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== The Lady's green powder is marijuana. ==
It's green, it creates a pleasant, drowsy feeling, and it dulls your thinking. [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]
== Tash is a Lord of Change, servant of Tzeentch, from the [[Warhammer 4000040,000]] universe. ==
He looks like a vulture and has four arms. Being worshiped by thousands comes with the job.
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* Or the Telmarines were the new rulers by right of conquest; Caspian's right to the throne was through his father, Caspian IX, whose brother Miraz killed him before usurping his (and his son's) throne.
* Given the vast number of pools in the Wood Between The Worlds, it's possible that there's more than one world of human beings out there. If so, then the humans in Archenland and so forth might descend from people who came to Narnia's world from other places than Earth. That would disqualify them as sons or daughters of Adam and Eve, and even explain why Narnians are always so specific about that ancestral tie: humans descended from, say, Alice and Bob on planet Erth/Urt/Eorth wouldn't share any blood with Frank or Helen at all.
* In the movie, Lucy tells Tumnus that her mum's name is Helen. Not that there aren't plenty of women named Helen, but being named after an ancestor is pretty common, so it could be true.
== Digory Kirke gave Harold and Alberta the [[Portal Picture]] in ''Voyage of the Dawn Treader''. ==
He may or may not have painted the picture, but he definitely made the frame out of wood from the same tree the wardrobe was made from, unknowingly making another portal. It was originally just a seascape; due to it being hidden in a spare bedroom out of sight since Alberta didn't like it, nobody ever noticed the ship sail into the frame. Due to [[Year Inside, Hour Outside]], it took a few days of Edmund and Lucy staying with their aunt and uncle and being teased by their cousin for the ship to sail a few yards, so the kids never noticed the movement until staring at it so intently on the day they fell through the portal.
== Aslan, or possibly his Dad, put the bell in the statue chamber to awaken Jadis deliberately. Or just knew about it. ==
Oh, it's possible that Jadis put the bell there herself; if someone rang it, then they'd be a possible servant, and certainly a sign of somewhere else to conquer. But Aslan seems always to know where things would go, just as the Bible predicts the apocalypse for Earth. So, maybe..?
* Aslan is pretty much stated to be another incarnation of the Christian God, so he certainly ''knew'' about Charn, Jadis and the bell, and how it'd all tie into Narnia. He could probably be given some credit for allowing it, in the same way he allowed Adam and Eve's fall, as part of some cosmic [[Xanatos Roulette]] that no one else was clued in on at the time.
** Allowed it? Indeed. Sentient creatures are allowed to make genuine choices with real consequences. It's not a plan at all - say rather (and this is gone into in ''Perelandra'') that Aslan's will, or Maleldil's, may be crossed but not ultimately frustrated. Digory's foolish action caused Narnia's Unfallen future to be lost for all time, but Aslan unfolded an alternate future in which many good and beautiful things still happened.
** The Bell and Hammer in the statue chamber, as well as the gates to the garden, were both made of gold and accompanied by poems of warning (albeit in different types of verse and rhyme), so I'm partial to the idea that the same... being... was responsible for both. Also, Aslan didn't sing Narnia into existence until after Digory had struck the bell; maybe his goal in creating Narnia was to restore the [[Balance Between Good and Evil]] that Digory had upset by awakening Jadis. Or maybe the bell awoke Aslan too.
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* [[Did Not Do the Research|Bizarre that a tyrant would give the people he created the ability to "rebel" against him AND sacrifice himself to save someone from receiving a punishment he justly deserved and simultaneously save the world from ending...]] [[Jossed]] anyway because Aslan ''did'' create the universe they inhabit! Pullman's Authority actually didn't.
** Or at least he shows up and does something as the world is created and then takes credit.
*** This may be the Wild Mass Guessing page, but [[OccamsOccam's Razor]] probably needs to come out on this one. Why would this lion appear just as the world is beginning, pretend he's singing while walking around knowing exactly the route to take to make it look like things are being formed around him? And then when he gives some animals the power to talk. According to this theory, he's a con man who convinced most of the animals that they COULDN'T talk in that moment (somehow) so that it would look like the ability came from him. Yeah, it's simpler to admit that he did create Narnia in the scene where it LOOKS like he's creating Narnia.
**** Why? Because it's the Authority's modus operandi, of course! Taking credit for things that would have happened with or without his involvement is basically half of what he does.
** About the sacrifice: Aslan clearly knew he would come back. So it's possible that to him being "sacrificed" was well worth protecting his [[Chosen One]] and winning the confrontation.
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== The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia take place in the same continuity ==
See [[The Lord of the Rings/WMG|this]]
See [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/TheLordOfTheRings this]
== Narnia is Armenia, Calormen is Turkey ==
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Think about it: I highly doubt C.S Lewis would make a [[Big Bad]], and then kill her off in the same book. Honestly, I think she was Tash's [[The Dragon|Dragon]], which would make sense logically.
== Edmund is named after his [[Black AdderBlackadder|father]]. ==
Let's look at the facts:
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== Tash' pressence nullifies Aslan's magic ==
* Aslan created the world through his magical song. Whenever Tash goes, everything dies.
* Aslan turned animals into talking animals. Talking animal ecountering Tash turns into normal animal.
* Rabadash gets turned into a donkey by Aslan and has to visit temple of Tash when his power is strongest (during national holiday in his name) to get back to normal. And if he ever leaves outside Tash's sphere of infulence, assuming Tash resides in the temple, he will turn back into a donkey again.
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== Prince Caspian is a werewolf. ==
Remember he was bitten by one? So shouldn't he have become one?
== Professor Kirke is a Time Lord, and the Wardrobe is his TARDIS. ==
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[[Category:The Chronicles Of Narnia]]
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