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** There is also a rare example of a male Empath in the TNG episode "Tin Man" with Tam Elbrun (Harry Groener, [[Affably Evil|the Mayor]] in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Buffy]]'') as an unstable Empath that boards an alien life-form to get away from everybody else.
** Vulcan telepathy can also double as empathy, but both are limited to physical contact. (With the exception of [[Mindlink Mates|bonded couples]].)
* This is River's power in ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]''. (Well, that and [[Waif Fu]] that lets her [[One-Man Army|take down an entire room of thugs unarmed, or a combination of the two to gun down men without even looking]].) It's unusually effective as she uses it to see things she can't possibly know, but her unstable psyche means they come out as what sounds like stereotypical crazy, symbolic phrases. And of course she can also sense thoughts directly, which leads to the plot of ''[[Serenity]]''.
* In later seasons, Phoebe in ''[[Charmed]]'' developed the abilities of an empath in addition to being able to see [[Spider Sense|disjointed images of the future]]. This is one of the few times that a person with such abilities is actually referred to as an empath. Of course her powers were slightly cooler than normal empaths as all magic in ''[[Charmed]]'' is linked to emotions; control of emotions allows you to control other people's powers.
** There was a more dangerous version featured in an earlier episode. Thinking they were saving an innocent, they transferred empathy from a demon to Prue, only to find out she was feeling all the emotions, and the demon was being punished with it.
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== Videogames[[Video Games]] ==
* In ''[[Fate/stay night|Fate/hollow ataraxia]]'', the character Caren Ortensia was born with the ability to "feel" demons, which in [[Nasuverse]] are phenomena that actually (try to) take ''away'' pain from humans. Whenever anyone does something bad or hurtful near her, she feels the pain equally. In the most extreme case, [[Squick|giant spikes erupt from her body]] if Avenger even approaches her (which is why she's always covered in bandages).
* Averted (or something) in ''[[City of Heroes]]'', where Empathy just means Healing.
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** Their abilities reflect this within the actual game mechanics as well. Trace copies their opponent's ability, and Synchronize will inflict their opponent with a status effect that they're affected by.
* ''[[Galaxy Angel (video game)|Galaxy Angel]]'': Mint Blancmanche and the entire Blancmanche family. Her father has used it to become incredibly wealthy, so much so that the enemy doesn't attack Blancmanche ships probably in fear of destroying the economy.
* [[DLC]] character Javik in ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''. He can read the emotions left over in an area inhabited by an individual, and by touching someone, he can determine their personality, merits and flaws within seconds.
== Web Animation ==
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== Webcomics[[Web Comics]] ==
* In ''[[Metanoia]]'' it was recently revealed that main character Star is an empath, which makes the fact that he worked as a (very efficient) assassin even worse, or as one character put it upon realizing this: "He dies with them. Every murder is a suicide."
* Faen from the Sullisin'rune clan in ''[[Drowtales]]'' are Empaths, and known for going mad as a result. Besides [[Empathic Healer|healing]] and sensing/projecting emotions Faen turned a teacher into a vegetable mentally and seriously wounded another student when she had a [https://web.archive.org/web/20190710233307/http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?id=472 freakout] that lead to her running away to the surface. She also turned a an already dangerous, battle-trained direwolf into a [https://web.archive.org/web/20111121143721/http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=268 berserker] thanks to an emotional feedback loop of fear (from her) and anger (from the wolf), apparently instinctively, in a fit of [[Power Incontinence]].
** Her mother Ash'waren is the same, only with control over her powers and about 1000 years of experience. Due to prejudices against dark elves, she does a [[The Masquerade|masquerade]] and use her Empathy to [https://web.archive.org/web/20111121143913/http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=1253&overview=1&chibi=1&cover=1&extra=1&page=1&check=1 disguise herself] as a drowolath, an illusion she have no problem to uphold in front of a council of great and small clans of the city they live in, a crowded market and her own clan. Exactly how powerful she is is not known, and if Faen's freakout is any indication, nobody wants to find out. It was mentioned by the creators in a podcast that if she doesn't shield her emotions, her mood might affect everyone living inside the Sullissin'rune clan's [https://web.archive.org/web/20111121145834/http://www.drowtales.com/mainarchive.php?order=chapters&id=148&overview=1&chibi=1&cover=1&extra=1&page=1&check=1 town sized dome]. Did we mention that she has the [[Drowtales]] version of Temujin/Ghenghis Khan more or less wrapped around her little finger?
* Parodied in ''[[Starslip]]''. Raquel turns out to have this ability due to being a telepathic [[Hive Mind|Quel]], but when she started doing Troi's "I'm sensing emotions" schtick, she had to clarify that it wasn't the emotions of the people they were talking to, and in fact she cannot sense emotions behind the room she's in.
* Uryuom (and greater chimera) from ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' have empathic abilities they use instead of pheromones, as well as low-grade telepathy. Both are related to antennae.
* Kili of ''[[The Dragon Doctors]]'' is a shaman who doubles as a therapist (not far off from Deanna Troi of ''TNG'') and does possess certain empathic abilities. As a full-fledged shaman, though, she possesses a lot more tricks than merely stating the obvious emotional state of someone.
== Web Originals ==
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