The King of Fighters/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** Ah, but he is. And he's in Terry's winpose in ''2001''/''2002'' if I remember rightly. Does this mean that Geese is alive but Rock still lives with Terry? Are they raising him together? What is it? Of course, I always got the impression that Geese was barely aware of or cared about his family anyway so it's plausible that Terry adopted him. It still doesn't make sense.
** A winquote from Terry to Billy from ''[[The King of Fighters]] 2003'' suggests that he is alive. Note, however, that in the ''[[Fatal Fury]]'' timeline, he's been officially dead since late 1995/early 1996.
*** Uh, his BIG OBVIOUS APPEARENCE in ''{{'}}96'' oughta put paid to this question.
** He's alive in the main timeline, dead in ''[[Alternate Continuity|Maximum Impact]]'' and [[Fatal Fury|his origin series]]. [[Schrödinger's Cat]] is obviously in effect here.
* Why does Iori hate Kyo so much?
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* Is Rugal Bernstein really dead?
** ''1998'' and ''2002'' were "Dream Match" installments. Rugal has not "actually" appeared since dying in 1995.
*** I know that. There are hints in the storyline games that he isn't really dead, ie. the extra art in ''{{'}}95'' that shows tanks filled with Rugal clones, the fact that his hobby is resurrection, and in ''2000'' when used as a striker, he runs off like all of the other chracters who are alive instead of fading away like the dead ones (Goenitz, the New Faces guys, Vice and Mature).
**** Given that he only appears in "Dream Matches" and that he has no involvement in the storyline since his visible death in ''{{'}}95'' he is dead for any practical purposes, regardless of his striker animation. Also, the extra art tends to be very capricious in nature and the resurrection hobby statement was probably a joke made for his ''{{'}}98'' bio sheet.
***** Why is the extra art capricious?
**** Remember the ''2000'' Strikers? Dead ones would phase out of existence after an attack. Rugal didn't... just saying...
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** I take it that means Andy's not a lover of women.
** Also keep in mind that when Andy trained with Hanzo (Mai's Grandfather), he'd been living around Mai for quite a long time. It's possible that he's just been around her so long that he just sees her more as a sister or cousin or what have you.
*** He's just one sort of character type (common in anime) or a mix of two: [[Celibate Hero]] and [[Chaste Hero]], considering the hints given in the games. Also, in the ''[[The King of Fighters]]'' series, specifically ''{{'}}99'' and ''2001'', the interactions between the couple suggest, albeit in a jokingly manner (Mai shows Andy a fake baby and he's scared), that they probably slept together at least once. Those animations were probably inspired by the fans interpretations of Andy's attitude, but since ''KOF'' uses some degree of [[Status Quo Is God]] they didn't seem to have much of an impact.
** It may be because ''KOF'' suffers from some degree of [[Status Quo Is God]], as nobody ages (unlike in ''[[Fatal Fury]]'', where the fate of most of the characters were not revealed in the last game) or changes his/her life significatively. Having Mai getting married would also probably detract from her popularity as she is currently little more than the [[Ms. Fanservice]] of the series (or any other game where she has recetly appeared).
** After 15 years (give or take a Friedman Unit), I think the cold, hard truth is that he simply isn't the marrying type. This is a man who travels thousands of miles just to find a place to train, almost certainly knows numerous languages by this point, and will fight just about anywhere... why would he want to get tied down to a family? I also remind everyone that "wife" is a vastly greater commitment than "casual eye candy and occasional booty call".
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*** I can answer this for both of you. In the ''KOF'' series, cloning is way different, as cloning refers to both injecting an already existing organism with another's DNA {K') and to creating a clone from scratch from that "clone's" DNA (k9999). But here's where the [[Mind Screw]] works: Krizalid, the afformentioned clone in the above entry, and Kula Diamond, the [[Genki Girl]] (former [[Defrosting Ice Queen]] slightly emo chick) are clones of K'. And they too were already existing organisms. The mind boggles...
** To further mind screw you, When Clone Zero [[The Reveal|revealed]] to Whip that Krizalid was a clone of K', he could have been lying. What we do know for sure is that whatever procedure NESTS uses to create their clone, their memory is always... faulty. Having said this, There is the possibility that both Krizzalid and K' were/are Whip's brother. How you may ask? Krizalid could well be [[Long-Lost Relative|the older brother of K']]. That accounts for the similar yet different physical traits the two share and Krizalid's certainty that Whip is his sister. As a side note, Why would they Manipulate Krizalid's memories to think Whip was his sister? What would they gain from that?
