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As the ferry of his school's field trip collides with something underwater in a dense fog, [[Ordinary High School Student|Yamada]] is thrown overboard and loses consciousness. Some time later, he awakes to find himself on a kilometer-wide [[Deserted Island|uninhabited island]]. As days pass without sign of rescue, Yamada takes matters into his own hands and sets about creating a boat as his rations steadily decrease... when he unexpectedly finds a girl from his class, Imaise Chika, swiping some. For the next few days they cooperate in their efforts to survive and escape, until something [[Time Travel|very unexpected happens]].
Later, they are joined by Shibata, an apathetic teacher at their school; Nori Kamiyama,a classmate highly infatuated with Yamada; and Imaise Miki, Chika's older sister and Nori's [[Japanese Honorifics|senpai]] in the school's Track & Field Club.
Written and drawn by Okazaki Takeshi, Let's Lagoon at first glance appears to be an [[Deus Ex Machina|arbitrarily]] [[In Medias Res|set up]] island survival/drama {manga}. A few chapters, however, things take a highly interesting turn.
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* [[Accidental Pervert]]: When Yamada and Chika [[Crash Into Hello|meet]].
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: Well, technically, the collision happened shortly after they met.
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Yamada admits in Chapter 21 he felt envy of Shibata.
* [[Imagine Spot]]: In Chapter 17, Nori has one of her and Yamada dating.
* [[Indirect Kiss]]: In Chapter 17, Nori is clearly pleasuring herself on the act of drinking from the same cup as Yamada. Miki deduces what is happens and tries to her to act more mature to no avail.
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* [[Love Confession]]: Nori confesses she loves Yamada in Chapter 18. He rejects her in Chapter 19, saying for her to give him more time.
* [[No Antagonist]]: There's no human-like, intelligent antagonist. The one obstacle is the island itself and the time travel phenomenon around it.
* [[One of the Kids]]: In chapter 21, Miki says Shibata is actually much more closer to this than what Yamada thinks.
* [[Set Right What Once Was Wrong]]: Nori develops that desire from chapter 16 onwards so she can be able to date Yamada if her love confession fails.
* {{spoiler|[[Stable Time Loop]]}}: It seems Yamada's first dream is one of these.
* [[Sweeth Tooth]]: Nori likes sweets a lot, to the point her mood quickly becomes better once she eats them.
* [[Teacher-Student Romance]]: Yamada thinks Chika and Shibata had one at first. He is quickly proven wrong.
* [[Time Paradox]]: Openly discussed in chapter 16, with the characters discussing if they can indeed change their own actions with time travel without running into this.
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