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Monster Girl Quest/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Awesomeness By Analysis]]: Immediately discerns Luka's fighting style simply by looking at his shoes.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|He was part of Luka's father's expedition to kill the Monster Lord. The Monster Lord surrendered herself to Luka's father and Lazarus, sacrificing herself to ensure peace between monsters and humans. Alice, however, upon witnessing her mother's death, ends up killing multiple people, convincing the human expedition that coexistence is impossible. Luka's father eventually met his end at Lazarus's hands after he found out that he was secretly sabotaging them, his faith shaken from the atrocities they have committed.}}
* [[Death Seeker]]: {{spoiler|For accidentally killing his best friend Marcellus, he tries to provoke Luka into killing him. After that fails, he attempts to have the daughter of the mother he killed years ago, Alipheese XVI, tauntingtaunts her, saying that he killed her mother and that he'll keep killing and bombing monster societies whenever he could, Alice instead [[TakeAThirdOption| takes a third optionsoption]] and tells him that she can tell he's wanting to be a martyr and instead petrifies him.}}
* [[Fallen Hero]]
* [[Jumped Off the Slippery Slope]]
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Mad Bomber]]: However, he's consistently ineffective at it, with no monsters dying to his bombs. An [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] is that {{spoiler|he's subconsciously using bombs that he knows are too weak to kill monsters, in honor of Marcellus' memory.}}
* [[Not So Different]]: When Luka lambasts him for using violence to uphold Ilias's laws, Lazarus counters by asking Luka how many monsters he himself has trampled over in pursuit of his goal of co-operation.
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]: {{spoiler| He requests for Salamander's power to hold off the forces attacking Gold Port in Chapter 3. Using such power without a contract results in him seriously injuring himself, a fact that he had known beforehand.}}
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: He's an old man whose quest to kill the Monster Lord never ended, particularly after the death of his best friends {{spoiler|and supposedly Luka's father}} at the hands of a monster.
* [[Taken for Granite]]: {{spoiler|Turned to stone by Alice so that Luka wouldn't kill him outright. It later wears off in Chapter 3 just in time for him to see Gold Port under siege.}}
===The Canaan Sisters===
A trio of carnivorous alraunes who hire themselves out as mercenaries to the plant side during the Plansect Village conflict.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]
* [[The Dreaded]]: Infamous even among other monsters for their cruelty.
* [[Evil Tastes Good]]
* [[For the Evulz]]: Why do they attack and eat sentient beings when they could subsist off water and animals? Because they enjoy it.
* [[I Am a Humanitarian]]: They see nothing wrong with eating humans and other monsters.
* [[Psycho for Hire|Psychos For Hire]]
=== Yamata no Orochi===
A legendary monster that lives in the mountains near Yamatai. The Orochi used to be sealed but has since awoken and begun demanding sacrifices in exchange for leaving the village alone.
* [[Cool Crown]]: Eight of them, in fact.
* [[Multiple Head Case]]: Fitting her myth, she has eight heads (and torsos).
* [[Non-Malicious Monster]]: The Orochi's sacrifices aren't actually killed, but spend an entire year being molested by her. This hilariously leads to dozens of men volunteering to be the sacrifice every year.
* [[Orochi]]
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* [[Blob Monster]]: An unconventional one, being made out of digestive organs.
* [[Hypocrite]]: She has the audacity to beg for her life after claiming that only the strong deserve to survive.
* [[I Am a Humanitarian]]: And proud of it too.
* [[Karmic Death]]: She is eventually killed by Alice, who points out that her own belief in survival of the fittest means she was weak and therefore deserved to die.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: One of the only monsters so far to be killed outright rather than simply sealed.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: Devours her own daughter Emily after she fails to defeat Luka.
* [[The Ojou]]: Her disguise until she unmasks herself.
* [[The Social Darwinist]]: Cassandra believes wholeheartedly in the survival of the fittest and that strong monsters should rule over weak humans.
