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Mind Screw/Fan Works: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:MindScrew.FanWorks 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:MindScrew.FanWorks, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** The Jubal Early hallucination in the "Fourth Interlude" is especially screwy for the reader, as {{spoiler|he is alive and actively hunting the crew at that point in the story.}}
* Two words - ''[[My Immortal]]''. The fic originally starts off as an [[Author Avatar]] [[Relationship Sue]] dating [[Harry Potter|Draco Malfoy]] in a gothic Hogwarts. Right aroung the bathtub scene does the story contort into a ghastly creature: Voldemort wears high heels and used to be a goth who dated Harry's owl (who is now a goth boy.) Ebony herself sleeps and tortures her way through the plot until she is given a time-travelling iPod. She is tasked with making Voldemort fall in love with her [[Love Redeems|so he could stop being evil.]] After seducing Voldemort and leading him to have sex with Hedwig in the middle of the great hall, they both travel to the future, {{spoiler|where Ebony, Draco, past!Voldemort, and Vampire have a four-way in front of Lupin and Filch for no reason. past!Voldemort then reveals that he knew about the time travelling all along, and reveals himself to be present!Voldemort. Then Snape crashes a flying car into the hall.}}
* ''[[Paradigm of Uncertainty (Fanfic)|Paradigm of Uncertainty]]'' is a classic example, starting out relatively straightforward (as much as a fic featuring a post-graduation [[Harry Potter]] as a [[James Bond]] style superspy can be, anyway) but by the time we get to the second and especially third instalments of the [[Door StopperDoorstopper|door-stopping]] trilogy it's well and truly in [[Mind Screw]] territory.
* [[Doom Repercussions of Evil|"No! I must kill the demons" he shouted. The radio said "No, John. You are the demons."]] [[And Then John Was a Zombie|And then John was a zombie.]]
** [[Peter Chimaera]]'s fics in general can often veer into this territory, particularly when the [[Rouge Angles of Satin|spelling gets so awful]] that whatever meaning his words may have had is utterly obscured. His [[Peter Chimaera Book of Hsitorical Fa Ffiction|"Book of Hsitorical FaFfiction"]] contains such gems as "Caser was dysnnrf om yjr back" in the Caesar segment, along with ''this'' behemoth in the segment on Thomas Edison:


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