And I Must Scream/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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** He's not very pleased about this, especially when he finds out this [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|caused Aran to forget him.]]
*** Well think about it: {{spoiler|Maha}} had to sit {{spoiler|in the polearm}} for hundreds of years. He can't speak to Aran over the distance and is possibly kept sane by the thoughts of Aran coming to save him. Cue Aran walking past him several times, not noticing him. When Aran finally sees {{spoiler|Maha}} again Aran's forgotten all about him.
** Many of the heroes who were around during the Black Mage’s initial reign of terror, including the whole population of Elluel [[Would Hurt A Child|(even the children!)]] were cursed by the villain with [[Human Popsicle]] as well, and it was only through the Elf Queen's intervention (who saw this coming and tried but failed to prevent it) who used powerful spell to ease their suffering by letting them sleep until future heroes could break the curse. Zero Beta, however, wasn’t so lucky, heshe was conscious the whole time. She even lampshades this later if the player gets a bad score in an attempt to raise their crafting skill - "I was in that temple for a thousand years, and ''that'' was boring!"
** Another example, Lucid. She was a friend of Mercedes from childhood, but always believed she was [[The Unfavorite]] to their mentor, Athena Pierce. After mastering dream magic, jealously eventually caused her to forsake the elves entirely, and used dark magic to purge the memory of her from her kin. So, when the Black Mage’s curse took hold, she was exempt from the Elf Queen’s spell, remaining conscious and awake the whole time. But unlike Zero Beta, she lacked the iron will of a Transcendent, and spending centuries in this miserable condition (which ironically, ended when the Black Mage found her [[The Force Is Strong with This One|and saw potential]] in her powers) [[Non-Indicative Name| slowly drove her mad.]]
* A nice handful of people in ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep]]'' have pretty horrible fates. No worries, though. [[Messianic Archetype|Sora]]'s probably going to save 'em, along with any other good person who dies and/or disappears in the series.