===Alice the Eighth===
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The eighth Monster Lord, known as "Black Alice" due to being a cruel and sadistic monster who despises humans. She was defeated by the great human hero Heinrich 500 years prior to Luka's adventure. {{spoiler|Somehow still alive.}}
* [[Abstract Apotheosis]]: {{spoiler|Possibly. Her ascension as the Goddess of Chaos most likely elevated her as the embodiment of Chaos, much like Ilias or Alice I embodies Holy magic and Dark magic respectively.}}
* [[A-Cup Angst]]: Downplayed, but she does at least acknowledge her relatively small bust size in her attacks, where most major characters tend to be more impressive in this regard. Ends up being somewhat subverted though, as most of her other forms have a far bigger chest, down to her {{spoiler|Goddess of Chaos}} form dwarfing most other characters.
* [[Alice Allusion]]: Looks very much like [[Alice in Wonderland|that Alice]].
* [[Big Bad]]: One of them. {{spoiler|Considering her appearance in Paradox as the cause of Chaos itself, she could be this for the entire series.}}
* [[Bishonen Line]]: She starts looking perfectly like a human, at least on the outside. {{spoiler|But the more she taps into the power of the White Rabbit, she ends up looking more and more horrific, to the point of becoming a literal wall of flesh by the end. In her appearance in Paradox, however, she gains full control of her chaos powers and goes back to being human-like, just with added wings and tentacles.}}
** Her regular form is arguably one too compared to the other Monster Lords. She is the strongest Monster Lord in all of history (not counting Alice I), yet her body contains absolutely no non-human features at first glance.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: The only blond Monster Lord so far, and the evilest one.
* [[Broken Bird]]: According to Lilith & Lilim, Black Alice used to be a much better person (or at least, not as bad) until the hero Heinrich "destroyed her love".
* [[Complete Monster]]: Unlike the others Big Bads of the game, Black Alice has no redeeming features. At least not anymore. She willingly works with a mass-murderer of her own race, just to get a chance to take over the world for once.
* [[Creepy Child]]: She looks and acts the part, at least. Of course, she's actually hundreds of years old.
* [[Cute Witch]]: Pretends to be one in Paradox.
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: ''[[Monster Girl Quest Paradox]]'' suggests that {{spoiler|she had a romantic relationship with Heinrich, her supposed slayer.}}
* [[The Dragon]]: {{spoiler|Demoted to this after she begins working with Ilias.}}
* [[Elemental Powers]]: {{spoiler|Her final form gains the use of all four artificial Spirits, and can even cancel Luka's own if he tries to keep more than one Spirit active. Knowing how to counter each Spirit becomes vital to avoid instant death.}}
* [[Generation Xerox]]: ''[[Monster Girl Quest Paradox]]'' suggests that {{spoiler|she was just like her descendant Alice XVI, accompanying a human hero around the world.}}
* [[God of Evil]]: {{spoiler|Ends being even eviler than Ilias, once she gets to fully absorb her.}}
* [[Hijacked by Ganon]]: {{spoiler|Both a victim and a perpetrator of this. While she was built up as the final villain at the end of the original, her role is quickly taken over back by Ilias, who was a force recognized as the main villain way before Black Alice was introduced. In Paradox meanwhile, despite all the new threats introduced, it turns out that the true source of the Chaos was Black Alice herself. Not ''a'' Black Alice mind you, ''the'' Black Alice from the original timeline.}}
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]: Despite looking like a little girl, this is just a disguise and every part of her body seems to hide a predatory organ or tentacles.
* [[Leitmotif]]: The battle theme of her Final Form comes back in the trailer of the Part 2 of Monster Girl Quest Paradox.
* [[Little Miss Almighty]]: {{spoiler|A step up from the below trope, her Goddess of Chaos form not only dwarfs Ilias (and possibly Ilias' Final Form) in power but also embodies Chaos, which is the primordial void responsible for the creation of all of existence, predating even light (Ilias) and darkness (Alice I). Although she does look much more womanly and shapely than before.}}
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: Being one of the strongest Monster Lords of all time while looking like the protagonist of Alice in Wonderland certainly gives her the qualifications of one.
