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Kimi no Na Iowa: Difference between revisions

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* [[As the Good Book Says...]]:
** In Chapter Three, “What profit you if you save the whole world and lose your soul?!” is asked of Uileag.
** "Not one sparrow might fall to the ground outside the gods’ care, and all the hairs on our heads are numbered..."
** "Maybe those who have not seen and yet have believed are blessed..."
** Chapter Eight alludes to Peter's denial of Jesus.
** Or Energy is called "mana from Heaven" in Chapter Nine.
* [[Atomic F-Bomb]]: Combined with [[Cluster F-Bomb]] and [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!]], Uileag shouts in Chapter 39 that all the medals he gained were not "WORTH A DAMN! FUCKING! [[Country Matters|CUNT]]! THING!"
* [[Big Eater]]: Shipgirls regularly eat several times the amount normal humans do, although not to the full hundreds or thousands that their crews would have consumed previously.
* [[Bloodier and Gorier]]: Canon has almost exclusively [[Clothing Damage]], very occasional blood or injury, and only abyssals suffer [[Body Horror]]. Here, however, [[Reality Ensues]] is in play regarding the effects of high-powered naval artillery and antiship bombs, and similar to ''[[Freezing]]'', [[Clothing Damage]] is not about titillation, but comes with gore, even maiming and ''[[Terminator]]''-style degloving down to the endoskeleton.
* [[Brick Joke]]: In Chapter 17, Ayaka suggests bringing Yamashiro to a hedgehog cafe. In Chapter 29, the results of doing so are briefly shown.
* [[Cast from Hit Points]]: Self-cannibalisation to get Or Energy is a functionality introduced in Chapter Nine, though it takes a while to become relevant.
* [[The Cavalry]]: Chapter Five detours from Ayaka's POV to show the members of Amalgam Five "Gonzalez" responding to an abyssal attack.
* [[Celebrity Paradox]]:
** Chapter Six has a "Mr Solomon" get brought up who was amused by the existence of [[X-COM (Video Game)|Skyrangers and real Alien Hunters]].
** Chapter Nine mentions the existence of Shinkai, Tenmon, and what is implied to be Radwimps. Ayaka is also noted to sound like one of the voice actresses in Shinkai's body of work.
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** In Chapter 39, Uileag talks about his medals being not "WORTH A DAMN! FUCKING! CUNT! THING!"
** In Chapter 41, a destroyer accuses Ayaka (in [[Translation Convention]]ed Japanese) of being a "Fucking liar cunt!" after {{spoiler|the latter's attempt to reuse the meeting across time spell central to canon so as to speak with Yamashiro again fails.}}
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: Ayaka experiences some difficulty due to the clash between human and ship behaviours and instincts.
* [[A Day in the Limelight]]:
** Chapter Five follows Amalgam Five "Gonzalez" being [[The Cavalry]].
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** In Chapter 13, Ayaka drops her umbrella after seeing Shimakaze in the flesh for the first time.
* [[Empathy Doll Shot]]: In Chapter 22, RDML Abel recalls how her younger sister's old doll was all that had been found of her after the first abyssal attacks.
* [[Everything Is Big in Texas]]: Such a joke is made in Chapter Nine regarding the sheer size of the ostensibly ''onsen''-style repair baths.
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Shipgirls can drink oil and eat metal, though the right kind of metal matters where efficiency is concerned.
* [[Five Second Foreshadowing]]:
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* [[Godzilla Threshold]]: After the initial abyssal attacks on China out of the Yellow Sea penetrated deeply enough inland to do damage to Beijing, fatally wounding none less than the then-president, the dying man told the PLA to do whatever it took to defend the people. They turned to the [[Nuclear Option]] and succeeded. The idea of a LAMP RUB<ref>As in to summon a [[wikipedia:AIR-2 Genie|Genie]]</ref> comes up a few times later as a kind of [[Black Comedy]] [[Running Gag]], only to be used for real in Chapter 36. {{spoiler|With a massive abyssal air attack underway that a human armada has been forced to retreat from, the PLARF CO is brought to the realization that nukes are the only way to drive off the attackers before they sink the armada and turn their attention to Chinese cities once again.}}
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: What exactly happened to a would-be mugger in Chapter 40 is left ambiguous. Uileag only notices some kind of distant mess and red stains around Ayaka's mouth.
