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* In the fluff of ''[[Outpost 2]]'', an university student meets his professor with a hearty greeting and a smile, ignoring the fact that the professor's office is filled with aerogel. And that the student is embedded in the stuff up to his waist and is hanging horizontally in the doorway.
* In ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'' you can undertake a burglary for the thieves' guild. The house's owner wakes up when you tamper with his treasure box (in his bedroom) but since he's half asleep, you convince him that you're "just the cat" and he goes back to sleep. Tamper with it again, and he'll wake up again and realize that he doesn't have a cat - so you tell him you're actually a stray that got in. At no point do you actually ''act'' like a cat, and he buys your escalating lies every time - you can't actually get caught on that quest.
* In ''[[The Very Big Cave Adventure]]'' by St Bride's School, the player needs to retrieve an item from a gully that's guarded by a rampaging bull. The bull can be persuaded to leave by simply answering "No" when it impatiently asks, "Are you still there?" The creature believes the lie because {{spoiler|it's a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|gully -bull]]}}.
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