Phantasy Spelling: Difference between revisions

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* In addition to the above vampire/vampyre example, various words in the Darkangel Trilogy have odd spellings, {{spoiler|which may be justified as corruptions of the original language of the Ancient Ones}}. Squatty underground-dwellers are [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|duaroughs]], big black birds are rhuks, scaly creatures are [[Our Dragons Are Different|dracgs]], and sweet pale-orange fruits are [[How Do You Like Them Apples?|apricoks]].
** And "lyons," "sfinxes," and (in the ''[[Firebringer Trilogy]]'') "wyches."
** Aside from the aforementioned corruptions, there is also the possibility that all of them would be, to us, [[Biological Mashup|BiologicalMashUps]]s which look sort of like their semi-namesakes. After all, the series also has [[Amazing Technicolor Population|technicolor humans]], and remember that {{spoiler|the entire place was terraformed by the Ancient Ones from Oceanus.}}
* [[Erfworld]] somewhat subverts this by [[Elmuh Fudd Syndwome|replacing many an 'r' with a 'w']], resulting in gwiffons, dwagons and spidews. When the protagonist makes note of this and asks if it shouldn't be "dragon" instead, the other characters seem to be quite weirded out by these "incredible stupid words" and state that they "really don't want to know what you call spidews in Stupidworld or whatever you call it". Note that "erf" sounds slightly like "earth". "earthworld"?
** It also has the effect of making the words sound childish, accenting the [[Crap Saccharine World|"cutesy" trappings overlaid on a rather grim world]] of [[Forever War|constant warfare]].