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** ''[[Metroid|Zero Mission]]'' also flubs on a major spoiler point when {{spoiler|it states the certain power-ups are incompatible with your ''current'' suit.}} A simple one-word omission would have defeated an otherwise dead giveaway, though they could never have completely taken away from the fact that they wouldn't give you powerups that you could never use...
* The ''[[Jurassic Park]]'' arcade [[Rail Shooter]] game concludes with a battle against two T-Rexes while the player is riding on the back of a vehicle. When you beat the final T-Rex down to a third of his health, the creature flees and the vehicle continues driving towards the gate, leading people to assume the game is finished...but the T-Rex's health bar is still present on-screen, spoiling his eventual reappearance.
* '''007: Agent Under Fire'' allows a new player to immediately enter the multiplayer mode and see a possible player model identified as "Evil Zoe Clone" and "Griffin Clone". This is weird since much less spoilery options like "Stealth Bond" have to be unlocked. Likely a consequence of the game's ''very'' short development time.
== MMORPGs ==
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