* [[Hands Go Down]]: In Chapter Nine, Stingray asks the class if they think they can juggle the requirements of spellcasting in their heads. A few hands rise. She asks further about doing so in the heat of combat. The hands drop.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]:
** Discussed in Chapter Eight -
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** The sinking of {{spoiler|Takanami occurs in the Solomon Islands from an attack led by Northampton, but not before she plays a vital part in the counterattack.}}
** The sinking of {{spoiler|Yamashiro occurs in Filipino waters}} once again, though also averted as it takes place in day from air attack rather than night from surface action.
* [[Hold Your Hippogriffs]]: Shipgirls have a tendency to use nautical substitutions for human expressions.
* [[Homage]]:
** In Chapter Three, an unknown voice(?) delivers an adaptation of the G-Man's speech from ''[[Half-Life]] 2''. It comes up again at least once more, and is implied to be given to every shipgirl.
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** In Chapter Eight, "you can rely on me more", a catchphrase of Ikazuchi from the game, is used.
** Also in Chapter Eight, a joke is made about Hitomi being a Natural Born. As related in the authors' notes, the authors had previously noted that [https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61372781 the redesigned Pacific version of Yorktown resembled Sayaka.]
* [[No Conservation of Energy]]: Shipgirls may be [[Big Eater]]s, but they don't need to eat the hundreds to thousands of men's worth of food in order to function properly.
* [[Non-Fatal Explosions]]: In Chapter One, {{spoiler|Uileag gets caught in an abyssal bombing that briefly knocks him out, but he is still able-bodied enough after he regains consciousness that he can lead multiple rescue expeditions. It takes a second bombing, which has him [[Blown Across the Room]], to inflict internal injuries that lead to a month-long coma.}} One Corpsman remarks on his luck.
* [[Out-of-Character is Serious Business]]: Even years after the Cometfall, Ayaka still finds strange that her once staunchly exclusive grandmother is willing to consider applicants to the shrine who aren't linked to the family either by blood or marriage.
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** William D Porter being a clumsy, fratricidal [[The Jinx]] is not [[Played for Laughs]] like in most other ''[[Kantai Collection]]'' stories, but instead results in her being [[The Millstone]], [[The Friend Nobody Likes]], and developing suicidal ideation from the guilt of her repeated wrongs however accidental.
* [[Recap Episode]]: A large part of Chapter Four is dedicated to covering the events of ''Your Name'' as Ayaka regains her memories of them in-universe.
* [[Running Gag]]: [[X-COM (Video Game)|"CLOSE RANGE?"]] (Allcaps mandatory)
* [[Sacrificial Lion]]: {{spoiler|Takanami}} is a major occupant of Naganami's orbit, spends several scenes together with her, and is the first shipgirl to sink a decently large number of chapters in.
* [[Snow Means Death]]: In Chapter 37, it is snowing as {{spoiler|Ayaka has a premortem conversation with Uileag.}}
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* [[Statuesque Stunner]]: Ayaka is a towering 6'8", appropriate considering how her original ship self was among the longest of its generation. Saratoga is roughly as tall/long both then and now, such that Ayaka fits into one of her spare outfits.
* [[Steel Ear Drums]]: In Chapter Three, Ayaka wonders how her eardrums are still intact after firing naval artillery.
* [[Take That]]: Chapter Nine mentions "[[Tumblr|Dumblr]] idiots of the late 2010s".
* [[Talking Is a Free Action]]: Mentioned to not be the case in Chapter Four with a mid-battle conversation only possible because of [[Time Master]]y.
* [[Technology Marches On]]: Chapter Two mentions that Ayaka uses an iPhone 9. It was written before Apple announced that they were skipping 9 and jumping straight to X.
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** "Hardware diagnostics" is used to describe Uileag-in-Ayaka's exploration of her body, as well as that of her-in-his.
** The fact that consumption of semen is the most effective means for a shipgirl to gain manpower for her crew leads to "recruitment" (as in recruiting sailors) being used extensively when shipgirl (hyper)sexuality is discussed.
* [[Viewers Are Geniuses]]: On one side is Shinkai's [[Original Flavour]] refusal to spoonfeed the viewer, combined with much drawing from the canon of his filmography. On the other is that many instances of [[Foreshadowing]] draw on knowledge of naval history and technical specifications. Put them together and this was probably inevitable.
* [[Villain Opening Scene]]: After the summary, the prologue is about the abyssal supreme commander starting the attack on humanity.
* [[Worst Aid]]: In Chapter One, Uileag briefly contemplates the wisdom or lack thereof in moving someone who's been injured. He also tells a constructionman not to remove shrapnel lest the victim bleed out faster.
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