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Dohna Dohna - Let's Do Bad Things Together: Difference between revisions

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* [[Damsel in Distress]]: Each of the heroine except Porno is captured at various points in the story and needs to be rescued. If the player does not do so at the earliest opportunity, it results in said heroine being raped.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Yammy makes peace with the Nayuta clan once they defeat her and offers Alyce to them since they had both become disposable for their creators.
* [[Defector From Decadence]]: {{Spoiler|Zappa came from the Hisamitsu bloodline. He ran away from Asougi and started his own anti-Aso clan after he finally had enough of them}}.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: Shion's [[Establishing Character Moment]] is stabbing Torataro in a pointless, childish gang fight out of sheer cruelty. Her second prominent scene is having lesbian sex with a schoolgirl. A bit later, you discover she sexually desires men as well.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Torataro thinks he doesn't get enough respect from everybody, specially since him and Zappa founded the Nayuta clan.
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* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: In Zappa's third event, he decides to pick the last pizza slice as part of a game of [[Russian Roulette]] involving pizza tempered with extremely spicy pepper. The others quickly use that fact against him as they read his facial expressions, and he is forced to pick the absolute worst option, the only one which remained.
* [[Hollywood Hacking]]: Averted. Antenna's impersonation method using radio waves is very realistic.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: When TsuinaiTsuina issues Kikuchiyo a challenge for a duel, Kikuchiyo shows up alone, knowing it's a trap, and is predictably forced to face the entire group alone, which leads to her needing to be rescued.
* [[Hospital Hottie]]: Medico's combat outfit is meant to invoke that trope, but as she points out she is not a nurse, making it an aversion.
* [[Hypocrite]]: Tsuina has the audacity to call on tradition and bloodline when Shinazu finally had enough of her bullshit and turn on her after she repeatedly flaunts their traditions for her own spiteful goal.
* [[Joke Item]]: The Nayuta Cracker, a explosive which does hilariously low damage (only 10 health points). It's useful in certain situations, because it costs no MP and if used to finish off a talent it will award "technician points" (it will do damage equal to their total HP).
* [[Jumped At the Call]]: Antenna is eager to join Nayuta the moment she is asked to by KiraKiraKira Kira and Kuma, despite having no stakes on the fight aside of personal freedom.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: {{Spoiler|Hisamitsu, the closest thing to a human antagonist, is spared. His grandmother, the one pulling his strings, appears deeply angered when Nayuta beheads the statue of the founder, but is otherwise unharmed. The foreigner who treats Alyce and Yammy like tools for his own purpose probably gets what he wants in the end and is also unharmed. About the only major antagonist who comes away worse is the Asougi corporation itself, being deep in troubles by the end, but even they may not fully go down}}.
* [[Le Parkour]]: Zappa's second event involves him practicing this, saying it's a form of opposition to Asougi.
* [[Limit Break]]: The voltage attacks, which can only be executed after a character-specific gauge is filled. That gauge can be filled by items, enemy attacks, or simply Zappa cheering his teammates up(it's one of his skills).
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