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* The Shirley Sherrod [http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/07/20/agriculture.employee.naacp/index.html fiasco]. In short, Ms. Sherrod, a black employee of the USDA, gave a speech about how she nearly let her feelings about race cause her to give less help to a white farmer over 20 years ago. However, working with him taught her that such an attitude was wrong and she helped him save his farm. Andrew Breitbart played only the first couple of minutes where she admitted racism. Before she could get the rest of the story out, she was denounced by the NAACP and fired by the USDA. After it was found out Breitbart had done this, [[Bill O Reilly]], who was quite scathing toward Ms. Sherrod, offered her a sincere apology, and [[Glenn Beck]] said she should have been offered her job back. Sherrod later announced that she is suing Breitbart for slander.
** This is one that the media should've known better, as Breitbart used James O'Keefe to pull a similar slander job on an ACORN worker to make it seem that the group would be giddily happy to break the law.
*** Around eight months after the Sherrod fiasco, O'Keefe ''again'' took part in a massive quote-mining exercise to make allegations against [[National Public Radio|NPR]]. You'd expect by now that government organisations would learn to just ignore O'Keefe and Breitbart by now.
*** [[Money, Dear Boy|Ratings, dear boy]].
** For the record, Breitbart claims he did not edit the original video. He merely posted it as he received it (in its pre-edited form) and did not gain access to the full version until much later. And when he did, he posted the full version.