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Xenoblade Chronicles/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Voiced by: Stephen Greif {{spoiler|and [[Adam Howden]]}} (English)
Zanza (ザンザ, Xanthe) is a giant that Shulk beholds in a vision and [[Mr. Exposition|learns the secrets of the Monado from]]. Although he is shrouded in mystery, his knowledge {{spoiler|and eventual empowerment of the Monado}} prove extremely beneficial to the party.
{{spoiler|... Until they realise that he's actually the ''real [[Big Bad]]''. The giant is actually named Arglas and was Egil's closest friend before discovering the Bionis Monado and being possessed by the evil god within: Zanza. Considered to be the soul of the Bionis, Zanza is the being responsible for all life on it and its attack on the Mechonis. Since Zanza requires a physical body to maintain his existence, being unable to remain in his spirit form forever, he has locked all life on Bionis in an endless cycle of death and rebirth: wiping out everything and creating life anew once life on Bionis reaches a certain point. This is because, if his creations evolve too much and leave the world he has created behind, then he will be without a living host and ultimately die.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster]]: He evokes this reaction in-universe. Absolutely every single character who knows of his existence regards him as completely and utterly evil and without a single redeeming quality. Not even his subjects try to defend him: they sidestep the issue altogether.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: You need to pass a reaction test to get your Visions during the fight, otherwise he'll shave off [[Fake Difficulty|colossal amounts of health]] with each attack without any warning... He'll still cause ridiculous amounts of damage, but at least this way you're prepared for it.}}
* [[Cool Sword]]: {{spoiler|Well, the Monado was his after all...}}
** {{spoiler|It eventually gets upgraded into an even bigger one when he emerges from Shulk's body.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cosmic Horror]]: He has the mindset and immense power of one.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Deity of Human Origin]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Demonic Possession]]: How he operates., possessing Monado wielder after Monado wielder}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dual-Wielding]]: ''Both'' Monado's.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Is Petty]]}}
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* {{spoiler|[[God Is Evil]]: Or, rather, ''one'' of the gods is evil.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Jerkass God]]: Good magnificent ''[[Precision F-Strike|fuck]]''! This trope does not even ''begin'' to describe him! He's basically the living embodiment of every trope associated with evil and petty gods imaginable and then some!}}
* {{spoiler|[[Humans Are the Real Monsters]]: One of only two true Humans left, and he kills the other one as soon as he awakens.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Humongous Mecha|Humongous Organic Titan]]: As the soul of the Bionis, it counts as his.}}
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. He ''tries'' to pull this on Shulk, but the reaction is a gigantic "[[Shut UP, Hannibal]]". Alvis also tries to explain this as the reason behind his actions but [[Complete Monster|certain]] [[Generic Doomsday Villain|factors]] prevent it from taking.}}
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