* [[Monster Lord]]: The eighth, and by far the worst of them.
* [[Multiversal Conqueror]]: {{spoiler|After having [[Curb Stomp Battle|very quickly]] destroyed the original timeline, she seems interested in taking over all the timelines created by her ascension.}}
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: {{spoiler|Induced by the use of White Rabbit, and each form goes through different extensions of this trope.}}
* [[Physical God]]: {{spoiler|Becomes the chaos equivalent to Ilias' light.}}
* [[Sequential Boss]]: {{spoiler|Her final fight goes through 3 different forms, with no save points in between in the translation. Each form also has a wide variety of [[One Hit Kill]] attacks.}}
* [[The Starscream]]: {{spoiler|Cooperates with Promestein so that she can overthrow and consume Ilias, become the ultimate dark lord, and conquer the world.}}
* [[Terrible Trio]]: {{spoiler|She, Ilias, and Promestein are the three main antagonists of the series.}}
* [[Trick Boss]]: {{spoiler|Set up to be the final boss of the game - even the Evaluation Meetings imply that. Her defeat results in Ilias' release and empowerment.}}
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: {{spoiler|Becomes this once she obtain full control of her chaos powers; one angel wing and one demon wing.}}
== The Chimeras ==
Fearsome monsters that appear to be made from parts taken from many different creatures. They are mysterious beings and even Alice has no idea where they come from. Eventually revealed to be the creations of Promestein, who developed them as weapons to use {{spoiler|in Ilias's plan to wipe the slate clean.}}
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Chimeras in general:
* [[Artificial Human|Artificial Monsters]]
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: Chimeras will attack anything on sight, regardless of whether they are human or monsters.
* [[Body Horror]]: The most basic Chimera has mismatched horns and eyes, multiple tongues, mismatched front and back legs, and a single wing. Other chimeras, especially the failed experiments, take this even further.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: None of the generic chimeras ever display emotion.
* [[Implacable Man]]
* [[Mix-and-Match Critters]]: All of them by definition. The basic Chimera Beast resembles a griffin in having both feline and avian parts, but also has a reptilian tail and two horns belonging to another two different animals.
* [[Out of the Inferno]]: The Chimera Dryad is barely fazed by Alice's Omega Fire attack.
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An ancient Chimera created a thousand years ago during the Monster Wars. Although she has lost some of her power since then, she is still a fearsome opponent. The Four Knights reactivate her to fight against Luka, but cannot control her, causing her to go on a rampage.
* [[Artificial Human|Artificial Monster]]
* [[Combat Tentacles]]
* [[Emotionless Girl]]
* [[Healing Factor]]: Heals herself for 3000 HP when her hit points are reduced to zero.
* [[Make Me Wanna Shout]]: Her Disrupting Roar attack, which stuns Luka if he doesn't have Sylph up.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: Her Giga Inferno attack.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To the Weapons of Final Fantasy. She even has her own [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jok6iWI1rU unique boss theme] that sounds like it belongs in that series.
=== Arc-en-Ciel===
A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Granberia, she possesses incredible strength to match and overpower Granberia's own.
* [[Bare-Fisted Monk]]: Unlike Granberia, she fights without weapons.
* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[Playing With Fire]]: She's fire-aligned like Granberia.
* [[Your Days Are Numbered]]: {{spoiler|Her immense strength comes at the price of incredible strain on her body - it is only expected to last about 5 years.}}
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A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Alma Elma, she has incredible speed and agility to outmaneuver even the Queen Succubus' attacks, and her emotional responses dialed down to nothing to render her immune to pleasure-inducing attacks.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: With emphasis on both the "Fragile" and the "Speedster". She's even faster than Alma Elma, but this speed was obtained by giving her almost no armor. {{spoiler|Once Alma Elma lands a hit, she's unable to fight any longer.}}
* [[Won't Work On Me]]: Completely immune to pleasure, to counter Alma Elma.
