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That One Attack/Video Games/Fighting Game: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable]]: The Battle of Aces'' has a few of these. Hayate's - and by extension [[Evil Twin|Material-D's]] - basic attack is a [[Beam Spam|spammable energy-ball thing]] that, once you're in range, can pretty much lock down the enemy until you run out of mana. Vita's Swallow Flier with its five homing energy balls is hard for most to swat out of the air outright and she can whore it much more than one can usually dash away from it.
* ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'' has several:
** One of the biggest ones is [[X-Men (Comic Book)|Phoenix's]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side|"Dark Phoenix"]] mode, which restores her to full health with a buttload of stronger, [[Beam Spam|projectile-launching]] attacks and a weakness (her [[Cast from Hit Points|constantly-degenerating health bar]]) that can be compensated for with relative ease.
** [[Humongous Mecha|Sentinel's]] "Strong" regular attack is a plasma beam the length of the screen. The easiest projectile to use in the game, and therefore the most commonly spammed.
** [[Street Fighter|Akuma]] is ''made'' of this. Most egregious is the [[Hurricane Kick|Zankukyaku]], a ramped up version of Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku. Note that while both attacks hit multiple times, Akuma's does more damage, which along with the [[Kamehame Hadoken|Gohadouken]], [[Shoryuken|Goshoryuken]], and the returning [[Nothing Is Scarier|Shun Goku Satsu]], combine to earn him the reputation as one of the most feared and hated opponents in the game.
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