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'''Crump:''' Wha? ''(digs into his pocket and finds the advertisement for the drug in question)'' Oh, right, you mean this. Yup, ninety-percent success rate for weight loss among the obese... [[Sarcasm Mode|Sure sounds like a good idea.]] Oh wait… There's a disclaimer here… What does it say… It says, "Most common side effects include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, lightheadedness, dry mouth, headache, numbness, sudden, uncontrolled sweating, and rapid, uncontrolled movements in extremities. Less common side effects include seizures, high fever, impaired vision, visual hallucinations, and impotence in men. This product carries a risk of allergic reaction, and may react adversely with other medications. If you are pregnant or nursing, consult an obstetrician before using this product". Well, [[Captain Obvious|guess I don't have to worry about that last one]].}}
:* Grodus takes this further and points out something the disclaimers disregard, which is that most licensed obstetricians would discourage taking ''any'' weight loss supplements during pregnancy.
* In the [[Urban Fantasy]] [[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] fic ''[ "Shadowchasers: Blue Blood"]'', a goblin shopkeep at Cauldron's black market tries to interest Sonya in an "aphrodesiac" called “Dr. Barb’s Erotic Elixir”. Later she inspects the label on the bottle, confirming it is in fact a Love Potion:
{{quote|'''Label:''' Guaranteed to make the recipient fall head over heels (or heels over head, if you prefer) in love with whoever they receive it from, lasts one week. [[Discussed Trope| Warning: Has been known]] to make some recipients [[Yandere| jealous, obsessive, and violent towards any other potential suitors]], and in such situations, may extend duration as much as two months.
'''Sonya:''' So [[Noodle Incident| this is the stuff Stalla spiked the punch with]].}}
== [[Film]] ==