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A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Tamamo.
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: She can enhance her strength and durability with the power of the earth.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: To an even greater extent than Tamamo.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: {{spoiler|To Promestein, who sent her against Tamamo while knowing that the latter was actually one of the Six Ancestors. Tamamo pities her for this.}}
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A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Erubeite, she has the ability to rapidly vibrate and damage slime cells, turning them into liquid that is uncontrollable by Erubetie.
* [[Armor-Piercing Attack]]: It's mentioned that her vibrating blades are also effective at cutting through armor.
* [[Making A Splash]]: Subverted, she's the only Next Doll who doesn't use the same element as her target.
* [[Vibroweapon]]: Her specialty, allowing her to injure slimes.
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A Next Doll created by Promestein. Rather than being made to counter anyone, she is designed to breed the next generation of Next Dolls.
* [[Blow You Away]], [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: Possesses Zylphine and Gnomaren to enhance her attacks.
* [[Explosive Breeder]]: Her role, and she possesses a keen interest in reproduction.
== Side Characters ==
Luka's father, who died when Luka was a child. He's also the founder of the terrorist group Ilias Kreutz along with Lazarus, and was eventually killed by a monster. {{spoiler|Or so Luka thought. In actuality after getting [[My God, What Have I Done?|cold feet]] and warning monsters about their attacks ahead of time he is killed by Lazarus.}}
* [[The Atoner]]: {{spoiler|Began warning Ilias Kreutz's targets about their attacks ahead of time.}}
* [[Badass Normal]]: Depending on whether or not he was baptised, but even so he and his followers fought their way across the world and made it to Helgondo without Garuda. AND without the Spirits. Sylph explicitly says her last master was Heinrich... meaning Marcellus and his buddies had nothing but their own natural abilities to rely on. Which by extension means they had to be frighteningly powerful in their own right to get that far. Granted, two had enough monster blood to use some magic (they were a cleric and a wizard respectively), but still!
* [[Fallen Hero]]
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Towards the end of his life, he began to help monsters again, letting them escape Ilias Kreuz's attacks.}}
* [[Knight Templar]]: He founded Ilias Kruetz.
* [[Posthumous Character]]
===Heinrich Hein ===
A legendary Hero from 500 years ago. Heinrich successfully defeated the eighth Monster Lord, a feat which no Hero has managed to repeat. As such, he is Luka's idol.
* [[And I Must Scream]]: {{spoiler|He was sealed into the Sealed Sinners Prison by Ilias for 500 years.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Heinrich is mentioned twice during the first chapter, but far more important information about him is revealed during the second.
* [[Generation Xerox]]: Luka's journey parallels Heinrich's in many ways. ''[[Monster Girl Quest Paradox]]'' suggests that this extends to {{spoiler|being accompanied by the Monster Lord of their time.}}
* [[Posthumous Character]]
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: The circumstances surrounding Heinrich's journey have become very distorted through the ages. For instance, {{spoiler|his [[Weapon of Choice]] was the Angel Halo rather than Ilias's Goddess Sword.}}
* [[Weak But Skilled]]: Compared to Luka. He lacks Luka's {{spoiler|angelic physique}}, but is a more skilled swordsman and summoner. He's capable of dodging attacks while charging up Quadruple Giga, something Luka can't do.
=== Amira the Unfortunate Lamia===
A reverse lamia with human legs and a snake's torso. Amira often appears in towns and cities to offer helpful advice on where to go next... when she isn't hanging lampshades on something, or breaking the fourth wall, or telling [[Blatant Lies]] about herself.
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: To Luka.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: Every time Luka meets her, she claims to be suffering tremendous misfortune. Every time, it turns out to be a bunch of lies.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: All the time.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: If you don't do the sidequests required for the orbs, Amira will get them for you.