*** Krizalid was indeed stated to be a clone of K' in ''{{'}}99'', but there's nothing to support the theory that Kula was; the only other person cloned from K' was Nameless, who K9999 was retconned in favor of (more accurately, cloned from K' and Kyo's DNA). If anything, it's more likely that Kula, as with K', was a normal person before being infused with the Kusanagi genes, reverse engineered through the Anti-K' project to produce ice (she wears a pair of gloves not unlike the one owned by K' to regulate her power). Regardless, it is the case that much of the backstory for the NESTS saga could stand to be clearer.
*** Unless I miscomprehended it, Nameless and Isolde are more along the lines of K'; ordinary people abducted and injected with DNA. Nameless and his "brothers" (most of whom died due to a fatal combination of [[How Do I Shot Web?]] and [[Power Incontinence]]) are referred to as "K' children", and (unlike K9999, as far as I know), were not built from the ground or cloned in the conventional sense (i.e. Kyo-1 & Kyo-2 or Clone Zero).
* On top of that, why just kidnap Kyo? Why not Athena, Kensou (soldiers with psychic powers), Iori (who also wields flames), or Benimaru (electricity)?
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** Leona Heidern (debut in '96) gets a surname, which ironically means her predecessor, Heidern (introduced in '94) is only known by his surname.
* Re. the "crimson flames"... they're ORANGE, dammit. And they've never been any other color.
** Related is how they refer to Iori's flames as blue, even though in every game they've been in they're oh so obviously purple. The only times they've been blue is the intro to ''{{'}}95'' and a background element in ''{{'}}96''.
*** Er... I've never heard of the Yagami flames being anything other than purple ('cause they're cursed, and purple is a cursed color, something like that). But I suppose this is the best we can hope for...
** [[Flip-Flop of God]]. On the 10th Anniversary website, the Rival Team's story for ''{{'}}95'' specifically mentions that Iori's flames are of a pale-blue color. Then, on the website for ''XII'', they're said to be purple. The graphics in-game have ''always'' been purple. Orochi's flames are also said to be blue, but Orochi Chris' flames are the same color as Iori's ([[What Could Have Been|although they were originally going to be black]] until the devs realized that wouldn't work well against the backdrop of the last few stages in ''{{'}}97''). My best guess would be that the flames ''appear'' to be purple because red (the flames' true color, although they appear orange in the games proper) + blue (the taint of Orochi) = purple; that ''still'' doesn't explain Chris, though...
** Twisted even further by the KOF '95 opening, in which Iori's flames are very much blue.
* Iori always calls Kyo [[First-Name Basis|by his given name]] ("KYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!") but Kyo always calls him [[Last-Name Basis|by his family name]] ("Ikuse, Yagami"). Why?
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** The tournament itself did originate in the [[Fatal Fury]] series, where it was fought in one-on-one battles, if remembered correctly. As for why they didn't change it to ''Kings'' of Fighters when the team play kicked in? No idea.
* Heavy D and the rest of the USA Sports team keep on getting their invitations stolen as a [[Running Gag]], correct? Then in that case, how do those who stole the invites actually get ''into'' the tournament? Obviously, ''someone'' must have specifically written down or cataloged the names and identities of those who were invited, (for one thing, how would they where to mail the letters to otherwise?) and sent them out; if there are only supposed to be 30 or so fighters present, and a trio (or quartet, in some games,) shows up that is obviously ''not'' the USA Sports Team, (or at the least, the leader that gets the letter,) isn't ''someone'' going to notice? Aren't there checks at the gate or something? And it's not like you can just forge a letter, considering that most character's who've stolen invites from the team look ''nothing'' like the rest of the team. And even if that ''would'' work, why wouldn't they just make their own forges in the to begin with, instead of stealing invites in the first place? Or am I just thinking too much into this? :P
** Given that the American Sports Team is treated like C or even D-listers in-universe (being [[Butt Monkey|Butt Monkeys]] and all), I'd assume that the higher ups hosting those specific tournaments even don't pay that much attention to teams of lesser importance (which would make sense for Rugal in ''{{'}}95'' or NESTS in ''2000'', although it'd probably be a bit OOC for Chizuru and that could probably be handwaved by the fact that the New Faces Team turned out to be the remaining Heavenly Kings of Orochi) or overlook things. Or maybe they're bribed somehow. I dunno. Maybe we are thinking too much into this...
* Why do the [[Ko F]] matches take place around the world? Wouldn't it save a ''lot'' of time and money, (and make more sense,) to have them take place in one location? (Yes, I know that it could possibly make for a lack of variety in stages, but still.)
** Three main reasons: