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* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|The Federation has given up on trying to retake Cascadia and the fires of liberation have been lit in other member states in response to the war crimes committed. Furthermore, the Mercenary difficulty bonus ending confirms that everyone in Sicario survived. However, Cascadia's major cities have been destroyed, leaving its future in doubt.}}
* [[Bond One-Liner]]: The [[Final Boss]] will say "Predictable" if he kills you.
* [[Boss-Only Level]]: Mission 21 is just you and the [[Final Boss]], no one else unless you use non-canonical settings.
* [[Guy in Back]]: One of the game's selling points is that the weapon systems officer found on two-seater planes is a fully-realised character of her own, Robin "President" (Prez) Kuo, rather than a nonentity like in AC.
* [[Hit So Hard the Calendar Felt It]]: After the Calamity wreaked havoc on the world, the calendar now uses "After Calamity" to mark years.
* [[Hope Spot]]: At the end of Mission 20, the Federation has signed a ceasefire with Cascadia and given up on trying to crush the independence forces. It looks like peace is finally at hand. {{spoiler|Then Crimson One suddenly returns in a prototype superfighter and burns Presidia to the ground with a barrage of cordium missiles.}} Cue Mission 21 and the [[Final Boss]].
* [[The Quisling]]: Crimson One, leader of the Crimson Team of the Federation's Peacekeepers, is a Cascadian serving the Federation in thwarting his homeland's rebellion against them.
* [[Sequel Escalation]]: Insofar as a [[Spiritual Successor]] can be considered a sequel, ''Project Wingman'' takes several AC staples [[Up to Eleven]]:
** Those [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]]s or supermassive flying wing bombers that serve as mission or arc bosses once or twice a game? Now [[Giant Mook]]s that can appear in numbers in the same mission.
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