* [[Fan Disservice]]: [[Played for Laughs]].
* [[Meta Guy]]
* [[Painting the Fourth Wall]]
=== King of Sabasa===
The [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|King of Sabasa]] and father of Sara. A grizzled old man who looks more like a warrior than a ruler. {{spoiler|Turns out to be a distant descendant of the Sphinx.}}
* [[Badass Beard]]
* [[Covered in Scars]]
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: {{spoiler|His ancestor was the Sphinx who lives in the desert pyramid.}}
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: In Chapter 3, {{spoiler|he engages a high-ranking vampire in single combat, and isn't captured! He continues to avoid the vampires until Luka and Alice arrive.}}
* [[Overprotective Dad]]: Appears to be this at first, but later on in the second chapter he says that he'd rather Sara be happy than be Queen.
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* [[Badass Princess]]: Though she doesn't seem like anything special when compared to Luka, she's easily more capable than any other human we've seen.
** [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Bi The Way]]: Seems to be bisexual, having a serious crush on Granberia, but also being wiling to give Luka a blowjob {{spoiler|and potentially marry him.}}
* [[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: {{spoiler|After being (temporarily) turned into a monster in Part 2.}}
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]]
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: {{spoiler|Her bloodline is crossed with that of a powerful Sphinx, which is how she becomes so powerful when she was turned into a monster in Part 2.}}
* [[King Incognito|Princess Incognito]]: Doesn't try to hide it; Luka just doesn't realize until it's blatantly stated.
* [[Save the Princess]]: The pyramid sidequest starts out like this, but it soon becomes apparent that she was never abducted in the first place. Given that she probably would have died without Luka's help, this trope is brought back into effect just as quickly. She gets kidnapped for real in Part 2.
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A mysterious woman Luka meets in Goldport. She later turns out to be the granddaughter of the legendary Pirate Queen Selene. {{spoiler|She turns out to actually be the ghost of Selene herself, who was too filled with regret from opening the Box of Calamity to move on to the next life.}}
* [[Artifact of Doom]]: The Box of Calamity, a sealed box that contains three powerful fly demons. Selene opened the box, and it's Selena's goal to seal them up again. {{spoiler|Except Selena is actually Selene herself attempting to fix her own mistake.}}
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Pirate Girl]]
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: {{spoiler|She came back in order to fix her mistake of releasing the Beelzebubs. Her ghost body looks completely human and is entirely solid, as shown when she has sex with Luka in one potential ending}}
== Six Ancestors ==
The very first monsters created by Alice 1, by infusing her dark energy into animals. They in turn gave rise to all the monsters today. Little is revealed about them in the game, but they are major characters in ''[[Monster Girl Quest Paradox]]''
The Ancestors in general:
* [[Famous Ancestor]]
* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]: All of them sealed themselves away using the Six Ancestors' Great Seal, as part of the treaty with Ilias. {{spoiler|Only Tamamo left her seal, to instruct future Monster Lords after the tyranny of Black Alice.}}
The ancestor of succubi, who became known as the Great Whore of Babylon for her debauchery. She was the monster most hated by Ilias. She is the main villain of the anime.
* [[Dream Weaver]]: She pulls Luka into a dream in which various monsters rape him. When this fails to break him, she begins raping him herself. She mentions that each time he ejaculates, the energy from his semen will go to her. Additionally, she claims that Luka will never die in the dream, so she can rape him all she wants.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]
* [[Power Tattoo]]: Tattoos of various colors cover her body.
* [[Red Baron]]: "Great Whore of Babylon".
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: She has bright red eyes and is the villain in her first appearance.
* [[Stripperific]]: She literally only wears white ribbons/bandages.
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: She has three pairs, each pair a different color.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Despite supposedly being the ultimate succubus, Luka manages to fight back and defeat her after she's made him orgasm. This should be ''impossible'' according to both lore and gameplay.
=== Beast Ancestor===
See {{spoiler|Tamamo under the Heavenly Knights section.}}
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