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Kimi no Na Iowa: Difference between revisions

Seems like I forgot some words
(More tropes)
(Seems like I forgot some words)
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** In Chapter Eight, "you can rely on me more", a catchphrase of Ikazuchi from the game, is used.
** Also in Chapter Eight, a joke is made about Hitomi being a Natural Born. As related in the authors' notes, the authors had previously noted that [https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61372781 the redesigned Pacific version of Yorktown resembled Sayaka.]
* [[No Conservation of Energy]]: Shipgirls may be [[Big Eater]]s, but they don't need to eat the hundreds to thousands of men's worth of food that their ship selves' crews would have needed in order to function properly.
* [[Non-Fatal Explosions]]: In Chapter One, {{spoiler|Uileag gets caught in an abyssal bombing that briefly knocks him out, but he is still able-bodied enough after he regains consciousness that he can lead multiple rescue expeditions. It takes a second bombing, which has him [[Blown Across the Room]], to inflict internal injuries that lead to a month-long coma.}} One Corpsman remarks on his luck.
* [[Out-of-Character is Serious Business]]: Even years after the Cometfall, Ayaka still finds strange that her once staunchly exclusive grandmother is willing to consider applicants to the shrine who aren't linked to the family either by blood or marriage.
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