physic of the same name. As he is a self observing Schrödinger's cat he's everywhere and nowhere at the same time, being his body the manifestation of his self-consciusness.
* Cyborg, Hank Henshaw, from Superman. His real form is indestructible energy (he has survived being thrown into a black hole and the explosive death of the Anti Monitor, much to his chagrin). His can rebuild his trademark cybernetic kryptonian form ad infinitum.
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